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Let's talk football games!


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I can think of a bunch of random ones for the Playstation, in the early days. But I just can't put names to them. I remember one with cartoon-y players quite specifically, just can't put a name to it.

Also, special shout out to the incredibly random penalty shootout mode on "Rival Schools".

Also "Giant Killers", which was apparently an 'easier' version of Championship Manager or some bollocks...but it was actually harder and shit.

What was Sega's football franchise called? Cos they were rubbish. :shifty:

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Sensible World of Soccer was by far the best footy game ever though and had pretty much every league in the world that you could play as the real team in with real players = Heart of Oak in the Malawi league anyone? I always played as Spartak Moscow for some reason.


SWOS was the best footie game I have ever owned, it was all kinds of awesome, especially with the update disks so you had awesome teams. Playing as Liverpool with Nigel Clough and Robbie Fowler upfront? BRILLIANT.

I also had Michael Owen's WLS 99 for PsOne, I really enjoed it but the shooting system was a bit messed up :D

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Manchester United in Europe was a great game too. You could edit all the players in the squad to be you and your mates as you fought through to win the old European Cup. Glorious.

Wow, I remember that now! That was difficult. At least as a 6 year old. I remember trying to play Fifa 95 on the Mega Drive/a rom of it a while back, ad I can never remember having trouble with the fact that the sprint button was also the pass button, back in the day.

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I can't remember the name at all so it might have already been mentioned, but does anyone remember a management game on the PC where you could bribe refs (with cash, gym equipment or mountain bikes) and tell one of your players to injure an opposition player? It also had half-time/full-time team talks as well, and this was a good few years before the first Football Manager came out.

From what I can remember the games played out a bit like CM, with the text commentary, but for key bits you'd see a highlight (they only had a handful of animations for each incident though, so it got old quite quickly).

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I can't remember the name at all so it might have already been mentioned, but does anyone remember a management game on the PC where you could bribe refs (with cash, gym equipment or mountain bikes) and tell one of your players to injure an opposition player? It also had half-time/full-time team talks as well, and this was a good few years before the first Football Manager came out.

From what I can remember the games played out a bit like CM, with the text commentary, but for key bits you'd see a highlight (they only had a handful of animations for each incident though, so it got old quite quickly).

USM had a feature where you could bribe the ref or take bungs on a match. Not sure if it's the one you're thinking of but it sort of fits the bill. That was a brilliant game. You used to be able to go to the 'Chairman's Office' where they had a picture of an old man who'd tell you to "pull your finger out".

SWOS was actually the greatest game I have ever owned. If I still had the CD I would probably still be playing that game.

I also remember loving FIFA 97: Road to the World Cup. The indoor football feature you had on there was absolutely brilliant. They should make a new game based solely around 5 a side football (like FIFA Street but good :shifty:).

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I can't remember the name at all so it might have already been mentioned, but does anyone remember a management game on the PC where you could bribe refs (with cash, gym equipment or mountain bikes) and tell one of your players to injure an opposition player? It also had half-time/full-time team talks as well, and this was a good few years before the first Football Manager came out.

From what I can remember the games played out a bit like CM, with the text commentary, but for key bits you'd see a highlight (they only had a handful of animations for each incident though, so it got old quite quickly).

USM had a feature where you could bribe the ref or take bungs on a match. Not sure if it's the one you're thinking of but it sort of fits the bill. That was a brilliant game. You used to be able to go to the 'Chairman's Office' where they had a picture of an old man who'd tell you to "pull your finger out".

It wasn't USM, although I can remember playing that at around the same time. Compared to USM the game I'm thinking of had a nasty interface, mainly black and yellow I think.

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Super Soccer was awesome caus it actually had a storyline, well, it did at the end anyway. I also remember trying to kick the ball in a small gap in the hoardings just off to the side of the pitch. A certain 'Diego' for Argentina is the best player on the game, he has 14 in everything. Not sure why 14 was the upper limit. That and Ireland had a monster goalie for some reason.

Virtua Striker was awesome.

*shoots from kick off*


That or if you win too many matches on Ranking mode via penalties

Rating: Panda

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This was a great little game. Basically, you would go through the game, playing against better countries as you progress. Now what made this great was the players you could buy. There was a variety of different types of players you could by, such as someone who has a really powerful shot, a guy who would just dive all the time and reward you free kicks, big fat guy who would just barge throught people, e.t.c... that's all i can really remember.

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I can't remember the name, and am finding it hard to find details online, but I used to have a football game on the Gameboy. Was like....4 on 4, and very Japanese looking, but I mainly remember that if you ran a certain number of steps, and then shot, you'd basically unleash an unstoppable shot at the lower levels, whilst against the better sides it could actually be saved by the keeper.

I seem to remember it also being on one of those '500 games in 1' style cartridges.

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I remember when I first got a SNES all I would ever actually buy was football games. Most were a bit guff but there are a few I remember fondly.

there was one called World Cup 94 Striker or something where you could totally edit anything. I remember updating/changing every single team in the game to World Cup 98 players because I was a geek back then. Also it was painfully easy. Winning by more than 30 goals was common.

ISS Deluxe came out in 1996 and it was absolutely beautiful. I don't think I've ever enjoyed playing a football game as much in my life. YOU COULD DO KEEPIE UPS!

Kick Off European Challenge or something by Anco was cool, but also incredibly annoying because at the start of every game all twenty two players would juggle the ball about for a bit while the crowd booed or cheered them.

FIFA International Soccer - you could run away from the referee :D

and so many more...

the first ever manager game I got was FIFA Soccer Manager 97. I loved this game. I used to be able to finish about 30 seasons in two nights. >_> Also Kilmarnock reserve striker Bobby Williamson was a better player than Andy Cole. But I suppose that's fair enough because we did win the Scottish Cup that year.

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I honestly think that Three Lions was as close to perfect a football game as you could get. Sure Pro Evo came along and made everything run smoother and so forth but I had the most fun with Three Lions. And I think the shooting system was actually pretty awesome really.

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  • 3 months later...

I remember having a demo for VR Soccer 96' and I was mesmorized by the graphics. I so desperately wanted to play with the likes if Gambia and Holland but the demo only allowed Russia and USA if I remember correctly.

I also played Sensible Soccer, which was shit.

I think I also had USM, without even knowing. I remember it was...weird and the matches passed by extremely fast.

Lastly I had a game simply called Holland, in which you could go from league 6 or something to the top, but it was fucking impossible to go a league up. You had basically no impact on match results.

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