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How is Matt Cassel exactally unproven? he had an awesome year, and for a couple game stretch was putting up better numbers then anyone. He may have been on the Patriots, but Josh McDaniels knows his comfortablity and with Denvers recievers he could have flourished for them.

Cutler is a great QB, and he will have a great career, but going after Cassel a QB you have history makes sense.

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How is Matt Cassel exactally unproven? he had an awesome year, and for a couple game stretch was putting up better numbers then anyone. He may have been on the Patriots, but Josh McDaniels knows his comfortablity and with Denvers recievers he could have flourished for them.

Cutler is a great QB, and he will have a great career, but going after Cassel a QB you have history makes sense.

He had an awesome year. ONE year. Prior to this season, he hadn't been a starting quarterback since high school. Needless to say, some people are skeptical.

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He's unproven because he did it for one year behind the best O-line in the league. with two of the best WRs in the league. At this point, he's Derek Anderson, except Anderson had less to work with. You should probably stop talking about football, because its rapidly becoming clear you don't know anything about it.

Josh McDaniels is turning out to be a great hire... for the rest of the AFC West. Cutler isn't the best QB, and he has his faults, but he's better than Cassel, and has shown he can lead a team. Trying to trade for an unproven back-up who played on what is probably the best passing offense in the league, and hadn't played since HS before that is an idiotic move in the Broncos' situation.

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He's started 16 games on a team that didn't lose a regular season game last year. He puts up great numbers in Kansas City, then I'll believe he's a good QB, but until we see how he does without a Super Bowl caliber team, there's no way to judge him fairly.

Trying to trade for him was stupid, because thats not where Denver needs to be focusing, and it leaked out and now they've pissed off a guy they shouldn't have been trying to replace in the first place. Even if they had gotten Cassel, it would have been stupid, because you would have gotten rid of a Pro Bowl QB who already has a good rhythm with his recievers and you'd be starting from scratch with a new guy.

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Yes but Cutlers Recievers (Marshall, Royal) aren't exactly leagues behind Moss and Welker.

The fact is that Cassel at certain points was doing better then Brady was doing at points during his record setting season. Cassel may not have started in an NCAA Game and only played for a superbowl calibur team but that doesn't discredit him. He still had to make the throws, sure it's easyier with a great O-Line and Great WR's. But the fact is he still had to make all those throws, he's been steadily improving behind a great QB Tutor, a Great QB and one of the best coaches of all time.

Just because you have one great year, doesn't mean you can't/won't have another, just as much as it dosen't mean you will.

And Derek Anderson is hardly to blame for all of his failures last year, his line didn't block worth a shit, his recievers didn't catch the ball, and his coach was incompetant. He isn't a bad QB he just needs a better team, he should probably find a way to go to Tampa Bay.

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Akili Smith could probably go 11-5 with the Patriots. :/

I mean I like Cassel and hope he does good, but it's not too hard to play good with the Patriots.

maybe so, but Cassel played Great and and certain parts of the season outplayed what Brady did the year before. Like those what was it three or four 400 yard passing games.

Bottom Line is, That Cassel played great, maybe anyone could have achieved that record with the Patriots, but not anyone could have played as good he did, he should have made the pro-bowl he out preformed Favre easily.

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I was actually going to give you a well thought out response about Cassel, mostly because football is my one great love, and you can ask around, I do know a good amount about it and have a good mind for it. Then I realized that you would just try and rationalize why Cassel was the next great QB in the NFL or whatever, so it wouldn't be worth my time. If you're going to try and argue that he's a proven QB, which he is clearly not (and saying he is not isn't an insult, its just a fact of life), then there's no reason to try and discuss it with you. I'd be better off trying to debate with EvilChaseK about why Big Ben is the worst QB in the league (he's not, by the by, if I was starting a team I'd actually probaby pick him as my QB) than trying to discuss this matter with you.

In short, either leave your Patriots love at the door, we have enough homers, or go away. You are not worth our time to talk with you.

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I'd be better off trying to debate with EvilChaseK about why Big Ben is the worst QB in the league (he's not, by the by, if I was starting a team I'd actually probaby pick him as my QB) than trying to discuss this matter with you.

HEY! <_<

Anyway, Cassel for Cutler, even though I'm not a big fan of Jay Cutler would be ridiculous. You take a guy who has at least proven himself to be in the top half of the league in terms of QB play and trade him for a guy who played well for one season?

That's even more asinine when you think about the fact that not only did Cassel only play well for one season, but before that he hadn't started since high school, and he played on an excellent team. Look at Cassel's performance against the Steelers for one (cool it, I'm only mentioning the Steelers because I believe it was Cassel's worst game of the year and it was the only game I saw him play outside of the Thursday night against the Jets).

When he was pressured, he played terribly. Now I'm not saying that any other QBs would've played well in that situation, but it has to make you wonder how well he'd play on a team that wasn't New England.

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I was actually going to give you a well thought out response about Cassel, mostly because football is my one great love, and you can ask around, I do know a good amount about it and have a good mind for it. Then I realized that you would just try and rationalize why Cassel was the next great QB in the NFL or whatever, so it wouldn't be worth my time. If you're going to try and argue that he's a proven QB, which he is clearly not (and saying he is not isn't an insult, its just a fact of life), then there's no reason to try and discuss it with you. I'd be better off trying to debate with EvilChaseK about why Big Ben is the worst QB in the league (he's not, by the by, if I was starting a team I'd actually probaby pick him as my QB) than trying to discuss this matter with you.

In short, either leave your Patriots love at the door, we have enough homers, or go away. You are not worth our time to talk with you.

I don't think he's the next great QB in the NFL. I'm just saying i'd rather have a guy who did great in one season over a guy who has preformed moderately or not even played in the nfl before. I'm not saying that i would have traded Cutler for Cassel, i wouldn't i like Cutler i think he is only going to get better. I was just saying that it makes sense with what has happened in prior history.

And i'd take Big Ben probably second of any QB's. not because of his talent which he has alot, i think he needs more work but because of his toughness which radiates to the rest of their team.

And it doesn't matter if someone only preformed well on a great team, that doesn't diminsh it. Thats like saying Peyton Manning isn't a top QB because he had Dallas Clark, Reggie Wayne and Marvin Harrison for those years. Or like saying Adrian Peterson isn't a good running back because of Matt Birk, Bryant McKinnie and Steve Hutchinson. The fact is he still had to preform the way he did, it may be not as challenging to do it on a Super Bowl contending team then it is on another team, but the player still needs to preform, Thats like saying Colt Brennan was a horrible QB at Hawaii and he only did good because of the system, or like saying without Urban Meyer Tim Tebow wouldn't be anything, it's baseless and pointless.

And yes i'd take Phillip Rivers over Cassel for the Pro Bowl, i overlooked him, which is wierd i actually like Phillip Rivers.

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No, it's not like that. All of those teams were poor at those positions before they came along. Before Peyton Indy's passing game was shit, Brennan played in a weak division and had constant criticism on if he could play with big teams, I'm not sure on Tim Tebow, and Adrian Peterson made the Vikings rushing game incredibly better. Matt Cassel played obviously worse than Brady in an already established system. Like I said before I think Cassel will do good, but it's absolutely nothing like those. At all. Those players benefited their teams when they took over and gave them overhauls. Matt went into a team that broke passing records the year before and played a good year.

I think Cassel will exceed in Kansas City, I'm a fan of Kansas City, but it's completely different than what you're describing.

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Are you honestly trying to say Cassel is proven because "at times" this season, he played better than Brady did "at times" last season? Thats the most ridiculous argument I think I've ever heard.

That's like saying Ryan Fitzpatrick, Ryan Leaf, or Rex Grossman are "proven" because "at times" they've played better than Brady has "at other times". Of course, those three are/were consistently bad quarterbacks.

All that said, there's absolutely NO justification for McDaniels trying to trade Cutler. He's consistently played in the top half of QBs most of his career. Why would you mess with that sort of success?

With an upgraded defense, Denver is almost automatically going to become the trendy Super Bowl pick. If they had a defense that was even a tad better than what they had last year, they would've been a playoff team. Instead, they collapsed and SD took their spot.

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Yeah, a RB that doesn't get hurt, for one. Which judging by the people they've brought in, isn't going to happen anytime soon, either.

didn't they sart like 7-8 different RB's last year? i mean really. That is a big part of the reason they didn't make the playoffs, i still say it was retarded to fire Shannahan.

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