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i never said anything about xenophobic either, i dun care what anyone does but if u try to label me and question me im going to explain myself

I am going to question your use of your recreational time in breaking the law by taking these illegal drugs. I don't believe your strong enough to "just say no", to go out and not drink and not drop pills, to have a good time with out these negative vices, going to clubs, listening to your repetive music, replete with other drug users, all too weak to understand their use as a way of escaping, of becoming free, is putting them in to new darker places. These places are going to be their prisons for the rest of their lives, they can't escape through the bars of their addictions. Being strong and just saying "No!" would show you to be a better person, much like me, because becoming straight edge, taking me as your saviour will make you happier than you have ever felt, much like I do. I am straight edge and that means I'm better than you.


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dont we have the right to post what we feel? this topic was about a movie and if anyone has ever seen it. and maybe you should look at ALL my posts before you say 100% of them are about raves or drugs. this is the only topic i have posted anything about drugs or raves because it had to do with th original topic. And no nobody will make me leave I have just as much right to post here as anyone else does.

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Does anyone here listen to EDM like hardstyle, hardcore, or hardbass? I love the hardbeats, started goin to raves lately and I'm hooked lulz. I'm starting to learn to mix now.

This is the only place, eh?

Also, going down the page and -1'ing everyone but yourself just looks kind of sad.

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dont we have the right to post what we feel? this topic was about a movie and if anyone has ever seen it. and maybe you should look at ALL my posts before you say 100% of them are about raves or drugs. this is the only topic i have posted anything about drugs or raves because it had to do with th original topic. And no nobody will make me leave I have just as much right to post here as anyone else does.

Some of us contribute worthy posts.

Some of us donate to keep the site running.

Some of us are assholes and jerkwards.

All of them have more right to post here than you.

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Ok I have been reading these posts and honestly EVERYONE is being rediculous, a simple way of ending this is to close or delete this topic and move on. Who cares whether hardstylez goes to raves and does drugs, and who cares about whether someone is gay or not. I do agree that this has gone off topic and I would like to say I HAVE seen the film, in fact it has won many awards, and I understand where hardstylez is coming from and why he loves raves. I myself am a raver but that is besides the point.

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Drugs can be fun and all, but people who think they are cool because they take drugs are the exact opposite.

It's the same as people who buy weed merchandise and think they're been all edgy and counter culture, in reality, there about as edgy as a cloud.

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