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Little Britain\Little Britain USA


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I used to watch the show before the new series, in fact before last night I never even knew about the existence of the Little Britain USA series... but I got caught up on all six episodes recently and I have to say I love it. Well, pretty much anything except the "hey look they're naked" scenes like the Bubbles\body-builders ones. But eh.... anyone else enjoy?

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I watched the first episode hoping it might be as funny as the original but knew as soon as I heard the canned laughter it was going to be painfully unfunny, and it was.

The old characters have become repetitive and the new ones don't offer anything... well... new. Between the bad American accents, the lame attempts at getting cheap laughs through being (mildly) offensive (the I love you more sketches), and David Walliams fetish for unnecessarily parading around in womens underwear/clothes every other scene, it just made it horrifically unbearable.

I hate being negative, but I really did think it sucked that much. The original was genius and this was just flogging a dead horse.

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I watched the first episode hoping it might be as funny as the original but knew as soon as I heard the canned laughter it was going to be painfully unfunny, and it was.

The old characters have become repetitive and the new ones don't offer anything... well... new. Between the bad American accents, the lame attempts at getting cheap laughs through being (mildly) offensive (the I love you more sketches), and David Walliams fetish for unnecessarily parading around in womens underwear/clothes every other scene, it just made it horrifically unbearable.

I hate being negative, but I really did think it sucked that much. The original was genius and this was just flogging a dead horse.

Really? I got fed up of the yeahbutnobutyeahbutnobut bollocks the first time I heard it. It had its moments, no doubt, but I don't think I'd ever call it genius, especially after the first series.

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I liked Little Britain USA during it's run here in the states on HBO. It seems like if the season was any longer it'd get really old really fast. Some of the stuff I didn't want to see again after the first time they did it but other stuff that kept going was done pretty well. The show that has taken over for it on HBO from Australia "Summer Heights High" is a lot funnier.

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I used to watch the show before the new series, in fact before last night I never even knew about the existence of the Little Britain USA series... but I got caught up on all six episodes recently and I have to say I love it. Well, pretty much anything except the "hey look they're naked" scenes like the Bubbles\body-builders ones. But eh.... anyone else enjoy?

Sorry, I watched the first episode of series 1 and thought it's Ok, has some promise, then episode 2 was basically a rerun, so was 3 and 4 and 5. The jokes are the same every episode unless a new charachter is introduced, nothing changes.

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A coworker told me about LB USA a few days ago and said it was hilarious. I managed to catch an episode last night and found it amusing at best. A few of the sketches were quite funny but overall I can't say I enjoyed it too much.

Probably worth seeing another few episodes before I make a really solid judgement.

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What people forget is that this was originally a radio show, so by the time they got to doing series 1 they just took the best ideas from the radio version. When they started writing series 2 they were left with either the shit bits of the radio or had to come up with some new characters without the comfort barrier.

They ultimately failed in creating any decent new characters

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The puking lady is possibly the worst thing in comedy. It combines excessive vomiting and racism in the hope that two vile things make a right, but I hate that it's so close to actually BEING funny if it was written FOR A COMEDY SHOW.

Now if the sketch was that everytime she found out an Asian cooked the food she threw the food away or criticized it (despite thinking it was YUM CAKE) it'd fit in with the basics of actually portraying a hypocrite racist.

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If we're talking favourites, mine is probably the guy who's always too specific, which through the magic of Youtube I've discovered is called "Mr. Mann."

If you can put up with Spanish subtitles :DPirate Memory Game.

This. Mr Mann is superb. Everything else on Little Britain is shit.

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Yeah, I LOVE Mr. Mann. Him and Tom Baker are the two best things on Little Britain, couldn't give a toss about the rest.

The best one's the bookshop. "No. For I am blind".

Although pirate-based memory game is a close second.

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