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EWB's Top 25 Movies of 2009: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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Yeah, fair enough if you don't like Star Trek. It's not everyone's cup of tear, but WHATTHEFUCKGIJOE? How can you rate GI Joe as anything other than utter trash?

I've already explained my <3 for that movie in another thread, but the gist of it: it's stupid, mindless fun that entertained me for the hour and half (or however long it was), primarily because it was so cheesy, corny and intentionally stupid, and my expectations heading into the movie were practically non-existent. In a weak year for movies, that's more than what I can say for a lot of other of the films I watched. Unlike some of the other summer trite from last year (Transformers 2, Terminator: Salvation, The Mummy: Jet Li), it didn't try to be anything more than what it was, and it didn't feel unnecessarily bloated. Plus, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is awesome. Awesome.

But, Star Trek is fucking boring. I've never been into the series whatsoever, however, so maybe it just wasn't the movie for me? (though I've never been into the GI Joe "series", either.)

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I liked Terminator: Salvation. :( But then again I am a massive Terminator fan so, biased.

I liked it the first time I saw it, but was bored to death by it recently after re-watching it on Cinemax.

The opening scene (well, Bale's opening scene) is fucking epic, though.

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I have never liked Star Trek, but that movie was awesome on so many levels. To each their own I suppose.

Yeah, exactly this. I have 0 interest in the TV shows, but that film was fantastic fun.

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Might as well chip in my opinions about each film on the list...

25. Invictus - Like a blanket. It makes you warm and comfortable, but you never go "HOLY FUCK THIS IS AWESOME!" - (7/10)

24. Coraline - I've seen this three times. I didn't like it the first time around, but I'm warming more to it with each screening - (6/10)

23. The Informant - Haven't seen it.

22. Fantastic Mr Fucks - Haven't seen it, but I hear it's the usual 'Wes Anderson is an incredibly white man' stuff.

21. The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus - Loved it. I think Terry Gilliam could take a shit on the ground and he'd find a way to be completely unique and mesmerising. I wish more films were like his. - (9/10)

20. Drag Me To Hell - Great story with Sam Raimi returning to his roots. Closest I've come to jumping for a while. But like most horror, it has no replay value because I now know the twists and when the scary bits happen. - (8/10)

19. Paranormal Activity - Shite. The difference between this and Blair Witch is you never doubt the reality of Blair Witch. Here, I spend half the time thinking how could the male afford such a massive house when he's never at work. :P - (4/10)

18. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Haven't seen it.

17. Black Dynamite - Haven't seen it. It's on my immediate 'to watch' pile though.

16. The Road - 'The Feel Like Shit Feel of the Decade'. A difficult film, but I enjoyed its impenetrable darkness. - (8/10)

15. A Serious Man - Haven't seen it.

14. Up In The Air - Haven't seen it. I imagine George Clooney does 'the usual' performance, seeing he got an Oscar nomination.

13. Sherlock Holmes - I hyped this one too much in my mind to be honest. I came out of the screening feeling empty. Good, but not great. - (6/10)

12. In The Loop - Is fucking awesome. Everything about it is godly. My favourite comedy film since Shaun of the Dead. - (9/10)

11. (500) Days of Summer - I dislike Zooey Deschanel as an actress. She's keeps putting out the same deadpan, twee, kooky and quirky performance. Here, it somehow works. The film plays up to her strengths because it's essentially exploring what goes on in the head of people like her (adolescents, hipsters, etc.), and everyone benefits as a result. Hooray! - (8/10)

10. Avatar - The 3D is pointlessly impressive. The story clicks perfectly, it's a blockbuster with a vintage feel, where worlds are allowed to be explored, and relationships are allowed to develop before shit blows up. The villains are one-dimensional though. - (8/10)

9. The Hurt Locker - Dramatic with thrilling scenes. Overstays its welcome, and the way the final five minutes resemble a recruiting ad is inexcusable. - (7/10)

8. The Hangover - I usually don't 'get' huge comedy hits, but this was a joy to watch. Can we all agree that Ken Jeong stole the show, motherfucKEERRR? - (7/10)

7. Moon - I love this film so much. I'd go as far to say I prefer this to 2001: A Space Odyssey. - (9/10)

6. Up - The first truly classic animation since the two Toy Story films. I almost cried during the montage in the first act. Powerful stuff. - (9/10)

5. District 9 - Embarrassingly, I haven't seen it.

4. Zombieland - Haven't seen this either.

3. Star Trek - It did what the Star Trek franchise needed badly. It's modern and... cool?! I watched this again last week and I appreciate how much the new actors are trying to replicate their old counterparts. Chris Pine is essentially a young William Shatner. Fantastic! - (8/10)

2. Watchmen - Hated it. Badly directed, absolutely pretentious, the wrong parts were edited out. Evidently not my cup of tea judging by its position. I hyped this one in my head too much too, I guess I fell for the Dark Knight wave-riding hype. - (3/10)

1. Inglourious Basterds - I haven't seen it. I suck.

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