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Resident Evil 5

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My first play through I played with my friend on Hardcore difficulty, and I gotta say, Chapter 6-3 was tense and heart-pounding as fuck. One of the better experiences I've had with a game.

Just one thing though and *SPOILER FOR THE END OF THE GAME*



I can't get my head around Wesker actually dying, because his death wasn't greeted with a big fanfare from Chris, or any seeming significance. The fight itself was tense and quite frankly, mindblowing. But, when you Rocket Launcher him in the Lava he just seems to...die. I dunno, maybe its because Im a fucking shameless Wesker mark and just don't want to see him out of the series, but does anyone get the feeling that we haven't seen the end of him?
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Total play time: 7 hours 40 mins on normal difficulty.

Is that...so far, or when you completed the story?

End of the story.


Well, they didn't actually show Wesker die, so it's just as possible. After all, the lava didn't actually seem to be melting him or anything. It's entirely possible the rocket launcher just made a big splash and he was knocked away or something.
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To be fair, for all the times they've 'killed' Wesker, would you make a big fuss just because he 'died' again? I loved the amount of times you had to kill him before he stayed dead.

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Up to chapter 3-2 now, and while I'm absolutely loving the game, the inventory system is complete pants. Using the DPad to switch weapons is awesome, but the inventory in Resi 4 was miles and miles better. There's nowhere near enough space :(

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Finally completed it. 11 hours and 11 minutes, on normal difficulty. Really enjoyed it, took my time looking for stuff and taking it all in, so took a bit longer but it's cool. Only died 7 times, six of which were due to the fucking:

Reapers on the bridge deck in 6-3, where you have to open the bulkheads. I took forever to kill it because I didn't have my machine gun at that point, and when I finally did kill it, I turn around and there's another one of the bastards, stabbing Sheva in the fucking face.

Going to go back through a couple of levels, try to get enough cash to upgrade some weapons. I have the Handcannon close to being maxed out, but there's never going to be enough cash to buy and upgrade all the weapons, never ever ever. I'd like to have some unlimited ammo before attempting Professional mode >_>

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...


I rented this back last week. Great game so far, apart from a couple of annoying levels. I'm on 6-3 now, the last bit of the game, I believe. I'm not sure what's in store, but if 6-2 is anything to go by, I'm not going to like it.

Ugh, 6-2 was a bitch. I probably just suck at the game, but it took about 25 minutes to destroy the boss on that level. :/

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I did really like this game when I rented it however long ago. I thought it was a lot of fun to play alongside a buddy, but after beating it once and not liking the Mercenaries mode as much as in 4, I didn't really consider buying it. Do any of you guys still play on the 360? I'd like to buy it now that I'm working, but I'd also like to make sure I'd have some people interested in playing with me.

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I have it on the 360. I would put it in my 'currently playing' pile although I haven't touched it in about a month now. I seem to do one level, then perhaps another one and then leave it for several weeks before playing it again. I think I'm about to start 4-2 and as usual Sheva has no ammo.

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