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Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2008


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Channel 4 at 9pm tonight we look back at the moments of the year. Normally Jonathan Ross is on but unsurprisingly he won't be in this one, nor will Russell Brand who has been in the last 2 Big Fat Quiz of the Years. I know Ross' suspension only refers to BBC and Brand quit, but I figure they'll be keeping clear as more than likely they're going to have a good portion of the show having the piss taken out of them

The teams this year are;

Dara O'Briain and Davina McCall. Dara will undoubtedly provide laughs as usual, Davina in principle seems like a terrible idea whereas in fact she is often alright for a few jokes herself. So we'll see how she pans out.

Sean Lock and James Corden. Sean will provide his usual humour, I used to love him but I dunno - I've gone off him a bit recently. Will probably be pretty good in this years show though. James Corden I can take or leave.. but I'll probably be in a good mood and find him quite funny.

Michael McIntyre and Claudia Winkleman. 2008 has been Michael McIntyre's year to be fair. One of the biggest stand up comedians working regularly in the UK at the minute and will definitely be fantastic, will be interesting to see how he plays off against Claudia though. Claudia I absolutely adore but quite bizarre to see her in this sort of setting. Still.. I love Claudia so not a bad word to be said.

My main issue isn't with the actual guests it's with the lack of them. The fact there's no Rob Brydon and David Mitchell this year, who in their own rights are hilarious but last year when they were a team they were absolutely fucking hilarious. Mitchell provided me with one of my favourite moments of the show last year with his "Can I just say something about the Cutty Sark?" "If you want" "...What the fuck is that!?"

Quite looking forward to the show though. Plus I doubt there'll be any of the petty humour you get with the likes of Russell Brand when there's a pretty well respected stand up comedian on each team. Anyone else going to be watching this tonight?

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I don't like the lack of Russell Brand and Noel Fielding. Who else is going to play the "We don't care if we win or lose" type of game?

In previous years it has been the serious competitive team (Brydon & Mitchell), the respected comedian with a celebrity (Wossy and ... I think Carol Vorderman), and the silly team that doesn't care (Brand & Fielding). I have always liked that three way contrast. This year it just looks like you have three teams with no real differences.

Hopefully the genius of McIntyre, the dryness of Lock, the OTT happiness of Corden, and the all-round goodness of O'Briain will complement each other. I am looking in particular to Lock and Corden, who being on the same team will present a contrast in itself.

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I'm going bowling. These lot don't interest me in the slightest.

I mean, it'll be alright if you've nothing better to do/watch. No way will it be as good as the last couple though. Russell Brand and Noel Fielding were brilliant, as was David Mitchell. There doesn't seem to be any saving grace this year.

I'd hardly call Michael McIntyre a respected comedian as well. From the little bit I've seen of him, he's mildly amusing. It just puts me completely off him the way he's seemingly only been around 2 minutes, whored himself out on every show going and then bangs out a DVD for Christmas. He also has stupid hair. <_<

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It will be the worst one yet.

McIntyre is awful. McCall is a horrible witch who shouldn't be allowed on TV. Who gives a fuck about Winkleman?

No Brand & Fielding team, which made the show last year. No David Mitchell.

Sean Lock is good, but Corden will just sit there and laugh his head off at everything he says. Dara O'Brien will be alright, no more.

Shame, I always look forward to this but I just don't see it being that great this year.

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Brand and Fielding didn't do it last year either, I thought. I could be getting confused with the Channel 4 25th Anniversary version. I would've liked Richard Adeyode on this one. I'll still watch because whilst I'm not big on Davina or that fat guy who'll spend most of his time laughing at Sean Lock's jokes like he does on 8 out of 10 Cats, it's usually a funny show and who knows, they may surprise us!

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I don't see why people are so deadset against Davina. I wanted to hate her when she guest captained on Never Mind the Buzzcocks, but I was pleasantly surprised at how well she done. And that's on NMTB where she'd have been surrounded by incompetence. I think she'll be alright on this.

And Brand and Fielding did take part in the actual BFQ last year, they were the Goth Detectives again. Other teams were Lily Allen and Jonathan Ross and then David Mitchell and Rob Brydon who were just simply fantastic. I'm not sure why people are so set against people playing it to win.

Well, they're not even really playing it to win. They're just answering the questions correctly - Mitchell and Brydon done that last year and they were absolutely hilarious. Just because they got the answers right doesn't mean they're taking it massively serious. I like that they can make jokes and keep it topical, whereas Fielding and Brand - who were funny, no doubt - would just make up random shit, which is easy to do and get a laugh out of it.

Meh, each to their own but I think it will be good tonight. Don't see any reason for people to be shitting on it already.

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It is not that getting the answers right isn't funny, but with that happening as well as Brand and Fielding doing random shit and getting the questions wrong at the same time there is no reason not to find it funny. It sort of caters to everyone. And since i like all sorts of humour, it is like being attacked from all directions with different types of 'funny', ultimately ending up in a laughing fit for me.

I am still going to watch it, and am still going to give it a chance, but i don't know where the 'alternative' type of humour is going to come from, or if it will even exist this year.

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It was pretty good, it was worth watching at least. I love James Cordon, he just seems so happy with his 15 minutes, and he always just seems as though he's genuinely enjoying himself. Dara or Michael weren't really on form tonight, which was a shame, but Jimmy, James and Sean made up for it.

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It missed Brand (he is always the front runner for the silly comedians, with Fielding in his wake).

Lock made the show for me, but no where near as funny as previous years.

John Snow did what he did best.

And Winkleman strangely attractive.

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I don't see why people are so deadset against Davina.

Heh, I got it even if no-one else did. :w00t:

I watched this the other day On Demand. It was really funny in parts, but others not so. I mean, half the stuff these guys come out with can be heard on either their DVD, or another panel show that they've appeared on.

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