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I like all the comments for Vince Young after the pre-season game. You know...except it's the goddamn preseason. No one tries in pre-season, except the backups desperately trying to become starters, but it doesn't happen. And if you honestly think that Jeff Fisher is letting KERRY FUCKING COLLINS helm the team at day one, you're goddamn insane.

(Of note, I've seen nothing about this on EWB. I've seen EVERYTHING about this on Twitter where people noted that "Vince Young sucks now." "Vince Young's fighting for a backup spot." One, it's the pre-season, THE TIME WHERE BACKUPS COME IN. Two, no he's not. If he sucks in the first few games, then yeah, Kerry gets the spot, but it's improbable that Young doesn't start the season.)

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I'm sorry but you really don't know what you're talking about, ROC. The only reason Kerry Collins re-signed with the team is because they said he would be the starter, otherwise he would've retired. And this article points out that it would take something drastic to happen for Young to be the starter. Collins gives them the best chance to win now as opposed to waiting for Vince Young to somehow develop into a competent QB.

And the fact is, Young IS competing for the backup spot because if the Titans were content with Young as the backup behind Collins, they wouldn't have signed Patrick Ramsey at all as they easily could've drafted somebody or signed a practice squad guy to be the third string QB.

So...yeah, you're way off on this.

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I realize that what Vick did was terrible but he has paid his dues. I know dog fighting is really bad but at the same time other players have done bad things too. I guarantee that next season when Stallworth comes back that he will be welcomed with open arms. No one will have anything bad to say about him. There have been a lot of others that have been in trouble with the law. Ray Lewis got in trouble over a Super Bowl weekend involving a gun and a shooting but he was welcomed back. No one said anything about what he did and let it go. Every one deserves a second chance.

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I really don't see how signing him really hurts the Eagles. Their offense has always been lackluster in terms of having outstanding talent so adding more talent doesn't make them worse. Plus, they have a strong enough organization that the off field stuff shouldn't be too big of a problem.

They're not a bad team and will be in the thick of things at the end of the season, like they always pretty much are.

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I don't think they are in the thick of it, there. McNabb's already fed up with dealing with the team's shit, so surely a guy two years out of the game can't take his place?

Admittedly, we can talk double standards. This debate was brought up to an intense degree by a friend of mine who argued that she had pure hatred for this decision and of course, it brought up animal cruelty. A good way through, someone else brought up that Donte Stallworth killed a man and got no punishment from the league and barely any (few months probation) from the law. Now I'm not saying I suddenly agree with the decision of either man, but god, you gotta do something with the whole "he's a killer" thing. And I will admit that it is ass-backwards that Vick will realistically be booed out of the stadium when Stallworth's crime is admittedly worse, but the sacrifice I don't think has any benefit here.

Philly's not very good, and Vick's signing (one of the few "big name" signings they've made this season) doesn't do much to change anything other than that every other team in the league's crowd will boo the shit out of the Eagles. There's not much benefit here, and maybe Vick proves me wrong, but let's not forget that the last time a team with a shoddy offense relied on Vick to run it, they went 7-9, Vick had to run the entire season to make any offense, and he barely made half of his passes.

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What? How is Philly "not very good"? They went to the NFC Championship last year and they had one of the best drafts in the league. I've never been a McNabb fan by any means but he's solid and he does well with shit talent around him but now he has Vick, Brian Westbrook, LeSean McCoy, Jeremy Maclin, DeSean Jackson (going into his 2nd year), Kevin Curtis who isn't a bad WR by any means AND they get Reggie Brown back, who missed almost all of last season. And the offense isn't going to revolve around Vick anyways, so you're talk about how the last time that happened, they sucked, is moot. He has weapons around him now that should make them better, not to mention that their defense is still very solid as they have good pass rushers and a very good secondary.

I'd stick to music if I were you. <_<

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Dammit, I forgot about the championship game and remembered that they were amazingly poor playing throughout the season. I will choose to remain brain dead through the playoffs, though.

And I realized why. Last year was such an anomalous year that the team Philly crushed in the regular season beat them in the Conference title game. God's Kurt Warner fought in a Super Bowl. It's almost an insane fluke of a year that I'm still not convinced that Philly doesn't lose its marbles this year. Poor justification to be fair, but 2008 was goddamn insane to the point that there almost has to be the obvious Giants/Pats II rematch this year.

Yeah. I tried. :(

Edited by ROC
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I'll ignore the fact that you said the Eagles aren't very good, but Donte Stallworth just got suspended for at least this season, so saying he didn't get punished by the NFL is completely false.

Now, as an Eagles fan, I don't like this move. Not that it doesn't give another weapon to a very potent offense, but I just don't like Vick. I didn't like him before the dogfighting, I didn't like him during the whole thing, and I still don't like him. It's just a personal thing more than anything else. Something about him, even now, doesn't sit right with me.

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Michael Vick, if in the form that he was, could be a very, very good signing for the Eagles.

I'm curious as to how he'll be after two years away from the league, though. Granted, none with the talent Vick has, but we've seen players miss a year or so for various reasons before and they never made any kind of impact after that (looking at you Mike Williams). He's been lifting and staying in shape, but that's not the same as being in football shape. I wonder how his body will react when he's hit for real for the first time. Should be interesting over the next month or so, that's for sure.

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