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2010 College Football Thread

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No confirmation yet that RichRod was fired. I can imagine the scenario of him being told to wait outside the office, the AD calling Harbaugh, Jim saying he won't take the job, and RichRod being called back in and told they'll talk to him later in the week.

This is beyond probable.

As for Harbaugh getting "one chance" to coach at his alma mater. How about the chance to coach against his brother in the NFL? How about his father, who according to some reports has indicated he envisions both his sons as NFL coaches? There's a lot going on here that plays as big a role if not bigger than coaching at one's alma mater.

Edited by damshow
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Oh Ohio State is not as good as you'd like to think.

Arkansas' wide receivers are just picking the worst possible game to forget how to catch the ball.

And the final pick comes from a guy that should have been suspended in the first place. Once again, I'm not impressed at all with the Buckeyes. Everyone got a good look at how crappy the Big Ten is. Mark May wants to talk about Boise State losing four or five games in the Pac-10 or SEC? I'd say Ohio State is in the same category.

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Congratulations for getting your first win against a SEC team...ever (although that might just be in bowls). Too bad it was against the FOURTH best SEC team. Not to take away from the Hogs, they won the games, but I'd still take auburn (obviously), Alabama, and LSU over them. Maybe South Carolina as well.

Jim Harbaugh would be an idiot to take the Michigan job, right now. Michigan is not in a position to succeed. The RichRod experiment failed miserably, and the team isn't set-up to return to Michigan football. What Harbaugh should do is go to the NFL, where plenty of teams (including both in the Bay area) want him, let a solid, if unspectacular coach, like, say, Brady Hoke (who might surprise some people, he rebuilt Ball State and got San Diego State to play up to their potential, he's a fine coach), come in, handle the transition back to a pro-style offense, re-fill the cupboard, and take the fall in four or five years when the Michigan fans, who have over-inflated expectations for where the program is right now, call for his head, and, if the NFL doesn't work out, he can come back, the returning hero, to a program in a much better position for success.

Now, if it wasn't for a certain section of the Michigan fanbase who still thinks this is 1960, the situation might be different, but it's not, and Michigan is a job that's going to take times, and, honestly, is probably going to cost the next coach his job, because there at least five to six years away, talent-wise, from even thinking about being TALKED about as a title contender. They can get back, but they'll need to put their heads down and get to work. They just don't have 'Michigan' type talent right now. Luckily, they play in the Big 10, and not the SEC or Pac 10.

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As a Michigan fan I would be ecstatic to see Harbaugh come. But I'm not so stupid to think he'll turn down the NFL to come rebuild Michigan.

Brady Hoke will be the next coach. And I have no problem with that. Everyone assumes you have to have a big named coach to win. Nobody is a big name until they get a chance, ala Jim Tressel.

As for Ohio St., they are only a decent team, and I still don't think they were the best team in the Big 10. I think that was Wisconsin.

I'm a Michigan fan, thus I loathe the existence of Ohio St., but to say they would lose 4 games in the Pac-10, absoutely absurd. I concede the PAc-10 as the 2nd best conference this year. But Ohio St. would have easily been the third best team in that conference. Ohio St. is better than Arizona, period. And after Arizona the Pac-10 had what, Wasington, USC? Come on now.

The Pac-10 is good, but they'll never be great. Next year Stanford will be on the decline with no Harbaugh and no Luck. But USC will probably be really good again, making it once again a 2 conference with not a lot of depth.

I'm a Big 10 apologist, but I am not so dense to realize they are 3rd or 4th best conference this season. But let's not pretend the Pac-10 is some powerhouse conference that has been the 2nd best conference for years and years.

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Who said they'd lose four games in the Pac 10? They would have lost two this year, and maybe one more, because every team in the Pac 10, with the exception of Wazzu, is, on the whole, faster than the teams in the Big 10. The Buckeyes would probably have lost three to four in the SEC, though.

Big 10 fans need to stop worrying about other conferences, and worry about themselves. In fact, why do people even care about who the 'best' conference is. I care how UCLA (and to a lesser extent, Navy) do. I could give a fuck how 'good' the Pac 10 is, I just want the Bruins to be good. The only people who think otherwise are retarded fans of shitty SEC teams that think because their team goes undefeated against the Sun Belt and 1AA, then beats Vandy and sucks out a win against Kentucky/Misstake/OleMiss and goes to a bowl, they're 'good' because Alabama/Auburn/LSU are. Its all bullshit anyway.

The only reason I even mentioned the SEC and Pac 10 when talking about Michigan is because the SEC is really good at the top, and the Pac 10 is the most competitive BCS conference that doesn't suck (oh, hi Big East). They beat Ohio State and they win the conference. That simple. It makes things easier when half the conference is barely competitive.

Oh, and Arizona could most definitely beat Ohio State. So could USC. Hell, ASU should have beaten Wisconsin, and they beat the Buckeyes.

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Meacon, how did you deal with the past 15 or so years?

Well, the last fifteen years were broken up with back-to-back Super Bowl wins by Denver in '98 and '99. Were it not from that I'd be on top of a belltower right now.

Oh, and I said they'd lose four games in the Pac-10, I think. I was generalizing really, as I said if they were in the Pac-10 or SEC. Really, they'd lose four in the SEC, two or three in the Pac-10. I know Oregon and Stanford would beat them, but I wouldn't put it past a USC, Arizona, or Oregon State, if they'd had homefield.

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I'm still not understanding the rational for the Pac-10 this year. Fucking Washington was the 3rd place team. Two great teams, one "good" one .... and everybody else was decent at best. I just, don't get how a conference that has a 7-6 squad finish third can be considered the 2nd best conference in the nation.

Harbaugh though, DMN has it dead on. He's the perfect NEXT coach for Michigan but is not the man to be the lamb right now. Someone needs to come in and be given 4-6 years to just steady the ship, take out the trash, and keep the sinking ship from bottoming out. That's it. No stupid ass gimmicks (RichFraud), no "name" coach, and holy fuck Michigan no posturing like you're still something people give a damn about. Take the medicine and realize where you really are. Right the ship, and then get the man in.

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The red carpet will get rolled out for Les. Everyone knows Harbaugh will be headed to the NFL at this point. If Miles decides to stay at LSU (where his seat is heated) it won't surprise me since Michigan fans will eat him alive if he pulls that same shit in the Big House. At the same time, he could very reasonably think taking the job with the Wolverines is the smarter decision since if he goes 9-3, 8-4 next year there's no doubt in my mind he gets canned by LSU.

If Les Miles doesn't go? Well there's about 10,000 names out there and all of them won't last more than 5-6 years. THEN it's the perfect time for Jim Harbaugh to come on board, if he flounders in the NFL.

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I hope you're sitting down to write your 'Thank You' letter to the NCAA for not suspending your boys.


I'm as big a Big Ten homer as anyone, but the NCAA bent over and completely fellated the Sugar Bowl on this one. It's a win, but it's about as worthless as they come.

As for Michigan, the only way this is Jim Harbaugh's only chance to coach there is if UM gets Tressel-lucky with a guy like Hoke, who establishes himself for a decade or more. As it is, I'd be highly entertained to see Les Miles come to Michigan and try to pull his clock-bungling tomfoolery without 40 or so freakish SEC athletes there to bail him out. He would make a real run at that lowest winning percentage mark that Rich Rod just set. (And yes, he's the ONLY single coach in Michigan history to record a losing record. Wow.)

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