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Anyone check this out? Read about it in this months GI..its a site that sells legal DRM-free games. I was checking out the catalog and they have some games that I saw and went :w00t: over..hell I could blow a paycheck there easily.


Anyone download anything frmo there? Do the games work well on newer systems?

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I was part of the first batch of people to sign up for the beta when it launched (September 2008 I think) and have been quite impressed. Sure it's not got a slick interface like Steam, but it's easy to use, you get a nice set of shelves where your game boxes sit once you've bought them and there's plenty of retroheads in the forums. Sometimes the prices are a little higher than Steam and elsewhere like Direct2Drive or whatever, and one of the disadvantages was the slim choice of games although obviously that's gotten better over time. I do like how you can vote for what games you want to see on the site and they do seem to take notice of them.

But paying is easy, I just use Paypal. I believe some of the games use DOSBox in order to run properly on modern systems but it's been a while since I played any of the games I've bought on there so I'm not 100% sure. But if they do it all comes properly set up for you and I certainly don't remember having to do any mucking around with settings to get anything to work, it's pretty much just worked out the box as it were. I'm on XP though, so I can't comment on Vista or 7, but as I say the forums seem to be pretty steady so I'm sure there's plenty of info in there if you need any advice.

EDIT: The one thing I would say as well is that they have a deal every weekend with certain games and run sales quite often so if you do sign up, I wouldn't go nuts straight away as by the time you get around to playing something you may well have gotten it cheaper in the meantime. The news archives will fill you in on what games have been in sales recently and therefore will be unlikely to be again any time soon.

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Yeah it's been freeware for a few years now. I got it on a cover DVD of Retro Gamer when I used to buy that before they went under and then resurfaced again. Still never finished it myself because I was getting stuck all over the place and my bro used a guide to finish it and said "...yeah, there's no way anyone can finish that without using a guide, you'd never think to do some of the stuff you have to do.". So that put me off a bit.

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Reviving an old topic to say that GOG.com are holding a massive EA release fest; and one of the new releases is the original Dungeon Keeper! I am in gaming heaven at the moment, it has been ages since I last played that game. Get over there and support these guys, they are awesome.

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I bought the other two EA releases - but the Dungeon Keeper they put out got bad reviews for being incomplete and a DOS version. I'm going to wait and see if they update it, pick it up later. But I have a HUGE. GOG collection probably close to 50 games by now.

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