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Resident Evil 5

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Well I just played the demo from PSN and it looks great, feels great and has a sense of being isolated, with a partner, in the middle of some African shanty town with crazed zombie townsfolk who want you dead. Utterly brilliant!

You can play two scenarios and can play single player or two player in the demo.. In one there's an executioner zombie character with a massive axe and in the other you end up running into a chainsaw wielding maniac straight out of Resi 4

In short, it's magnificent.

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I found the whole to be slow and clunky, not being able to move and shoot was annoying. It becomes even more frustrating when you get jumped from behind whilst aiming.

Still, the second level was ok. The first didn't have much to it, I imagine it will progress into something else in the full game.

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Control set up C feels the best I think. It takes some getting used when the rotating stick (right) is not the aiming stick so you have to switch from looking around with the right stick to aiming with the left stick when you hold down R1.

It's quite hard to see behind you and yeah you can't walk and fire BUT Resident Evil's always been like that and adds to your stress. :P

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My biggest hate with it is also the way that if they're far away from you they run up to you, but no once close they slow to a crawl.

I agree with what you say. It just made me think they were planning their attack before doing it. Still I don't like it.

The only reason I will buy this game is due to Albert Wesker and the masked person who saves Chris several times in the game.

[A guess, but might be a spoiler and reveals what could have happend to another character from the series.]

I'm serious don't read if you don't want spoilers.

I think it may be Jill myself. A rumor has it that one of the flashbacks that Chris has is when he's at a grave, which in turn is Jill's.
Edited by Sexy Lexy
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  • 1 month later...

So, impressions for Kaney, from Chapters 1-1, 1-2, and 2-1.

1. For someone who's beaten RE4 a gazillion times, RE5 definitely seems harder. Ammo is incredibly scarce, and I found myself healing a whole lot more. The Majini also seem to move faster than the granado, and the game has no qualms with throwing a constant stream of them at you most of the time. The first stage of the demo is pretty much the first main fight of the game, and you don't even have the shotty to help you. The second part of the demo happens at the end of 2-1, and I didn't have a rifle. There's no doubt they expect most of their fanbase to have gone through RE4 already, so with RE5 it just throws all whole lot of shit at you right at the start of the game.

Minor Enemy Spoilers:

Axe Guy and Chainsaw guy aside, they also have no problem with throwing entire packs of fast moving dogs at you while there's other majini around. So far I've been a pretty good damage sponge.

2. The game seems to realize its harder difficulty though, cause when you die it gives you the option of going back to the shop before dropping you back at the checkpoint. I can't help but feel it's mocking my inadequacy though :(

3. On the other hand, the added melee moves help alot. There's now a stomp option than lets you insta-kill any enemies lying on the floor. Very useful in conserving ammo when fighting solo enemies. Too bad they're so few occasion when you've got solo enemies hanging around.

4. In fact, the game seems a lot more claustrophobic than RE4. There's been quite a few segments where you basically have to hold in a certain area while majini drop down from everywhere. Kinda like the farmhouse/village bit in RE4, but with a whole lot more running around trying to find the next explosive barrel so you can conserve your ammo.

5. Sheva isn't the best AI ever, but she's not horribly bad either. Generally she'll pick her shots well, except that she has no concept of friendly fire. If you're standing in her way, she'll put a few bullets into your back. Annoying, but I managed to work around it by not standing in front of her all the time.

Minor Spoilers:

Jill's 'death' isn't even a spoiler. They make it known like, within the first 5 seconds of the game.
Edited by Gongsun Zan
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Larger spoiler (seriously, if you don't want the game spoiled, don't click it. Warning you.)

I'm serious!

Jill's the hooded person, and she's working with Wesker.

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Resident Evil hasn't been good since Resident Evil 2. Fact :shifty:

Resi 3 > Your face, there will never be an enemy I shat myself over so much as Nemesis.

To be honest, that was the one I played the least of, so you probably win on that one. The whole set-up just bored me by then.

The first one though, the first encounter with the zombies, and the dogs jumping through the windows....as a kid, that scared the poop out of me.

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