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Human Centipede


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On 19 October, 2009 it was announced a sequel, titled The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) has been planned for theaters in 2011. Full Sequence will supposedly include a centipede composed of twelve individuals.[37]

Looks like that doctor's gonna need a bigger front room, then. shifty.gif

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I'd be more interested if he dressed them up like a Centipede too. I mean, you go to trouble of stitching them ass to mouth, at least have the decency to paint them a nice shade of green or red and complete the look.

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Saw this last night and really loved it. Firstly, most of the criticisms I've heard regarding the movie are pretty invalid (one person complained that the girls are wandering in the woods for 15 minutes- that's not true at all. Another person said that it wasn't anatomically graphic enough- your mileage may vary, but I wasn't disappointed). Also, the movie had its funny moments, but it wasn't a comedy- the humor was generally supposed to be uncomfortable and it didn't demean the subject matter, being as how at it's core, it's a story of torture and imprisonment. The absolute best thing about the movie, though, was Dieter Laser. Honestly, his was one of the best performances I've ever seen in a horror movie, just so sick and vile and weird and disturbing. Totally different roles, but the only portrayal of similar quality that's even coming to mind is Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter.



No, this movie was a fucking abortion.

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To be fair, The Waterboy was pretty fucking stupid.

Yeah, that's right, I'm roasting that sacred cow. Everything about that movie that wasn't Captain Insano or Kathy Bates sucked. EVEN FONZIE.

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To be fair, The Waterboy was pretty fucking stupid.

Yeah, that's right, I'm roasting that sacred cow. Everything about that movie that wasn't Captain Insano or Kathy Bates sucked. EVEN FONZIE.

You better watch it, Sousa.

You're giving me some Tacklin' Fuel....

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To be fair, The Waterboy was pretty fucking stupid.

Yeah, that's right, I'm roasting that sacred cow. Everything about that movie that wasn't Captain Insano or Kathy Bates sucked. EVEN FONZIE.

All of Sandlers films are pretty fucking stupid, though. tongue.gif I mean, I genuinely enjoy most of them but that doesn't stop them being fairly retarded.

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Ebert's review of this is great. I haven't seen him so confused since the last time he tried to write about video games.

The great thing about Ebert is that he doesn't hate on things he doesn't understand, aside from one scathing review of the Waterboy. :(

And video games.

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  • 1 year later...

The Human Centipede II Rejected By BBFC

Last year's The Human Centipede was mad, bad and really quite grotesque. But this year's sequel, imaginatively called The Human Centipede II, has been rejected by the British Board of Film Classification on the basis that it is "sexually violent and potentially obscene". This means that the DVD cannot be legally supplied anywhere in the UK.

The original film was released, uncut, as an 18 last year. This one, however, apparently has "unacceptable material" throughout which cannot be remedied with cuts. The filmmakers have six weeks in which to appeal against the decision.

It's worth noting, before we get all up in arms, that this is a relatively rare decision for the BBFC, who outlined their reasons at some length and stressed that the full Board was in on this one. The full reasoning is below - but if you're of a sensitive disposition even this may be rather unpleasant.

"The first film dealt with a mad doctor who sews together three kidnapped people in order to produce the ‘human centipede’of the title. Although the concept of the film was undoubtedly tasteless and disgusting it was a relatively traditional and conventional horror film and the Board concluded that it was not in breach of our Guidelines at ‘18’. This new work, The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence), tells the story of a man who becomes sexually obsessed with a DVD recording of the first film and who imagines putting the ‘centipede’ idea into practice. Unlike the first film, the sequel presents graphic images of sexual violence, forced defecation, and mutilation, and the viewer is invited to witness events from the perspective of the protagonist. Whereas in the first film the ‘centipede’ idea is presented as a revolting medical experiment, with the focus on whether the victims will be able to escape, this sequel presents the ‘centipede’ idea as the object of the protagonist’s depraved sexual fantasy.

The principal focus of The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) is the sexual arousal of the central character at both the idea and the spectacle of the total degradation, humiliation, mutilation, torture, and murder of his naked victims. Examples of this include a scene early in the film in which he masturbates whilst he watches a DVD of the original Human Centipede film, with sandpaper wrapped around his penis, and a sequence later in the film in which he becomes aroused at the sight of the members of the ‘centipede’ being forced to defecate into one another’s mouths, culminating in sight of the man wrapping barbed wire around his penis and raping the woman at the rear of the ‘centipede’. There is little attempt to portray any of the victims in the film as anything other than objects to be brutalised, degraded and mutilated for the amusement and arousal of the central character, as well as for the pleasure of the audience. There is a strong focus throughout on the link between sexual arousal and sexual violence and a clear association between pain, perversity and sexual pleasure. It is the Board’s conclusion that the explicit presentation of the central character’s obsessive sexually violent fantasies is in breach of its Classification Guidelines and poses a real, as opposed to a fanciful, risk that harm is likely to be caused to potential viewers.

David Cooke, Director of the BBFC said: “It is the Board's carefully considered view that to issue a certificate to this work, even if confined to adults, would be inconsistent with the Board's Guidelines, would risk potential harm within the terms of the VRA, and would be unacceptable to the public.

“The Board also seeks to avoid classifying material that may be in breach of the Obscene Publications Acts 1959 and 1964 (OPA) or any other relevant legislation. The OPA prohibits the publication of works that have a tendency to deprave or corrupt a significant proportion of those likely to see them. In order to avoid classifying potentially obscene material, the Board engages in regular discussions with the relevant enforcement agencies, including the CPS, the police, and the Ministry of Justice. It is the Board’s view that there is a genuine risk that this video work, The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence), may be considered obscene within the terms of the OPA, for the reasons given above."

So there you have it. What do you think: saving us all from ourselves or censorship gone too far? Or do you even care that we won't be able to see this particular opus? Speak your brains below...

Now what am I supposed to masturbate to?

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I had seen the film and have to say i expected much more gore or something... all in all it was just a very strange comedy, i hated the girls so much i wanted them to die much more horrible. The german talk was funny.

It is funny when Germans talk!

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