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Nightmare on Elm Street Reboot


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So another picture has surfaced... found it on DreadCentral, no idea if it's legit or not... here you go...


Just a link... so don't go there if you don't want to see it.

Personally... ehh. Not so impressed, but still optimistic.

Not real, sir.

That image made the rounds after somebody Photoshopped it from this image of Jackie Earle Haley from the movie, Little Children.

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So another picture has surfaced... found it on DreadCentral, no idea if it's legit or not... here you go...


Just a link... so don't go there if you don't want to see it.

Personally... ehh. Not so impressed, but still optimistic.

Not real, sir.

That image made the rounds after somebody Photoshopped it from this image of Jackie Earle Haley from the movie, Little Children.

Thank you. I was hoping that it wasn't real, and DreadCentral was unsure, but hadn't seen it before. It was interesting, but not nearly sinister enough for someone who is essentially The Boogeyman

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  • 2 months later...

Bah, looks like a generic American teen horror like The Unborn or something. I was looking forward to this, especially having heard that Jackie Earle Haley was playing Freddie. Somehow the fact that Michael Bay was involved escaped me thoguh, weak. It looks like they've done away with the campy, sort of kitsch humour element the old films had. I know part of that was caused by poor special effects available at the time, but still, it's why me and my Uni buddies watched them, this one seems to take itself too seriously.

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Looks like Nightmare on Elm Street to me. My concern is it will be TOO much like the original, which would make this a complete waste of time. The original, despite the atrocious acting, still holds up, mainly because it's iconic. I'm glad they're (apparently) not trying to make it funny, I don't doubt Jackie Earl Haley's ability to be scary, but I don't think anybody but Robert Englund could pull off Freddy's humorous charm.

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  • 7 months later...

Well..long time bump, but the movie just came out. Who has gone to see it..what'd ya think of it?

I went tonight with my g/f and thought it was ok. It could have been worse, but definitely wasn't close to the original. Jackie Earle Haley did a great job as Freddy though

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I haven't seen any of the older Freddy movies, and I saw this opening night blazed. It was pretty good. I don't think it was worth $10, $7 at the most. The actor who played Freddy was a really good choice for the role, and his voice was chilling throughout. I thought most of the scary moments were predictable, but a few of them had me jumping, which is usually don't do. The back story was pretty good, but kinda fucked up, since it didn't really explain everything and kept my wondering fucked up shit in my head. The kids were kinda bland though, especially Nadia and the main guy.

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Haven't seen it yet, but my interest drops every time I hear about it. Sounds like typical Platinum Dunes bullshit, "hey let's reboot an iconic franchise and make a cookie cutter slasher movie with teenagers that are attractive by current day standards but have zero personality." Of all the horror villains, Freddy has the most personality, there HAS to be a story in there that's worth telling, rather than another shameless cash-in.

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There was a great story told behind it Zero.... I really enjoyed this movie. It kept me entertained. Some parts had me laughing, some jumping. Some even made me feel sad... and then anger.... It was really well done.

If you let yourself enjoy it, and through out anythings others have said, its a good movie overall. A few hiccups, but nothing that brings the film down.

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Friday the 13th- Slightly. I went into it with very low expectations though. Basically, I went into it thinking "This will be heaping mounds of shit" and was surprised that it was only a pile of shit

Never saw the TCSM reboot so I can't comment on it...though I will say the new Nightmare On Elm Street wasn't Rob Zombies "Halloween" levels of bad

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I liked Zombie's Halloween though, it was different, someone else making it their own. I feel like the Platinum Dunes movies just try way too hard and turn out to be extremely formulaic. But I value your guys' opinions over professional critics when it comes to horror, so it looks like I'm going to have to go see it.

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See, I didn't likw Zombies Halloween because it seemed like it turned "Michael Myers, psychotic killer" into "Michael Myers has mommy issues"

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I haven't seen Friday The 13th yet.... I intend on doing so soon though... Texas Chainsaw Massacre (with Jessica Biel) was terrific, and one of my favorite horrors to date. I've seen it more than once. So Nightmare wasn't better than that one, however it was really really good. I enjoyed it a lot. My girlfriend actually wants to see it again! lol

Zombie's Halloweens were good too ;)

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Saw this at a midnight screening on Thursday...awful, awful movie. There's nothing remotely intense (re: scary) about the movie and while Jackie Earle Haley didn't do a bad job per se, it just wasn't Freddy Krueger. And I get that acting in horror movies isn't going to be the greatest but god damn, they were awful.

Other than a couple one-liners (and even those weren't as good as the original's), I thought the movie was pretty bad.

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Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake was great. I'm a huge Friday the 13th fan and the remake was alright, Mearns was an excellent Jason, but the whole film was kind of flat and didn't really do anything spectacular and just felt like it could be Friday the 13th Part 11.

The Nightmare remake was pretty good, Jackie did a great job as Freddy, but I understand some of the criticisms. It's a perfectly acceptable film, certainly better than most of the NOES sequels, but I can see where people would expect more out of a big budget remake.

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I went to see it a couple days ago. It wasn't nearly as bad as the Friday the 13th remake, but it certainly wasn't good by any stretch. I hate it when horror flicks rely on jump scares over building suspense and this movie has jump scares out the ass.

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I think with horror remakes today, they'll ALWAYS get shit on by more people than they will loved, even if it's a superb remake. That's been the case for almost all the big horror movie remakes, most of which weren't actually half as bad as some try to make them out to be.

Haven't had the chance to see this yet though, so I cant comment on this one itself. I'll hopefully be catching it this weekend and I'm looking forward to it. Plus, it's got fucking Katie Cassidy in, so it's a win/win situation :wub:

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