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L.A. Noire

Gene Kiniski

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Just did Quarter Moon Murders, which aside from the odd bit of false drama (zOMG the wooden platform is wobbling~!!!) was an excellent case with a very good ending to the Homicide arc. Though I'd totally forgotten all the victims names, so the specific links to indivdual cases were lost on be somewhat (I can't remember which victim Evelynn Summers was, for instance)

With regards the Quarter Moon Murders...

I actually really, REALLY enjoyed it - including the chandelier and the balancing beams of doom - it just made it feel a bit more "epic", if you know what I mean?

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Just did Quarter Moon Murders, which aside from the odd bit of false drama (zOMG the wooden platform is wobbling~!!!) was an excellent case with a very good ending to the Homicide arc. Though I'd totally forgotten all the victims names, so the specific links to indivdual cases were lost on be somewhat (I can't remember which victim Evelynn Summers was, for instance)

With regards the Quarter Moon Murders...

I actually really, REALLY enjoyed it - including the chandelier and the balancing beams of doom - it just made it feel a bit more "epic", if you know what I mean?

I agree - it was at that point that I went "oh fuck yes, a little bit of action" and really got into it.

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I've finished the story now. All in all, I think it's a really good game, and the core storyline part of the game, with the searching for clues and the interviews, is very well done. My only problem is that there isn't as many side-quests (for lack of a better word) as I was led to expect, and those that are there are a bit boring. Nevertheless, the story's good, and that's the main bit.

Most unusual of all is that I am actually good at this game. I five starred just under half of the cases, taking four stars for the rest. this is baffling. I am usually shit at games. As anyone who has ever played online with me at FIFA will testify.

You've found a game that fits your niche (law wise jerk who likes punching and threatening people). Enjoy this moment; it may never come again.

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Just finished The Gas Man

Did anyone else charge the wrong guy? I thought it was clearly Varley....but apparently not :/

He was working for that one development company, he had the mosquito coil, murdered before.....bah!

2 stars, even though I found all the clues and got 12/16 questions :(

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Just did Quarter Moon Murders, which aside from the odd bit of false drama (zOMG the wooden platform is wobbling~!!!) was an excellent case with a very good ending to the Homicide arc. Though I'd totally forgotten all the victims names, so the specific links to indivdual cases were lost on be somewhat (I can't remember which victim Evelynn Summers was, for instance)

With regards the Quarter Moon Murders...

I actually really, REALLY enjoyed it - including the chandelier and the balancing beams of doom - it just made it feel a bit more "epic", if you know what I mean?

I agree - it was at that point that I went "oh fuck yes, a little bit of action" and really got into it.

It was by no means off putting for me; I just felt it ever so slightly grating that an action sequence had to be shoe-horned into every clue; and I'm not a fan of games that base themselves around similar action sequences.

I will say though that when the Chandelier chain broke I shit myself; and that was a great, "epic" moment. The breaking of the platform at the movie set was just a bit of a *roll-eyes* "again?" moment though. And the wooden balancing beams - in parts good, in places such at scaling the library I was just thinking, "why would workmen build a scaffold that's such a bitch to climb!?"

EDIT - Spoiler tag fail.

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Just finished The Gas Man

Did anyone else charge the wrong guy? I thought it was clearly Varley....but apparently not :/

He was working for that one development company, he had the mosquito coil, murdered before.....bah!

2 stars, even though I found all the clues and got 12/16 questions :(

That was almost identical to me. I was at a point where it could conceivably have been either man, but that guy just looked so guilty. Also, I know I've seen the other guy you could charge in something else, but I can't for the life of me remember where and just as I type this sentence I've remembered. Isn't that weird.


The guy from Malcolm In The Middle!

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Just finished The Gas Man

Did anyone else charge the wrong guy? I thought it was clearly Varley....but apparently not :/

He was working for that one development company, he had the mosquito coil, murdered before.....bah!

2 stars, even though I found all the clues and got 12/16 questions :(

That was almost identical to me. I was at a point where it could conceivably have been either man, but that guy just looked so guilty. Also, I know I've seen the other guy you could charge in something else, but I can't for the life of me remember where and just as I type this sentence I've remembered. Isn't that weird.


The guy from Malcolm In The Middle!

That's why he looked so familiar!


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I'm really impressed with the level of involvement from recognisable actors in this game. I know it's never going to happen, but I hope tons of other games pick up on this tech and run with it. It'd be a shame if the sheer level of animation and quality involved in producing this game doesn't get widespread usage. I'm not saying every game needs it, but can you imagine a MGS or FF type game with this level of realistic face movement, and emotion?

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I think there is a breed of games that realy needs it. I personaly would hope that quantic dream and Team Bondy sell their systems just like unreal or steam sell their engings... the gnere of bringing chose your own adventure books to the videogame screen could have a bright future.

I mean, if you face it, L.A. Noire did not take 7 years to develop because they had to write and record what essentialy is a season of a tv show, it took 7 years because they rebuild la and came up with that face and acting engin. If they take the step to the next level, of working - and alowing others to work with - with these technics there would still be a lot of room to do something gameing has never seen before. Especialy thinking of choose your own adventure in a way that dos not only pretend to have a different outcome but realy has, because you could actualy focus your time and money on writing and recording different possibiletys that actualy lead to differnt outcomes.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I'm really impressed with the level of involvement from recognisable actors in this game. I know it's never going to happen, but I hope tons of other games pick up on this tech and run with it. It'd be a shame if the sheer level of animation and quality involved in producing this game doesn't get widespread usage. I'm not saying every game needs it, but can you imagine a MGS or FF type game with this level of realistic face movement, and emotion?

That would be all well and good, but could you imagine if, for example, Wakka looked like John DiMaggio? Or worse, Kimahri?

Not knocking DiMaggio, because he's one of my favorite voice actors... but the guy looks like a fat Sheamus.

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I'm really impressed with the level of involvement from recognisable actors in this game. I know it's never going to happen, but I hope tons of other games pick up on this tech and run with it. It'd be a shame if the sheer level of animation and quality involved in producing this game doesn't get widespread usage. I'm not saying every game needs it, but can you imagine a MGS or FF type game with this level of realistic face movement, and emotion?

A FF game with the same tech would be amazing. I hope this tech actually crosses over into the FPS genre as a lot of the current models look off platter.

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I'm really impressed with the level of involvement from recognisable actors in this game. I know it's never going to happen, but I hope tons of other games pick up on this tech and run with it. It'd be a shame if the sheer level of animation and quality involved in producing this game doesn't get widespread usage. I'm not saying every game needs it, but can you imagine a MGS or FF type game with this level of realistic face movement, and emotion?

A FF game with the same tech would be amazing. I hope this tech actually crosses over into the FPS genre as a lot of the current models look off platter.

Eh, I think I'd rather FF stick to their current style. I don't know, I'll just always think of FF as being the Japanime style of graphics and over the top hair styles. This would certainly do wonders for games like Fallout, Elder Scrolls and the Modern Warfares of the world, which are a lot more western based in terms of characters and looks.

If they do another Metal Gear Solid, then they totally need to use this tech.

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I don't see them going back and remaking every game just to use this engine, but I might be wrong.

I didn't mean to imply that, but I was just using an example. Not to mention that for most games, if you were to use the voice actors' face for their character... like 90% of female main characters would look like Jennifer Hale. And 45% of male mains would be Nolan North.

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Took awhile, but I got my first 5-star case! It was the second arson desk.

Question about House of Sticks

Why does a person from California Fire and Life have a gun? :/


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Took awhile, but I got my first 5-star case! It was the second arson desk.

Question about House of Sticks

Why does a person from California Fire and Life have a gun? :/


I assume he brought it back from the war

THAT I cannot grasp, People in LA are stupid?

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So I just finished it.

I had a feeling when Jack showed up on the scene that Phelps would end up biting it at the end. The story was pretty good, the whole theme of corruption is dealt with well in that you don't ever actually stamp it out because that doesn't happen in real life. At the end, with Phelps' funeral, seeing the new DA that is planning on cleaning up the streets actually shake hands with that cuntrag Earle was a bitter pill to swallow after everything thats happened but it fits with the story.

Something that really annoyed me though, was right at the very end:

Kelso calls the flamethrower guy "Tex". As in, "Fuck you BD. Tex." that was written on the dead bodies of the women in the Homicide cases? Ugh. We arrested a bunch of people for those murders, and we already had the twist turn in that it was actually the creepy barman guy, fair enough. But what does this arson guy that is helping with the property scam have to do with the black dhalia murders? Literally nothing.

I can't understand what that was all about, it was annoying enough that those loose ends weren't wrapped up during the cases on Homicide desk, but to throw that in out of nowhere is bullshit, sorry but it is.

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Anyone else find it weird how sometimes Phelps shouts at people inappropriately? Like, I went to speak to a guy in a bar (McCaffrey) and just start yelling at him about a woman who's been beaten, despite having no prior knowledge of this man's existence. Then, when he sits down to question him, he's perfectly calm and normal. I suppose it's a side effect of how multiple ways of doing a case (like with this example, the first time I did it, McCaffrey's name had cropped up already). Still, it's a bit jarring.

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There is a lot of that, but to be honest you get the apropriat reaction from most people if you are wrong. I just wish that sometimes they would have the option to walk out on you, i think the only one i saw doing that was in the tutorial.

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