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Olympic 2012 Mascots revealed....

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The one that looks like a bottle opener is "Wenlock" and his silver and blue Paralympic mate is Mandeville.

Apparantly they were formed from drops of molten steel from the girders that are making the Olympic stadium.

I think they're okay. At least they're different, and kinda look like characters from a kids TV programme. Their single eyeball is a camera to get a mascot's eye view of things apparantly.

Olympic mascots are historically a bit rubbish anyway and I do like the way London has said "screw it" to standard Olympic colours etc and chosen to distance themselves as much from the Beijing games as possible, which is good as no other Olympics can be as HUGE as Beijing.

I still love the 2012 logo in it's British flag colouring.


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I'm hardly in position to comment, being from Vancouver and all, but... those look like some creepy half robot, half Spore alien monster that can shoot lasers from it's eyes. In fact, if I had to guess what it's inspiration was, I'd say they gave them a picture of a Beamos and told them "I want two of those in our Olympic colors".

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Yeah, I hate the logo and the mascots are... alright I guess, but I would've preferred a cheesy 1980s/1990s style one based on a stereotype. Not that we really have much of a national identity now apart from binge drinking and hooliganism :shifty:

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I still love the 2012 logo in it's British flag colouring.


The zero looks like the Canadian flag :shifty:

That's a nod to us stealing all their athletes over the years...

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The logo was pretty awful to be fair, trying far too hard to be modern and funky without any reason.

That said the mascots work well for me. Seeing a single picture of them doesn't really do them justice, the whole point is that they are meant to be fluid, if you watch the videos they morph into all sorts of shapes depending on the sport they are representing. Certainly much more interesting and fun than yet another cuddly lion.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Scott Feschuk summed up the mascots quite nicely:

"There hasn’t been a more disastrous debut since the opening beats of my 2 Live Crew cover band. But screw it: I don’t care what everybody else says. I like the new Olympic and Paralympic mascots. And I especially like them in this photo. They look like anthropomorphized Wii controllers being caught by the paparazzi stumbling home from an all-night bender at Super Mario’s."

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The mascots are okay I guess, but nothing will top the mascot from the 2009 World Championships and the antics he had during the whole time for me.

That's the point though surely, the mascot was just a stupid fuzzy bear, it's the cartoons and shit that made him popular.

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As soon as someone mentioned "Lisa Simpson giving head", I can't see anything else... regardless of colours.

Same :lol:

I don't like 'em that much...they've tried a little too hard to be different and modern IMO but it's hardly a big thing. Don't get why some people are kicking off and saying 'STOP RUINING US AND MAKING US LOOK LIKE A JOKE TO THE WORLD'. It's a logo and a mascot, get over it.

And I can't believe the One show (or the BBC News, one of the two) said 'but the furry animal type doesnt always work...like Berlino the Bear' whilst showing him dropping that female athlete. I thought he was great, as it seems did everyone else. Plus, him dropping that woman was hilarious.

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