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2010/2011 NBA Thread


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Well, in my defense, this was the first time LA and Dallas have crossed paths in any meaningful way since Kobe (and Dirk) have been around. Congratulations to you guys, the better team clearly won the series. You have a great chance to come out of the West.

After seeing the Bynum play, and some reflection, I've changed my mind. Dude can go. This is the third bitch move he's pulled off (Gerald Wallace a few years ago and one a few months ago against someone whom's name escapes me right now). Ship his ass out in a trade for Howard.

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If they think he is leaving why wouldn't they?

And great game by the Hawks but I think if Thibs would've stuck better to the rotation or at least have given Rose a breather to start the 4th the Bulls would be up 3-1.

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Even if they do trade Howard, they're gonna want a lot more than Bynum and the Lakers won't have what it takes. Also I thought I read a report or saw one that Howard wanted to stay with Orlando. Maybe I'm totally wrong and imagined that part.

EDIT: I don't really mind who wins the title by the way. I just don't want the Heat to win.

And I would love to see Memphis win with a crazy, historic playoff run.

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Bynum's thuggery notwithstanding (I actually kinda like to see that out of him, but then I loved Charles Oakley too), it's HIGH-larious that sayhder shows up now, and, of course, he's here to bad-mouth the Lakers. I hate the term, but, dude, you're the definition of a hater.

Great series by Dallas, and it didn't hurt that the wheels fell off for us, mentally, and, in some cases, physically. Not running the offense through Bynum, and Pau growing a vagina...I take that back, to call Pau a bitch right now is an insult to canines everywhere. Yes, sayhder, the Lakers are also OLD. Derek Fisher is my man, but he's done, and it didn't help that they let Farmar and Sasha go, because they surely would have outplayed Steve Blake and Shannon Brown.

People can keep joking about the Pau trade, but it actually looks a little more even with the development of Marc Gasol, and that's not the first time the Lakers have re-tooled. You want to know what will bring people to LA, despite an aging Kobe? His name is Andrew, and in two years time he'll be the best center in the NBA. Besides, with a new CBA, the Knicks aren't going to have money for CP3 anyway.

I wouldn't mind seeing any of the three teams out west win it all, with a preference for Memphis, just because they're the fucking former Vancouver Grizzlies. Teams like that just don't win NBA titles. As long as it's not Boston or Miami, I won't be upset.

Again, great series by Dallas, and even though I don't think we have any Mavs fans here, congratulations, you beat the man.

I agree with everything you said, except the bolded part. I'm as big a Laker fan as the next guy, and while i WANT Andrew Bynum to succeed so much, he's injury prone and so-so when it comes to his play. Please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong, but has he had one full healthy season in his career?

Also, his career averages are decent at best, 10.5 PPG and 7.4 RPG; People keep expecting him to turn into the next dominant Laker center, and it's just not going to happen. Shaq isn't walking through that door, and neither is Wilt. When the pressure is on, the offense cannot be run through Bynum, if he wants to become that next dominant Center, he needs to start acting like it, not cheap shotting players when they're going in for layups. Also, where was that physicality in game 2? They needed to set the tone for that series WAY before game 4 and they didn't.

I hate to say it, but Andrew Bynum is nothing more than trade bait for Dwight Howard at this point. 10 years ago another Center left Orlando for the Lakers and his name was Shaquille O'Neal. Now, another one should be coming on board named Dwight Howard. Also, if Bynum does go to Orlando, let's hope Patrick Ewing can do for Bynums career what he did for Howards.

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Bynum's thuggery notwithstanding (I actually kinda like to see that out of him, but then I loved Charles Oakley too), it's HIGH-larious that sayhder shows up now, and, of course, he's here to bad-mouth the Lakers. I hate the term, but, dude, you're the definition of a hater.

Great series by Dallas, and it didn't hurt that the wheels fell off for us, mentally, and, in some cases, physically. Not running the offense through Bynum, and Pau growing a vagina...I take that back, to call Pau a bitch right now is an insult to canines everywhere. Yes, sayhder, the Lakers are also OLD. Derek Fisher is my man, but he's done, and it didn't help that they let Farmar and Sasha go, because they surely would have outplayed Steve Blake and Shannon Brown.

People can keep joking about the Pau trade, but it actually looks a little more even with the development of Marc Gasol, and that's not the first time the Lakers have re-tooled. You want to know what will bring people to LA, despite an aging Kobe? His name is Andrew, and in two years time he'll be the best center in the NBA. Besides, with a new CBA, the Knicks aren't going to have money for CP3 anyway.

I wouldn't mind seeing any of the three teams out west win it all, with a preference for Memphis, just because they're the fucking former Vancouver Grizzlies. Teams like that just don't win NBA titles. As long as it's not Boston or Miami, I won't be upset.

Again, great series by Dallas, and even though I don't think we have any Mavs fans here, congratulations, you beat the man.

What the hell is that supposed to mean? I don't care for the NBA as much as I do pretty much any other sport but that doesn't mean I don't watch the playoffs. Sure, I'm watching the NHL playoffs but again....what the hell is your point? Just because I don't post in the NBA thread every single day doesn't mean I don't follow it. If I was just coming in here and claiming now that I thought the Lakers wouldn't show up in game 4...you'd have a point. But that is why I specifically linked to that twitter post. Believe it or not....not everything is about. I know, it's shocking and hard for you and your go to wrap is head around. Lakers didn't lose because they were old. They lost because they were a mess. It was apparent all series long. There will be some story that will come out eventually that will shed more light on it but that locker room was a mess. Andrew Bynum of all people was calling his teammates out.

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My preference on who wins the title from here

1. Boston

2. Dallas/OKC/Memphis

2b. Chicago/Atlanta

(way the hell down there). Miami

If I had to pick one team to root against it'd be Boston but even they them wouldn't me that much. Would love for a new team to win though but Boston winning probably wouldn't bother me as much as a Lakers win would have. At the start of the playoffs I was thinking Miami/Oklahoma in the finals but honestly wouldn't be surprised to Memphis/Chicago to end up there instead.

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Ive always liked the Lakers. Not what you call a die hard fan, but as long as they got Andrew Bynum on their team from now on I will NEVER again be a Lakers fan. He is a straight up bitch n should not even be allowed in the league.

Edited by draven
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Two great games last night. I love the NBA playoffs. There's nothing like it to me.

I guess I'm gonna get a lot of shit for this but... I'd like to see the Heat win, although I wouldn't mind seeing Dirk and company get a ring. LeBron has been my favorite player since Magic, and I guess it would be cool to see the reaction from a lot of people that didn't give them a chance in hell. Would love to see a Heat/Mavs finals again.

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I'll be happy seeing any team but Boston or Miami.

I feel the same way, but I wanna add Dallas to that list. I really don't care for Nowitzki.

I really want either OKC or Memphis or Chicago to win. I honestly think I'd prefer OKC because I really like Durant. But then again, Memphis would be a great fairy tale.

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