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NFL 2009


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Maybe I'm not getting your point, and I'm not being a "cock" about this. I am simply refuting your point that he wasn't given a chance. When Parcells took over he never traded or cut him, he was retained on the roster. The point is he still went to the camps and practices over those two years and have to prove himself. Just because he didn't see the field doesn't mean he wasn't given a chance. And with the selection of Pat White, and Chad Henne last year there is no need to pay his salary any more when it's obvious he's not good enough. Any GM and Coach would not simply hold him down to not give him a chance. Him remaining on the team was giving him enough of a chance. Because had he out performed anyone then he would have moved up, and he didn't. His release is warranted and he was given ample time.

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Let's not forget that they reached for him big time in the 2nd round anyways. Really, it was obvious that he would be gone when Parcells got there but they've apparently been trying to unload him for awhile now. And while that's indicative that Parcells didn't want him, it's also indicative that nobody else really wanted him either. There are a few teams in the league that could use a good #2 or even a starter but it's obvious other teams aren't that impressed either as the Dolphins were forced to finally cut the guy.

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I like John Beck, and thought he could've been very good for the Dolphins, and still think he can be a success with some other team, given a lucky break or two (that lucky break being, say, some starter's leg).

But yeah, being simply "retained" does NOT equal being "given a shot." Like Meacon said, it was obvious that he wasn't a "Parcells guy." If he was planning on getting rid of Beck, as was obvious that he was, he should've done it right after he drafted Henne (or right away, like he did with the other 1/2 of the roster). It's clear Henne was the real "Parcells guy," and would be favored in any competition between the two.

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I doubt he'll get a shot anywhere else. He's already 27 and he's not ready to start now so at best he can be a journeyman but don't expect him to be starting for a team any time soon and even if he does, it'll only be because the person(s) ahead of him got hurt.

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The NFL has confirmed it is considering a three-day draft for 2010. Thursday night would be the first round only with the second and third to follow on Friday and the remaining three rounds on Saturday. What's everybody's thoughts on this? I like it, it'll be more viewer friendly and attract more of the casual fans to at least the second and third rounds I'd have thought. I guess I don't really mind either way as long as we get it live in the UK so I don't have to follow on horrible internet feeds <_<

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I like John Beck, and thought he could've been very good for the Dolphins, and still think he can be a success with some other team, given a lucky break or two (that lucky break being, say, some starter's leg).

But yeah, being simply "retained" does NOT equal being "given a shot." Like Meacon said, it was obvious that he wasn't a "Parcells guy." If he was planning on getting rid of Beck, as was obvious that he was, he should've done it right after he drafted Henne (or right away, like he did with the other 1/2 of the roster). It's clear Henne was the real "Parcells guy," and would be favored in any competition between the two.

My point about remaining on the teams roster is that every player is given a shot. It's why players are competing on the practice field. Had he shown something in practice he would have moved up on the depth chart and so forth, but he never did. This notion that he wasn't given a fair shake because Parcells took over is asinine to me because he was still on the team, still had to come to the camps, workouts, and practices --- and never proved anything to anyone to warrant playing time or even move up on the depth chart. As I said before, had he, Parcells and Sparano would have seen the promise in him and moved him accordingly. He was given a fair deal, he just never showed anything.

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So, according to Profootballtalk.com, Brett Favre asked for his Jets release before getting it. Twice.

This means one of two things, really.

A) Brett signs one of those ceremonial one-day contracts so he can retire a Packer, or

B) Brett unretires. Again.

For his legacy's sake, I hope Brett just stays retired this time as opposed to trying to play until he dies.

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The NFL has confirmed it is considering a three-day draft for 2010. Thursday night would be the first round only with the second and third to follow on Friday and the remaining three rounds on Saturday. What's everybody's thoughts on this? I like it, it'll be more viewer friendly and attract more of the casual fans to at least the second and third rounds I'd have thought. I guess I don't really mind either way as long as we get it live in the UK so I don't have to follow on horrible internet feeds <_<

I think it's dumb. Doing the 1st round on a Thursday night means you won't have that rowdy drunken crowd atmosphere that makes it so awesome. I also think people will be less likely to watch it when it's up against actual competition on TV.

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The NFL has confirmed it is considering a three-day draft for 2010. Thursday night would be the first round only with the second and third to follow on Friday and the remaining three rounds on Saturday. What's everybody's thoughts on this? I like it, it'll be more viewer friendly and attract more of the casual fans to at least the second and third rounds I'd have thought. I guess I don't really mind either way as long as we get it live in the UK so I don't have to follow on horrible internet feeds <_<

I think it's dumb. Doing the 1st round on a Thursday night means you won't have that rowdy drunken crowd atmosphere that makes it so awesome. I also think people will be less likely to watch it when it's up against actual competition on TV.

I dunno, plenty of people tuned into Brady Quinn's epic free fall two years ago.

It's got elements of reality TV and sport, which, currently, dominate the TV landscape.

All in all, expect it to happen. The NFL is on top of the sports world right now as far as revenue and fan base goes. If the NFL doesn't get the ratings they like or expect, they can always go back to the current format. It's an experiment where the rewards far outweigh the risks.

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I wouldn't put it out of the question. They still want to offer him the marketing deal that they offered to him last year and it's quite clear that he's a Packer and will forever be one. And let's not forget that they weren't exactly innocent in all of it either.

But as far as the draft goes, PatDaMan, you proved naiwf's point because the draft has always been on a weekend, so of course people will tune in but if it's against say...The Office or any other Thursday night titan, they're going to lose a certain amount of viewers. Not to mention, that he's right, it's a dumb idea. If anything, it should go back to having it on all weekend like it was a few years ago, the 4 PM start was annoying to me. If anything's changed about it, I think they should rotate where they host it. I understand that they've had it Radio City Music Hall for god knows how long but changing the location would allow more fans to be able to attend, especially in an economy where people aren't going to shell out of the cash to get a flight to New York, etc.

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I wouldn't put it out of the question. They still want to offer him the marketing deal that they offered to him last year and it's quite clear that he's a Packer and will forever be one. And let's not forget that they weren't exactly innocent in all of it either.

But as far as the draft goes, PatDaMan, you proved naiwf's point because the draft has always been on a weekend, so of course people will tune in but if it's against say...The Office or any other Thursday night titan, they're going to lose a certain amount of viewers. Not to mention, that he's right, it's a dumb idea. If anything, it should go back to having it on all weekend like it was a few years ago, the 4 PM start was annoying to me. If anything's changed about it, I think they should rotate where they host it. I understand that they've had it Radio City Music Hall for god knows how long but changing the location would allow more fans to be able to attend, especially in an economy where people aren't going to shell out of the cash to get a flight to New York, etc.

I forgot where, but I do remember hearing that Goodell was also thinking about moving the draft around 4/5 locations on a constant rotation (I think MGM Grand in Vegas was a possible destination?), and I say that's far more likely to happen than the draft being moved to primetime.

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Draft has to stay in New York, where else will the Dallas Cowboys pick be mercilessly booed by a bunch of idiots? Its my favorite part of the draft besides Jet fans freaking out.

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