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The Worst Gigs I Ever Went To.


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I went to see Lost Prophets yesterday......I honestly cannot remember shit. I don't even know if I actually made it to the gig...I presume I did...but yeah...I remember...shit.

Whilst Lostprophets weren't the worst band I saw, I was totally apathetic to them being on the stage, which I thought was possibly worse than outright hating them.

The worst gig I saw was probably Breed 77/Ill Nino. Whilst Breed 77 were fine, Ill Nino played the one or two half decent songs they had at the start, went downhill quickly, and then the lead singer went on a tirade about 'real metal', which killed even the crowd who were still into it and went on far too long.

As for most dissapointing, Deftones. I love the band, but they just weren't that tight, and looked really bad comparably to their support, A Perfect Circle.

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I've seen several members of G-Unit at the same time. (N)

I've seen a few bad opening acts. The worst was one I can't remember the name, opening for the Dropkick Murphys two years ago St. Patty's weekend - they got booed off the stage. Started rambling about recycling or some shit - as if anyone cared.

I saw Ben Folds, which I didn't really care for. The opening act was worse.

I saw Papoose in a crappy club, with a crappy crowd, and tickets were way too much money for the half hour set he pulled off. He is talented, but this was a forgettable experience and way too short. No energy whatsoever.

Immortal Technique is fucking crazy.

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Honourable mention also goes to Primal Scream for being just a bit naff. If I wanted to see a lazy half-arsed Mick Jagger impression for an hour I'd get my Dad pissed.

As for not necessarily "bad" but definitely disappointing, My Bloody Valentine. They curated ATP last year, so you'd think Kevin Shields might cheer up a little, but he didn't say a single word for the entire set, the vocals were completely drowned out - even by MBV standards - and all the interesting and innovative guitar parts were samples, rather than him actually bothering to reproduce them live. And then for fifteen straight minutes they just played a wall of deafening noise - easily the loudest live "music" I've ever heard, which is saying something - but there was no structure or anything interesting about it, it was just one constant note played really loudly, which anyone could have done, and which detracted from the fact that My Bloody Valentine actually have some very nice songs, you don't need to distract from that by trying to be EXTREME NOISE RARRR when you're not very good at it.

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I don't really go to gigs but during Uni I used to work all of the live events as part of the tech team and undoubtedly the worst gig I worked was the Mogwai one if only for the EXTREME NOISE RARRR factor, no idea how anyone managed to stand in front of the stage for that long with that wall of sound and light attacking them for so long.

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I also saw The Mars Volta supporting RHCP back in 2002 I think, and they were fucking shit.

Millencolin live was probably the biggest disappointment musicwise. It was so bad, and they were supporting Flogging Molly. This was 2007 I think.

Also seen Mindless Self Indulgence...really didn't like it.

The Distillers are shit live as well (not that great on record to start with).

The Big Pink who were supporting Muse last year are like a black hole of suck. People in the crowd were falling asleep on each other.

And whoever was supporting Papa Roach when they came to Glasgow in 2005-2006-ish). It was pure noise, everyone was literally deafened because they hadn't bothered setting up properly and were leaving the hall to get away from the noise. It was like non-stop feedback. Luckily when Papa Roach came on everything was fine and it turned out to be an excellent gig.

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Big Pink is horrible. I don't even like their one song that is supposed to be their best. As a result I didn't enjoy their show much either. <_<

I've just realised the definite worst, worst person I have ever seen is Kristeen Young about 3 years ago. I've tried to block it out my mind though. Mainly unsuccessfully.

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The worst I've ever seen was when Emmure came and played a local hardcore show. It's the only band I've ever walked out on. They were so goddamn bad and have gotten worse since then.

This. They were fucking terrible when they played Windsor last year.. then again the metal/hardcore scene in Windsor is fucking terrible and full of idiots that think playing a guitar out of tune sounds remotely good. Other than that I haven't been to an outright terrible show in a couple years, since that dreadful Battle of the Bands in 06.. awful, just awful.

As for Reel Big Fish, I would give my left nut to see them live.

Where in Windsor did they play?

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Of the massive count of 4 gigs I've been to, one (the first) was amazing, the second was pretty good and the other two were on the whole bad, but had good points.

You all know that Metallica was the first by now :shifty: , that was amazing. Machine Head were support and I didn't like them, and The Sword were the opener. I like the Sword, but live it sounded like a mess of a monster riff. Then again, as is the album, but live I presume the audio wasn't set up right for them.

Second was The Guns in a local club and they were pretty good this time.

First bad show consisted of the Nine Black Alps (who we heard of about a week before), Sucperio (or something) and some others. We only really went because a female friend of my friend liked them. Quite shit music, but a fun night though.

Second bad one was The Guns again, a few days before Xmas, and it was a 'celebration party' of their new video. They played exactly the same set list, as before, except they didn't because a good 30 mins of their hour long was taken up with a drinking contest. Ugh. Because it was a 14s and over show, you had to have an armband to buy alcohol, and you could only buy one beer per armband. So it took them (and by them I mean the regular crowd members) AGES to get approx. 8 beers for the 4 men and 4 women doing it. That and previously mentioned female friend was meant to come (we bought tickets beforehand which Friend A bought for all of us) but she ended up not for reasons unknown to me/too complicated. Cue Friend B being a moody cunt about her at me and Friend A the rest of the night. She turned up later in the club afterwards with her mates but disappeared soon after.

We did meet some other friends from uni and had a good time in the club... until a fight broke out and I ended up getting bumrushed into the corner by the ensuing brawl. Coincidently it was the cunt who won the drinking contest earlier on.

Edited by TheModernWay
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Never been to a bad gig, really. As far as headlines go, the worst I've seen was the GZA from Wu-Tang. Someone got bottled a couple songs in and he seemed bored through out the whole set. It was alright, but hardly bad.

Supports though.. they've been bad. I've seen a guy called DJ Mules open for a few different acts. I always thought DJ's were meant to mix songs... not just play them. Mules' just plays them straight off the record. I was just like 'woop woop sound of da police', then I realised it was just the ordinary song. My mate and I were the only ones on the front row. At the end of his 'set' he yelled DJ MULES and gave him the thumbs up. Mules stopped the record.. waved.. all was silent.. someone yelled 'YOU FUCKING SUCK'.. and everyone burst out laughing. Mules quickly left the stage.

I went to see Lost Prophets yesterday......I honestly cannot remember shit. I don't even know if I actually made it to the gig...I presume I did...but yeah...I remember...shit.

I'm tempted to see lostprophets at the end of this month. I listened to their first record and Start Something, but then discovered they had gone all gay looking and played shite music only recently. I want to go because it's at a good venue where I can get away with getting awfully shitfaced. I just want to remember one or two good songs.. here's hoping they play them, I guess. :shifty:

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Only had one fairly bad experience at a concert (I don't count opening acts who suck, because that's a price you have to pay, unless something goes wrong and they have to perform longer because the next act or headliner isn't ready):

I went to a Kenny Chesney concert several years ago, where the opening acts were a band called Yankee Gray that I'd never heard of before, and Brad Paisley, who I'd never heard of before (this was just before BP hit it big). Almost all of Yankee Gray's set would have been a good moment for a concession stand or piss break if it hadn't been at the beginning of the concert. Because apparently whoever did the sound check obviously didn't do a good job and they had mic troubles until about halfway through their final song, which was a Skynrd cover. And they were fairly damn good, so it just ruined the whole performance.

I got into that concert free because someone I know had an extra ticket that wasn't being used. And its also the last concert I've gone to free, unfortunately. (Almost went to a concert for free last year but I was too sick to go)

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I've not been to too many dreadful ones.

As much as I want to say Bob Dylan I can't, because he had an amazing setlist and just being there was enough to make up for everything else.

Em Little Boots live was incredibly shit. It's not helped any by the fact that I don't think her music is that great but the woman has one of the weakest singing voices I've ever heard.

Most of these would be bands that play at my union cause I usually go along to them no matter what because of free tickets. Quite a lot of them were awful though. Such as Seether, Madina Lake, Hollywood Undead.

Actually the worst gig I've ever been to is twin atlantic. No doubt about it.

Saw Twin Atlantic at The Other Rooms in Newcastle the other month and thought they were pretty good. They weren't helped by a crowd full of wankers but I expect that at any gig now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nine Black Alps are NOT shit. However, I haven't seen them live (they were at King Tut's last year but no one fancied it).

It's not really that Nine Black Alps were overwhelmingly bad, it's just they're not my thing. We only went because it was something to do and for my mate. We didn't know the songs either, and with that coupled with a genre that you're not really interested in just kinda means you're standing there. And not many other people there seemed to care all that much either. We found that Succepiero (or whatever :shifty:) were better though.

I just re-stumbled upon NBA in my Last.FM library and gave a couple of the free songs a listen. Again, still not terrible, just doesn't interest me. Sounds like a less raw Nirvana being passed through an indie-filter.

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