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Red Dead Redemption

King Ellis

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I want this game really bad, but I am without an XBOX360 or a PS3. I haven't bought a game console in a while, so I'm thinking about a PS3 to go nicely with my HDTV I got last February. This would definitely be a game to get when I get around to it, but unfortunately, I'd have to wait until like August, and I bet all of the fun will be over already =(.

Glad to hear it's so good, though.

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I just jumped from the balcony of the Armadillo saloon and landed on my horse. This has never happened to me before in all the time I've jumped the balcony of the Armadillo saloon. This game is the best.

EDIT: Also, where to find wolves? Wherever I go it just turns out to be coyotes. :(

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The wolves appear in the final 1/3 of the game, when you can get in the north-east to tall trees

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Er, no, there are wolves all over the place. There were tons around Silent Stead last time I was there and I can't seem to move in Mexico without running into a pack of them. If you look on the map that came with the game, it shows you where all the animal types are. For instance there is a silhouette directly under Armadillo of a fox and a wolf. Just look around those areas, and listen to the noises. If you hear howling, it's a coyote, if you hear barking, it's a wolf. They seldom travel alone.

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Boars are the worst. I can't find them anywhere. Even with bait, in the area the map says they should be, I get nothing but Cougars. Which makes me afraid to take my beautiful Kentucky Saddler there. :(

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Got the Master Hunter Rank 3 via bait outside of Armadillo. Strange thing was that the first time I used it, a Cougar sprang to life somewhere and attacked. It then fled and I promptly shot it. It was strange.

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Got the Master Hunter Rank 3 via bait outside of Armadillo. Strange thing was that the first time I used it, a Cougar sprang to life somewhere and attacked. It then fled and I promptly shot it. It was strange.

Weird, isn't it? They just pop up everywhere when you use bait. Not a bad thing though, killing a cougar can result in some lovely rewards.

For anyone interested, IGN has a video guide up on the locations of all the buried treasures.

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For long range I like the bolt action - I have one major problem with the Springfield and Bolt Action however, and when I am in a large firefight I always tend to use the repeaters for one simple reason. Hide behind cover and then take a shot with the Springfield. Marston/Multiplayer Character will cock back the rifle before getting back down into cover leaving you open for a second or two. Do it with a repeater and he'll pop right back down into cover.

My favorite weapons overall are the semi-auto shotgun/Caraco Rifle for multiplayer and the high power pistol for my main game AND multiplayer. You just point that thing at whatever you want to die and it does the job FAST.

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