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Major League Baseball 2010


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Ryan Howard wa just ejected from the Phillies game..in the top of the 15th inning, Raul Ibanez was playing first base, and Roy Oswald was playing left field...

I think I'm reading this right...the Astros intentionally walked Chase Utley (the tying run) to get to Roy Oswalt. I would have loved to have seen Oswalt win the game there even if it is improbable.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

I don't blame him one bit for how he ended up with the Marlins, or what he did to Montreal (raiding the front office of virtually everybody notwithstanding), but that's just ridiculous.

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So best case scenario - Strasburg comes back relatively unharmed in 2012 after spending a year on the DL and accumulating service time, dominates and then leaves 4 years later. Worst case scenario - the arm doesn't fully recover and he ends up putting up less value in his career than Mark Prior. TJ isn't a death sentence by any means, but it's just a really shit day to be a Nats fan. Especially after Jordan Zimmermann just got shelled in his return to the rotation yesterday.

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So Loria gets in trouble for funneling money into his own pocket, research about how profitable the worst team in baseball is comes out, and something indicting Peter Angelos comes out. Right? It has to. It just wouldn't be right for Loria to go down and Angelos to still sit pretty with his MASN revenue.

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There's nothing wrong with it, but I've read it always turns a profit that goes largely into his pocket. Basically guaranteeing no matter how shitty the team and how few fans turn up for games he is still making money off the team. It's not "wrong" but it makes it hard to be a fan after over a decade of a team that shows no sign of ever being built to actually win.

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He's kind of a different deal though.

I mean, the Orioles have spent money on players before. MASN is a completely seperate venture than the Orioles. Sure, he makes money because of Orioles (and NATS) but the network is much more than just Orioles TV. The man is smart.

In a way, I don't blame him anywhere near as much as I do other owners. I mean even if he spent money (like has been done) he still can't compete with BOTH the Yankees and Red Sox spending abilities. That was proven in the not too distant past.

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So how long do you think it'll be before Manny either gets chewed out by Ozzie Guillen or the two end up in a fight?

I give it two weeks at most.

Was watching Mike and Mike In The Morning yesterday, and Greenberg said that the reality show the White Sox have on MLB Network is going to be must see tv once Manny shows up. And I'll have to look online to figure out when the hell that show is actually on. The damn channel guide/menu on tv just says `MLB Network' 24/7 when you look to see what's on, unlike the NFL Network, which actually lists what they're showing.

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So how long do you think it'll be before Manny either gets chewed out by Ozzie Guillen or the two end up in a fight?

I give it two weeks at most.

Was watching Mike and Mike In The Morning yesterday, and Greenberg said that the reality show the White Sox have on MLB Network is going to be must see tv once Manny shows up. And I'll have to look online to figure out when the hell that show is actually on. The damn channel guide/menu on tv just says `MLB Network' 24/7 when you look to see what's on, unlike the NFL Network, which actually lists what they're showing.

The ChiSox are only 4 back with 31 to go. They won't argue until they're mathematically eliminated from the race, or about to get booted from the postseason. It's easier to keep Manny happy for ~30 games than it is to keep him happy for a couple of years.

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On my cable, it shows what is on MLB Network. However, it's on Channel 346 - so it's only on the one TV in the house with a cable box.

Boston sends Manny Delcarmen to Colorado for a prospect. Colorado had been eyeing him for a while, while the Sox lose their hometown player. I'm not sure what the point of this one was.

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Can we talk about how the Cardinals haven't won a game since Tony LaRussa and Albert Pujols went to that stupid fucking Glenn Beck rally?

As a liberal and as a Reds fan, I don't think there could be a better story than that.

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Can we talk about how the Cardinals haven't won a game since Tony LaRussa and Albert Pujols went to that stupid fucking Glenn Beck rally?

As a liberal and as a Reds fan, I don't think there could be a better story than that.

The whole scenario just fascinates me. The Cardinals haven't even looked like they're trying this past week either. The entire team just woke up one morning, looked at the standings, and decided catching the Reds was too hard to do.

Now the race that really matters is the Triple Crown though. That's going to be entertaining down to the wire I hope. I'd like Votto to do it, he just needs to catch up on HRs.

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Triple crown or no triple crown, Joey Votto is the deserving MVP entering the final month of the season. If you take defensive metrics seriously, I don't even consider Pujols #2 right now. Ryan Zimmerman has torn the cover off the ball this season while being one of the 2 or 3 best third basemen in the game defensively. It's hard to win MVP without being in a playoff race so Zim is probably fucked, but I gotta think Votto is the odds on favorite right now.

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