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A2M makes Ellis Wet

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Just played the demo of Wet from PSN.


It gives you three chunks of play, each different.

It's the most fun and exhilerating gaming I've had this year. Seriously.

If I could mix up all the exciting stuff in a pot it would be:

Crank (the movie) + Tarantino + No More Heroes + punk rock + Killer 7 + The Matrix + A jumping sliding girl with a samurai sword and gun vs a hoarde of generic villains + A ridiculous plot from what I can make out.

It's unbelievably good as far as I'm concerned. It's a million cliches but done so perfectly that it's just awesome. It's also out in September.

I think I marked out numerous times including:

Her diving through the glass roof during the opening cut scene.

Realising that the game auto aims on another target while you're flipping around shooting at someone else meaning you can kill two at once.

The sword stuff.

The whole reel of film degrading feel as you take hits.


The opening of the second section where the blood splashes into her eyes, she blinks "Now you've done it" and the whole world goes crazy red cartoon and all the blood sprays out of the black and white enemies in a white spray.

Diving headfirst into eight guys, machine gunning three before I'd hit the ground then sliding into another two killing them with the sword.

All the matrixy jumping from car to car stuff.

The touches like the way she threw the sword at one victim as she jumped onto the car then pulled it out of him in one motion when she landed then jumped off again.

Basically I'm head over heels despite the slighty dodgy collision detection for jumping onto ledges. I don't mind. I love visceral.


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Upon the recomendation of Hammy and my interest in the description, I downloaded the demo. It took me like 7 attempts and about 3-4 hours overall, but it was worth every freakin' second of waiting. The demo is GLORIOUS and I cannot wait to buy this game. It's ridiculous and fun and plays like what I can only imagine would happen if Guy Ritchie had co-directed a video game with Tarintino. The difficulty curve is very good as well, it's challenging yet awesome, hard enough that it won't get boring but easy enough that it's not frustrating.

This just got added to my must buy list. :)

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Reminds me of Stranglehold, what with the jumping and time slowing and shooting. Though with the Prince of Persia esque wall running, knee sliding and sword play there is some extra variety to the gameplay.

It's pretty stylish, what with the grainy movie filters and music. Plus that whole second section is pretty out there.

So, yeah, it's ok.

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Just tried out the demo and what I'm playing is basically a less free roaming and more polished version of Total Overdose.

And yeah, just finished the third level of the demo.. for sure it reminds me of Total Overdose; same kind of graphics, TO had some mexican grindhouse elements to it, wall running\climbing\slowdown time for kills, points for kills, different names for each of the different ways to take someone out.. damn, if I wasn't told any differently I would've thought that this was a sequel to Total Overdose in some way.... also an Eidos game.

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Just downloaded this. Pretty good, but it is a bit samey-same to all the other 3rd person jumpy-shooty games, just made to look like a retro movie. Though that red-filled room where the people are black and blood is white was weird. Yet good. Yet hurt my eyes as I looked at my white PC screen afterwards.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just played through the first section "pre-credits".

Loads of fun so far, includes two of the sections from the demo and another couplea bits.

No real plot so far (well what there has been I've either already seen on the demo or is pretty straight forward) which is just as well because of this stupid Japanese-only thing. Grrrr, I might actually have to shell out AGAIN for the English version afterall because as well as Eliza Dushku it has Alan Cumming and Malcolm McDowell and there's no way I'm not gonna miss McDowell.

The Japanese voice acting is rubbish too so it just doesn't "feel" right.

Grrrrr. How annoying.

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