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College Football 2009 Season thread~!


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bwahahahahaaa ...

I'm not begrudging either of those players because they are, in fact, fan-dabi-dozi. They also are one dimensional. Berry was phenomenal his first two years but was missing at points this year. Parts of that are because of the new scheme and the the respect given to him. I understand that. However, he didn't change games and didn't single handedly put his team in position to win games.

Suh is the best player on a very good defense. He dominated the Big 12 Title game but outside of that he's simply been a very good player all year. He didn't do anything for hist team in the title game that Spiller didn't do for his. He's dominant yes, and along with Berry are easily in the top 5 defense players this year.

CJ Spiller however, does everything. Not only his he a phenomenal running back, he's also a fan-dabi-dozi receiver, and a fan-dabi-dozi return man. He showcased that in the ACC Title game. He puts an All-American impact on more than one phase of the game week in and week out. Neither of the other two do that. Suh has blocked a kick or two I think, but that's it.

If Berry were doing what Woodson did at Michigan, I'd absolutely put him in the conversation. But, he's not. As for Suh, he's not even the only DT in the conversation. Mr Terrence Cody has something to say about that (and even has significance of blocked kicks too boot).

I'm not saying Spiller is the best RB in the nation because I'd put Gerhart/Ingram in front of him as a pure RB. Spiller though, does things they don't ... AND is an amazing RB. That's why I say he's the best player.

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That ball hits the ground after the time has ran out...I don't think that should be a reviewable thing in college football.. and when was the last time there were four undefeated teams in college football?

Let alone five, which is what we have right now. :shifty:

Anyone else have no doubt that TCU and Boise will get thrown together, just so they don't go knock off any more BCS conference champions and have an even more legit beef with the system?

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Anyone else have no doubt that TCU and Boise will get thrown together, just so they don't go knock off any more BCS conference champions and have an even more legit beef with the system?

I'm waiting for 8et so I can puke when they do this ...

Although I'd love TCU/GT in the Orange, and BoiseSt/Iowa in the Fiesta

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I think I'd kind of like to see TCU/Florida and Boise/Cincinnati myself. Mainly because I think TCU would stand a good chance of punching UF in the mouth like Bama did, and Boise/Cincy might look like something out of NCAA 10...yannow, kinda like that Cincy/Pitt game.

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Vendetta's post sponsored by the Department of Redundancy Department.

And I have to shake my head. I don't like when my cynicism is justified, but all that HttK had to say about the BCS, I will echo. I call GT stuffing Iowa and TCU pulling away from Boise.

That Oklahoma/Stanford game could be excellent, though.

Plus, ESPN reported that Urb got hospitalized for dehydration after UF lost to Bama. Anyone else thinking he got outrageously shitfaced after the game and had to be hauled in before he puked himself to death? :o

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