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It's the movie of your life!

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Over these coming weeks we shall be looking together at the movies of our lives so far - actors, directors, styles, themes and, to start us off today, the soundtrack.

Or at least soundtrack part 1.

In a later thread we'll look at putting together a CD soundtrack of your movie but we all know that a great intro theme and stirring outro could stay with the viewers for a long time. Indeed, "Njosnavelin" by Sigur Ros at the end of Vanilla Sky, "Peggy Sussed" by Underworld at the end of Sunshine, "Lust For Life" by Iggy Pop at the start of Trainspotting, "100 Mile High City" by Ocean Colour scene at the start of Lock Stock and "Where Is My Mind" by the Pixies at the end of Fight Club....have all left an impression on me.

So, for this movie of your life, for which even a title has so far not been decided, we are going to start with the very start and the very end.

What musical piece would you want to start it and which to end it?

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I guess my "Untitled" movie would start with "Rudie Can't Fail" by The Clash. London Calling was released a year and 2 days before my birth and my mother was at the time working in an indy record shop (which she did during pregnancy too). It'd be quite a cool lead into the movie starting my mother in the store and then kicking through the year artistically up to my birth with the song playing through.

I want a bit of an epic finale to the movie which requires some cheesily epic Scandinavia I guess.

"New Terrain" by Mew sends shivers up my spine so it's perfect.

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The opening bit would be "Jailbreak" by AC/DC. Although Bon Scott had been dead nearly five years, Jailbreak was barely known in the US since it was an Australia release only. The album it came off of, "'74 Jailbreak", was released in the US on October 15, 1984, the same day I was born. Seeing how AC/DC is my favorite band, I'd say it is a perfect fit.

As far the closing title, that really depends on how the plot goes :shifty: . It could either be the theme from The Natural, or the Benny Hill theme <_<. If it's the latter, it would not surprise me :( .

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Opening: Tired and Uninspired - My American Heart. I don't really listen to bands so much as songs, but I've always felt that would be a great start to my film. I'd also assume the film would take the Slumdog Millionaire route of having life narrated and through flashbacks, so it'd start from now. Tired and Uninspired pretty much sums things up for me at the moment.

Ending: Wanted Dead or Alive - Bon Jovi. All time favourite band, I'd imagine some songs by that band would feature throughout in just the background and stuff. I'd also hope the film would end on a happy note, maybe with some kind of hopeful message. But ultimately I'd ride off into the sunset on a horse and Bon Jovi works for that. >_>

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Mine would start with "We Float" by PJ Harvey. I have no idea why, but when I was writing a film at college I insisted on it, and I've always envisioned it over an opening sequence.

It would end with....hmm...I'm not sure. Possibly something by Bohren & Der Club Of Gore, another band that I always used for college film soundtracks, though perhaps not appropriate for an ending. I'll have to think about that one....

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was always the opening song to the soundtrack to my life. It's so downtrodden and monotonous, but at the same time hectic and brilliant. It works perfectly for the arch-typical sullen teenage 'woe-is-me' who actually has a pretty nifty lifestyle character I've played for the last four years, and the lyrics are just glorious, the opening lines especially (This is the definition of my life / lying in bed in the sunrise / choking on the vitamin tablet that the doctor gave / in the hopes of saving me). Also, it makes for perfect opening credit music. Yeah, I adore this song.

As for my final bow, I'd die a happy man if I could fade out as the camera takes a slow stroll backwards to the sounds of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHTFmJk7fH0. As far as I'm concerned, this is the final resolution I'd kill to have, a song filled with such empty, lifeless hope. You know the end of Clerks, or the end of Garden State, where the main characters haven't solved their problems, but at least have something to look forward to on the other side? Yeah, I'd be happy with that.

Man, I sound emo as all hell. But fuck, these songs are awesome.

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Not necessarily as an opener, but maybe as the music for the 'setting the scene' montage after the initial first scene (if that makes any sense at all >_>), I've always liked the idea of Stone Roses 'Waterfall'.

As an ending, even though it has been used already for 'Big Fish', I really liked the idea of 'Man Of The Hour' by Pearl Jam.

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Intro: She Talks To Angels - The Black Crowes. Beautiful song, and the heroin theme that runs throughout provides a great backdrop for the opening scene overdose of my 15 yearold mom.

Credits Roll: One Headlight - The Wallflowers. Another hauntingly beautiful tune, and while I'd like the spot to go to songs like "Satan, Satan Lend Me a Dollar", "We 3", or "Daughter", none of them really fit, and One Headlight is a little more unique so I'll let it's melancholy beats take us out.

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