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Guys, The Wire. The Wire, guys. It's super awesome.

I think I'm 8 episodes in and loving this shit. Whoever said that you know around episode 3 if it's right for you is totally correct, too.

Such a wonderful show! Kinda sad I have no more Wire to watch :(

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That thought has crossed my mind. At least there's also Treme. I know it's supposedly not as good, but really, how many shows are?

And I'm watching on HBO Go, which is a fucking treasure trove of Great TV Serieseseses.

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Finished Season 1 of The Wire. Just watched episode 1 of season 2. My god, you guys.

I liked season 2. I think if I were to rank seasons - keeping in mind I'm still not finished with season 5 - I'd go 4, 2, 1, 3. I loved the focus of 4 and I liked a lot of the characters in 2, but 3 felt like such a filler season. It wasn't outright bad or anything, it was just.. there.

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Is season 2 the one on the docks? I seriously nearly stopped watching during that season as I thought it was shit. From memory it does pick up though, but the docks season was still easily my least favourite.

Also anyone who like The Wire that hasn't or doesn't go on to watch Oz is weird.

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So what's with CW picking up Dr. Horrible? Are they just replaying it or will there be new episodes?

From what I understand, they're airing it with very low potential for a mini-series, but since NPH and Fillion both have prior commitments, as does Whedon (I wonder what... :shifty: ) I don't think it's going to make it to that stage.

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Finished Season 1 of The Wire. Just watched episode 1 of season 2. My god, you guys.

I liked season 2. I think if I were to rank seasons - keeping in mind I'm still not finished with season 5 - I'd go 4, 2, 1, 3. I loved the focus of 4 and I liked a lot of the characters in 2, but 3 felt like such a filler season. It wasn't outright bad or anything, it was just.. there.

Really? You didn't like 3? I thought it was great!

3, 4, 1, 5, 2.

Is season 2 the one on the docks? I seriously nearly stopped watching during that season as I thought it was shit. From memory it does pick up though, but the docks season was still easily my least favourite.

Also anyone who like The Wire that hasn't or doesn't go on to watch Oz is weird.

Season 2 is the docks. I would say it is my least favorite, but I still really enjoyed it. Just, the other seasons were better.

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Like I said, 3 felt like it was just.. there. It was a bit of a chore to get through, but I finished it because I'd heard tale of the goodness of season 4. And I wasn't let down. I loved everything about season 4

The focus on the kids, the kids themselves were all intriguing characters, Prez's role as their teacher/mentor, and Marlo's people putting bodies up in the vacants. I loved all of that.

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Is season 2 the one on the docks? I seriously nearly stopped watching during that season as I thought it was shit. From memory it does pick up though, but the docks season was still easily my least favourite.

Also anyone who like The Wire that hasn't or doesn't go on to watch Oz is weird.

Oh, I'm sure be getting around to Oz at some point, as it's another HBO show. I'm sort of working through the stuff available according to how many people (and which people) have recommended it. Exceptions will be made for breaking things up between drama and comedy, as well as catching up on things still airing. That means I'm keeping up with Newsroom as it goes (though I haven't seen this weeks because my roommate and I like to watch it together) and plowing through The Wire retroactively.

I kind of feel like Curb or Bored to Death will be in order after The Wire. Entourage will likely not be watched at all.

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Sopranos Final Season, Mid-Season Premier ("Soprano Family Movies") spoilers...

Holy fuck, poor Bobby

:( Tony absolutely deserved to be smacked. Felt so bad for Bobby having to pop his cherry, almost all because of Tony's stupid ego and mouth. By the end of this series, I now hope all the Sopranos bar Carmella are dead, since she's the only family member left who isn't a complete ass <_<

Friday Night Lights Season 2 Premier spoilers...

Eww. We've gone from small town big football troubles to murder within the first episode of the season. Is this season going to suck?

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Friday Night Lights Season 2 Premier spoilers...

Eww. We've gone from small town big football troubles to murder within the first episode of the season. Is this season going to suck?

That storyline is an admitted misstep by the show runner and a lot of people don't like the season because of it but I still don't think it sucks. Even still, the rest o the series is still tremendous so stick with it.

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