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AMC's "The Walking Dead"


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Walking Dead follows Romero's Rules - we're all "infected," if you want to call it an infection. Might be an infection, may be supernatural, may be something else, but we all have it and we will all turn unless the brain is destroyed or the body is burned significantly enough. In the case of the people in the cars on the freeway, I think the Atlanta sun melted the brain while inside a hot car.

Bites are basically a lethal poison. It will kill you and you will turn (perhaps slower), but you're going to turn regardless.

As for the speed at which people turn, there is no official timeframe. Some people die and turn almost instantly, some people die and don't turn for days. I believe Jenner said "could be minutes, could be hours" or something to that effect in Season 1

Hell of an episode. I figured it would happen, but it was a nice twist on how it plays out in the books. I really, really, really, really, really hope Michonne's reveal in the comics is the cold open for the start of Season 3.

But what about historical figures? Why are the zombies appearing now? If they are all "already infected", why is NOW when people are turning?

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That's one of those things that (in the comics) hasn't really been explained, and I don't mind that. Because the focus is less on zombies and OMG HOW DID THIS HAPPEN and more on trying to survive. I don't necessarily agree 100%, but one of the better descriptions of The Walking Dead (comics and show) has been that it's more of a soap opera with zombies than it is a zombie show.

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Don't get me wrong. I'm not somebody that needs to have an explanation as to why it's happening in order to enjoy it (had this argument with a friend of mine just the other day) but when what Zero said is presented, well, now I kinda wanna know why.

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That's one of those things that (in the comics) hasn't really been explained, and I don't mind that. Because the focus is less on zombies and OMG HOW DID THIS HAPPEN and more on trying to survive. I don't necessarily agree 100%, but one of the better descriptions of The Walking Dead (comics and show) has been that it's more of a soap opera with zombies than it is a zombie show.

I think it was Kevin Smith who said that on Talking Dead. He said he likes to call it his stories.

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Don't get me wrong. I'm not somebody that needs to have an explanation as to why it's happening in order to enjoy it (had this argument with a friend of mine just the other day) but when what Zero said is presented, well, now I kinda wanna know why.

When you say "historical figures," I don't know if you mean like why wasn't George Washington a zombie or why hasn't George Washington rose from the grave and started stalking Rick and Shane. I assume you mean the former, and in that case, the wonder is what makes it scary. The fact that we all are doomed to become these things is incredibly depressing and the fact that you don't know what it is or why it's happening makes it even worse.

As Stephen King once said, "nightmares exist outside of logic, and there’s little fun to be had in explanations... they’re antithetical to the poetry of fear."

Kirkman has gone on record saying he will never explain the cause. Could be the "when there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth," could be a meteor strike, a military experiment gone wrong, a mutated virus, or it could be the planet defending itself against its greatest threat. Or, perhaps scariest of all, it just is.

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Don't get me wrong. I'm not somebody that needs to have an explanation as to why it's happening in order to enjoy it (had this argument with a friend of mine just the other day) but when what Zero said is presented, well, now I kinda wanna know why.

When you say "historical figures," I don't know if you mean like why wasn't George Washington a zombie or why hasn't George Washington rose from the grave and started stalking Rick and Shane. I assume you mean the former, and in that case, the wonder is what makes it scary. The fact that we all are doomed to become these things is incredibly depressing and the fact that you don't know what it is or why it's happening makes it even worse.

As Stephen King once said, "nightmares exist outside of logic, and there’s little fun to be had in explanations... they’re antithetical to the poetry of fear."

Kirkman has gone on record saying he will never explain the cause. Could be the "when there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth," could be a meteor strike, a military experiment gone wrong, a mutated virus, or it could be the planet defending itself against its greatest threat. Or, perhaps scariest of all, it just is.

It's the trees.

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So shall we have a Death Pool on who jumps the shark in the Season Finale?

I mention the comics in this spoiler, but it should not give anything away if you still plan on reading them. Well, you might be able to guess about how long a character was alive.

I say with important characters like Shane and Dale already gone in past episodes this might finally T-Dawgs time to die. But for some reason i think they will keep him around as a joke always being alive never doing anything.

How about Andrea? She did not nearly get the treatment she got in the comic and with Shane and Dale gone all Persons she had more interactions with came to an end.

Hershels not Magie daughter also seems disposable.

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The extra daughter that I cant even remember the name of will probably die. I feel bad because the actress does a good enough job I'm just not that interested in her story. I honestly hope they all make it but I know that just wont be the case. T-Dog needs a shot to step up.

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Oh god, I hope T-Dog doesn't actually turn into Tyreese. It's not that he couldn't become something interesting if the writers actually cared about him, it's just that he does not look ANYTHING like Tyreese. I don't care if Otis didn't look the same, Lori not looking the same, or even Rick looking like his comic counterpart, because that's nearly impossible to do, but with a character like Tyreese, you need to have a form of intimidation. He needs to look like he can kill someone with his bare hands, with ease, and T-Dog looks nothing like it. Also, in regards to the hammer, maybe I'm not remembering correctly, but I don't remember the hammer being such a big part of his character.

Also, I just found out of a back-story in issue 75, in full color where aliens attack and multiple main characters are killed off and some secondary characters return from the dead. Really no connection to the main story, I just figured I would share that tidbit, considering others may want to see it. It doesn't get continued after that issue as it was a one-off sort of deal, and while I didn't care for it what so ever, I'm sure some people here may enjoy it.

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