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Ollie becomes a gamer...


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So, after clearing out my wardrobe and my room, I've found a whole host of games; most of which I've never played. I don't consider myself a big video game fan, and with the exception of Final Fantasy games, I don't really play anything at all. I used to be a beast on the Tony Hawks and SD! games, but I've not owned one since Underground or SDvRAW 2006. So I've decided that with my 3 weeks off college, I'm going to put myself to the gaming industry, try and find something I like and see if I can become more than just a very, very casual gamer.

My list of games that I've never given any time to (in order of what's on my shelf...)


X-Men: Legends II: Rise of Apocolypse (never played)

Red Faction (only played multiplayer)

MGS2: Sons of Liberty (never played)

Jak & Daxter: Precursors Legacy (played once)

Devil May Cry (never played)

Red Faction II (only played multiplayer)

Enter The Matrix (played once)

MGS3: Snake Eater (never played)

Viewtiful Joe (played once)

The Warriors (never played)

The Getaway (played once)

Deus Ex (never played)


The Orange Box (only played Portal)


GTA: Vice City Stories (played once)

GTA: Liberty City Stories (played once)

And so these are the games I'll be playing over the next few weeks, and I'll be using this thread to ask for help, ask for what I should play, tips and advice and help and whatnot and generally so you guys can moan at me for never playing MGS past the original PS1 game.

So yeah, I doubt many will take an interest in this, but it should be fun.

And so I put forth my first question; what on earth should I play first?


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Lé Box Orange.

Which reminds me, one day I will play Episodes 1 and 2 from that damn game.

I need to finish MGS3 too.

Possible end boss discussion

I think I was at the last boss, it was kind of in this lowered area inside this building and I think he turned orange and was surrounded by this bullshit lightning type armour that made him invunreble. This might be what Hammy always aludes to as 'marvellous innovative gameplay' where you're supposed to turn the game off for two weeks and then he's no longer got the armour.

Best I spoiler that all things considered.

Edited by We Three Kings of Ellis
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Yeah, I'm thinking I'll give MGS2 a whirl today, see if it takes my fancy. If not, I'm gonna throw in The Warriors seeing as that seems to be pretty recommended as well. It looks like a GTA clone as well, so it should be pretty simple to get to grips with.

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Lé Box Orange.

Which reminds me, one day I will play Episodes 1 and 2 from that damn game.

I need to finish MGS3 too.

Possible end boss discussion

I think I was at the last boss, it was kind of in this lowered area inside this building and I think he turned orange and was surrounded by this bullshit lightning type armour that made him invunreble. This might be what Hammy always aludes to as 'marvellous innovative gameplay' where you're supposed to turn the game off for two weeks and then he's no longer got the armour.

Best I spoiler that all things considered.

I...have no idea what you're talking about.

The End is the boss that you can "kill" by leaving it for two weeks as he's an old man and he dies of old age, but that fight is in an outside area, huge fuckoff jungle part. I think the guy you're talking about is Volgin, who fires electricity at you, but it's not really armour, I mean, you just fucking run behind the guy and shoot him, or throw a plant that attracts electricity and he'll target that :P
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The Warriors, X-Men Legends, Orange Box, Metal Gear.

Also holy fuck how much money is that wasted if you'd had those and never played them?

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I meant end as in end of the game. I know who The End is.

Just booted up my PS2 and I apparently last saved MGS3 on 6th Feb 2006. Let's boot it up (if it will boot up, shitty old PS2) and see what happens.

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The Warriors, X-Men Legends, Orange Box, Metal Gear.

Also holy fuck how much money is that wasted if you'd had those and never played them?

Not much, really. The majority of them were second hand, pre-owned games for silly prices. Some of them were borrowed from friends and never played. Orange Box was bought purely for Portal, the PSP games have been recent purchases I've just not got round to playing (damn LEGO:Batman!). Only a couple of them were genuine purchases that I'd bought the same time as other games, and they must've just been forgotten about.

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The Warriors is a great game, especially if you've got someone to play through the main story with you. It's just a fun game.

The level where you run along the rooftops away from the High-Hats is a great gaming moment.

Edited by Jim Powers For Christmas
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Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty - Well this is a big barrel of wonderful so far, the only problem being is that I'm pretty awful at it, it scares the bejebus out of me and it's very, very involved. I love it to bits, but it doesn't seem like the best of ideas for Joe Casual. I only played for about half hour, and have just killed the dykey Russian broad with the hairy armpits. I can already tell that this game is going to take me forever and a day. So far... 8/10.

Devil May Cry - It's a total Resi Evil clone with (for some reason) puppets (seriously, wtf?) instead of zombies. It's alright. I've completed the first two missions, and whilst doing that thing where you slash the sword upwards and then shoot the baddie mid-air with the shotgun is awesomely fun, it's so far very, very, very samey. That and the opening sequence may be the campest pile of wank I've ever seen in my life ever. So far... 5/10.

Edited by Kris KringOllie
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I'm not sure i've even seen DMC being called a Resi clone.

I shall also mention that I completed MGS3 yesterday. Very Easy mode FTW. :shifty:

Edited by We Three Kings of Ellis
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It really, really is, at least it is from where I'm standing. I mean, I know they're from the same company, but the graphics are totally similar, the layout of everything, the menu screens, the fact that there's a hundred thousand "rusty keys" laying about. The description of things coming up slower than Forrest Gump. It's an alright game, but I've seen it all before and after 2 missions, I don't really have the desire to carry on any further. The opening to a game should be exciting and strong, not a campy intro movie segueing into a "COLLECT 45 RED ORBS" missions.

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