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2010 College Football Thread

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"We always name our trick plays after movies. We keep it fun. ... We actually put it in on Wednesday. It worked every time," Dantonio said. "I made the call, 'Little Giants,' and I said a little prayer."

They should've named it The Annexation of Puerto Rico.. <_<

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So Dantoni has a heart attack after Sparty pulls it off. Don't worry guys, just a 'mild' heart attack ... you know because that makes any fucking sense. It's a heart attack, nothing is mild about that.

Word from Houston camp is that they might as well pack it in. Keenum is done for the year AND backup Cotton Turner is as well. That's really shitty for that team.

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Med Reds are always a hard thing to figure out. One guy will get one and people will scratch their heads why ... but then the next guy that will get denied and people are asking WTF how did he NOT get one ?

With the Concussion issue and a blown knee both by the 3rd game it's possible. Unfortunately the process to exactly how they award it is only 1 degree above the BCS process.

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Gotta love a university that hires some guy who's not even a student there to fill the mascot suit. Even better when said guy has a diabolical, Hans Gruber-esque conspiracy to punch Brutus Buckeye in the nuts. (Ahem.)

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Keenum is already a redshrt senior, so he's pretty much done until the NFL draft or whatever. Will probably hurt his stock a little, but most people seem to be pretty high on him. Even for a 'system' QB.

He's going to have to shred it up at the workouts to even be considered in the first few rounds, I think. The "system" stigma will drag him down too much, especially with what is basically a year off.

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Keenum is actually one of the few that people have tabbed as a good QB 'despite the system' ... coming out of HS he was a dual threat QB (6500+ yds in the air 48TDS and 2000yds on the ground and 42 TDS) ... but he played at a 3A school in Texas (smaller school) so only teams like Baylor/UTEP/Houston/North Texas really payed any attention ...

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Keenum is actually one of the few that people have tabbed as a good QB 'despite the system' ... coming out of HS he was a dual threat QB (6500+ yds in the air 48TDS and 2000yds on the ground and 42 TDS) ... but he played at a 3A school in Texas (smaller school) so only teams like Baylor/UTEP/Houston/North Texas really payed any attention ...


Because I'll fully admit that I've watched maybe just a game or two of his, period, but all of the in-depth scouting reports I can google up all say he's right in line with the Chase Daniels/Colt McCoys/Colt Brennans/Graham Harrells of the world. A system QB with a skillset that doesn't translate well to the NFL at all.

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Because I'll fully admit that I've watched maybe just a game or two of his, period, but all of the in-depth scouting reports I can google up all say he's right in line with the Chase Daniels/Colt McCoys/Colt Brennans/Graham Harrells of the world. A system QB with a skillset that doesn't translate well to the NFL at all.

One of those things is not like the others.

... and if any of those reports are by Mel Kiper, disgregard.

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Because I'll fully admit that I've watched maybe just a game or two of his, period, but all of the in-depth scouting reports I can google up all say he's right in line with the Chase Daniels/Colt McCoys/Colt Brennans/Graham Harrells of the world. A system QB with a skillset that doesn't translate well to the NFL at all.

One of those things is not like the others.

... and if any of those reports are by Mel Kiper, disgregard.

No, no. They're all weak armed quarterbacks from pass happy spread offenses who weren't prepared to read defenses, had poor footwork, no sense of pocket awareness, and will never amount to anything more than backups in the NFL.

And no, none of the reports were from Kiper. However, Kiper's one of the best when it comes down to drafting and scouting and all that jazz, why would I disregard anything he has to say? McShay's the mentally challenged one, not Kiper. >_>

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Kiper's been drooling over Jake Locker's nuts for the last twelve months, and Nebraska's defense made him look worse than Colt McCoy ever looked.

Because he hadn't played as bad as he did against Nebraska, maybe? You don't think he's going to re-evaluate his views on Locker now? Besides, he wasn't exactly the only one hyping Locker up as the best quarterback this (or last) year.

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Mel Kiper sucked off JP Losman as well. <-----

Mel Kiper thought Ryan Leaf's attitude would translate to him being better than that Manning guy.

Mel Kiper lead the sucking off of Akili Smith and lauded that his skill set would EXCEL in the pro game.

Mel Kiper joked about the Colts "always picking 2nd" after the Colts selected that Marshall Faulk guy.

Mel Kiper was the only "expert" to sing the praises of Andre Ware.

Mel Kiper laughed Chris Spielman was taken in the 1st round.

Mel Kiper shit on everybody that didn't take JJ Stokes.

Mel Kiper swore up and down that John Walsh was a 1st round QB.

Mel Kiper thought Matt Hasselbeck was a waste of a pick.

Mel Kiper swore that JaMarcus Russell would be a top 5 QB in the league.

.... it goes on and on.

There's also the fact he's a giant douche in the realm of Jim Rome douchery, and as time has worn on has ended up being much more of a poser than actual "expert."

But, the biggest and most imporant thing about Mel Kiper ? He's a fucking nobody. He has all of ZERO playing and coaching experience. He started a little company in college that somehow grew into him being an ESPN "expert" analyst for the NFL/Draft. He essentially makes his living by doing what NFL scouts/GM's do in regards to player personnel. However, he's an ESPN analyst and doesn't/hasn't ever worked in the NFL or for the NFL in any type of personnel capacity. There's a reason for that ...


While he very well may not ever translate into the pro game, McCoy certainly isn't everything you just described. In fact, you illustrated perfectly the issue guys have coming from any school that throws the ball more than 50% of the time. I'll preface by saying that I completely agree with the whole "system" argument explaining the successes of plenty of QB's ... I won't however do what you just did.

Harrell was anything but weak armed. In fact, he got more attention that the previous Tech QB's because of his arm strength.

McCoy had to throw the ball on numerous "out" patterns and on many "read" routes at Texas. That's the offense that Mack likes. If you'd ever actually paid attention to Texas games you'd also know that his pocket awareness was just fine for the college game. His intelligence was actually one of his strong suites. He doesn't have the down the field arm but can throw passes on a rope in the 40yd range more often than not ....

... you know what, I'm actually very interested in what reports you're talking about because uh .... yeah.

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Goddamn does Tino Sunseri suck.

Not that I expected Pitt to beat Miami but holy hell was he awful. Pitt has some extremely talented skill players (Baldwin, Shanahan, Lewis, Graham) and they're being absolutely wasted with this asshole under center.

And I was foolishly optimistic about Dave Wannstedt when Pitt hired him. The guy has proven that he can recruit talented players. He cannot coach a game to save his life. His teams are thoroughly unprepared every week and they never seem to gameplan to take advantage of their opponents' weaknesses. Instead their opponents always seem to have Pitt figured out.

Ugh. They might end up winning the Big East (I doubt it) but who gives a shit at this point? They'll just get slaughtered in a BCS Bowl by a superior team with a superior coaching staff playing superior football.

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