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2010 College Football Thread

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That was a great championship game. I don't understand why Oregon was so set on running the ball even though they were being dominated at the line of scrimmage though. I feel like they would have done a lot better had they opened up the field a little bit more, like they have all season.

Because the conferences that end in "10" tend to choke like dogs against the SEC? I've never seen a team so content to lose 3 or 4 yards a pop attempting the same play over and over and over again. Chip Kelly's overly aggressive nature bit him in the ass today. Going on 4th and goal from the 1 was never going to end well when they called that same "watch your linemen get raped and your running backs buried as they destroy the running lanes in the middle" running play.

TCU for AP Nat'l Champs :shifty:

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I was pretty disappointed in the game until the very end actually. Just wasn't doing it for me.

Oregon should definetly have been getting outside more with options and such. The secondary was weak but Auburn was bringing heat all night and Oregon's QB wasn't real sharp for most of the game.

Auburn was just the better team. And Fairley is a monster!

I'll take the under on the 4.5 years I think.

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Oregon hadn't seen an entire defense that moves like that all season. They didn't know how to adjust. Auburn had the athletes everywhere and Oregon couldn't handle it.

Also, NAIWF is correct, TCU for AP Title please.

And Gene, I'm taking absolutely nothing away from you buddy. But please, when you know damn well there is another undefeated team out there (which isn't a Tulanesque flash in the pan mind you) ... don't go on national tv and douche it up by saying "we're the best college football team in America, I know that" ... because you don't. You especially don't do that when you're at a school that was left in the cold while undefeated and cried about how you were shafted ... and Gene, you were on that coaching staff.

On the flip side of that. LOL Auburn fan that berated him coming off the plane when he got the job. I bet your sorry fucking ass wasn't bitching about that win last night eh ? Douche.

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On the flip side of that. LOL Auburn fan that berated him coming off the plane when he got the job. I bet your sorry fucking ass wasn't bitching about that win last night eh ? Douche.


This is why I think its hilarious to listen to sports radio and all these people telling me that if Michigan hires this guy or hires that guy they're never going to be able to rebuild their program. I'm just going to assume the AD knows what the hell he's doing and hope he gets the right guy. No point in judging a coach at your school until you have something to judge.

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The AP pussed out as expected. Auburn got 56 of 59 1st place votes, TCU got the other 3, but Auburn won by 80 points. TCU barely finished ahead of Oregon (13 pts) which means that a significant portion of the voters STILL put a 1 loss Oregon ahead of undefeated TCU.

I meant to mention this last night, but was anyone really surprised that a team led by an L. James came up short while playing for a title? :shifty:

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This is why I think its hilarious to listen to sports radio and all these people telling me that if Michigan hires this guy or hires that guy they're never going to be able to rebuild their program. I'm just going to assume the AD knows what the hell he's doing and hope he gets the right guy. No point in judging a coach at your school until you have something to judge.

Which they did with Mr Gene. Just goes to show you how "football educated" that Auburn Fan is. The man went from being on your coaching staff for the 2004 undefeated season to being the DC for Texas' National Title Team ... to HC at a school that has had exactly 7 worth a shit football players to ever play for them.

Also, fuck you AP ... fuck you in your ass. You had no issue trotting out USC as your National Champion when things weren't perfect with the BCS. But a 'no name' school ? You won't grow a sack ? Fuck off and die with the BCS please. No way in hell TCU couldn't play with either of those two teams last night. Now fucking way.

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I didn't expect TCU to get the AP title, but the fact that some people voted them 3rd (or worse) after they beat Wisconsin is complete and utter bullshit. We all know that if Wisconsin had won that game TCU would have dropped to the bottom part of the top 10, and voters shouldn't be able to have it both ways. The 3 first place votes were more than I expected, but there's no reason they shouldn't have received 2nd place votes across the board.

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This is why I think its hilarious to listen to sports radio and all these people telling me that if Michigan hires this guy or hires that guy they're never going to be able to rebuild their program. I'm just going to assume the AD knows what the hell he's doing and hope he gets the right guy. No point in judging a coach at your school until you have something to judge.

Which they did with Mr Gene. Just goes to show you how "football educated" that Auburn Fan is. The man went from being on your coaching staff for the 2004 undefeated season to being the DC for Texas' National Title Team ... to HC at a school that has had exactly 7 worth a shit football players to ever play for them.

And to be fair, Bo Jackson equals three of those seven. Because Bo knows God. Because Bo is God.

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This is why I think its hilarious to listen to sports radio and all these people telling me that if Michigan hires this guy or hires that guy they're never going to be able to rebuild their program. I'm just going to assume the AD knows what the hell he's doing and hope he gets the right guy. No point in judging a coach at your school until you have something to judge.

Which they did with Mr Gene. Just goes to show you how "football educated" that Auburn Fan is. The man went from being on your coaching staff for the 2004 undefeated season to being the DC for Texas' National Title Team ... to HC at a school that has had exactly 7 worth a shit football players to ever play for them.

And to be fair, Bo Jackson equals three of those seven. Because Bo knows God. Because Bo is God.

I think he was talking about Iowa State with their great legacy of Troy Davis and uh... I think Pop Warner once coached there.

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Are you really gonna bitch about the AP putting Auburn #1 after they went through as many RANKED teams as they did? I mean I don't like the BCS as much as the next person, but c'mon, use common sense here.

(EDIT: That's more towards Httk than nawif (who I agree with). If Httk is bitching about people putting TCU 3rd or worse, then yeah, go ahead)

Also, Dave Brandon does not know what he is doing.

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Are you really gonna bitch about the AP putting Auburn #1 after they went through as many RANKED teams as they did? I mean I don't like the BCS as much as the next person, but c'mon, use common sense here.

You're also talking about the same Auburn team that went through the same SEC but couldn't sniff the National Title Game in '04. If it wasn't good enough to get them into the game in '04, it sure as fuck isn't good enough now to say they are the clear cut national champion this year.

TCU and Auburn both played 1 FCS school this year. Difference ? TCU did it Sept 11, Auburn did it Nov 6.

Which non-conference schedule would you rate tougher ? Clemson/Arkansas St/UL Monroe/Tenn Chattanooga ... Baylor/Org State/SMU/Tenn Tech ? (Hint - one includes a team that played for a conference title, two bowl teams/one of which won their game while the other includes only one team with a winning record, the FCS team) ... guess which is which ?

After how TCU handled a Wisconsin team that steamrolled to the Rose Bowl ? Yeah, it's common sense that tells me TCU could play with any team in the country ... and they proved it on the field.

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I'm not arguing if TCU can play with Auburn, cause I think they can. But for how better TCU's non-conference schedule was, let's look at Auburn's conference wins:

#8 LSU

#11 Alabama

#12 Arkansas

#17 Mississippi St.

#22 South Carolina (twice)

That's 6 wins out of 9 against ranked teams in their conference. This is probably one of the few years the SEC champion can use the "weak" OOC excuse. To not vote them #1, no matter what happens down the line in the forthcoming years, would be flat out wrong.

Wanting them to vote TCU #1 just to prove a point is just as bad as how a MNC is decided in College Football in today's world

Again, if your bitching about people still putting them third or worse (making the margin what it is), then go ahead because I agree.

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I'm not arguing if TCU can play with Auburn, cause I think they can. But for how better TCU's non-conference schedule was, let's look at Auburn's conference wins:

#8 LSU

#11 Alabama

#12 Arkansas

#17 Mississippi St.

#22 South Carolina (twice)

That's 6 wins out of 9 against ranked teams in their conference. This is probably one of the few years the SEC champion can use the "weak" OOC excuse. To not vote them #1, no matter what happens down the line in the forthcoming years, would be flat out wrong.

There is no excuse for a weak OOC schedule. None.

AF/SDSU/Utah are every bit as good of wins as S Carolina/Miss St .... and let's be honest about SC .. they were in the SEC East. Beating SC twice really shouldn't be a bonus for Auburn. TCU doesn't have a conference championship game. That shouldn't be held against them.

Auburn beat 2 great teams and 1 really good one. TCU beat 3 really good teams.

There is another team that finished the season undefeated. That team beat more than one quality team. That team played a better OOC schedule than Auburn. That team beat a BCS Conference Champion in the Rose Bowl. There is another team that has a completely valid claim to being called National Champion.

Were I a member of the AP and voted that team #1, I wouldn't be flat out wrong. I'd just be in disagreement on who the best team in the nation is. I'm not saying it is wrong to think Auburn is. I'm saying it is wrong to call them the clear cut #1 team in the country.

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I know how this is going to sound, but as a singular network I really don't think that Oklahoma can do it. There are VERY few schools in the nation that have the clout to pull this off.

I don't think Oklahoma is one of those schools. I mean shit, NONE of the big ten schools could do it and that includes Michigan and Ohio State .... SEC same thing.

ESPN wouldn't just sign on with any "big school" to do it either.

This is fucking HUGE ... HUGE ... I'd say only 5 or so schools could do this on this level.

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I mean, obviously the audience Texas reaches is bigger than virtually all teams in the nation. But it is going to create such a massive competitive advantage for them in their conference that anybody trying to stay on a level playing field will surely have to follow suit. Texas is going to make huge money from this network, in another conference the entire conference would have its own network but in the Big 12 that network for now belongs exclusively to the Longhorns.

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