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EWB's Favourite Actors 2010 - Voting Thread


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After a quick PM to GoGo, I fancy running another list - this time, EWB's favourite actors 2010. Basically what it says on the tin. List your top ten actors, in order. And we'll have our list in no time. Don't think it needs anymore explaining than that, surely.

Male and Female actors, of course. So, unless there are any questions, let's get this underway. :)

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I've just had a quick five minute think about name's I'd put in my Top 10. I came up with 33 viable names.

...May have to give me some time.

EDIT: May change the order around but, for now, this will do:

10: Nathan Fillion

9: Helena Bonham Carter

8: Alec Baldwin

7: Michael Emerson

6: Tom Hanks

5: Robert Downey Jr.

4: Timothy Spall

3: Brendan Gleeson

2: Johnny Depp

1: Sir Anthony Hopkins

Other notables who could make it on the list depending on my mood: Joan Cusack, Bill Murray, Woody Harrelson, Harold Perrineau, Michelle Rodriguez, Neil Patrick Harris, Michael Sheen, Ron Perlman, Mickey Rourke, Meryl Streep, Geoffrey Rush.

Any chance of making it a Top 20, Split? tongue.gif

Edited by badotori
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Still living? What the heck, I'll confine myself to still living...

10. Angelina Jolie

9. Nathan Fillion

8. Bruce Willis

7. Ellen Page

6. Cate Blanchett

5. Hugh Laurie

4. Michael Sheen

3. Martin Sheen

2. Leonardo DiCaprio

1. Jack Nicholson

1-3 were close there, but in the end I decided to opt for the sheer longevity and canon of work from Jack as opposed to Leo, who is the best actor working in the world right now. And Martin Sheen is just Martin fucking Sheen. A slightly longer list, or one that was just movie stars as opposed to throwing a couple of TV actors in too, would have probably included De Niro or Kevin Spacey. Or Rachel Weisz, come to think of it.

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Neeson's just plain likable. I don't think I've ever disliked a performance. Except for Kinsey, but that's just because I never wanted to see Oscar Schindler fucking everything in a twenty mile radius. >_>

Edit: God dammit, now I've gone and reminded myself of Kinsey. Now i'll never get an erection again.

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Meh. I liked Schindler's List, definitely, but he's been phoning it in for years now. Kinsey, Phantom Menace (he was, to my mind, the worst thing in that film, although that has a lot to do with the writing of the character), Batman Begins, Taken, the list goes on. I'm honestly expecting his next big payday to be as a Bond villain, because that has just the right level of 'well-spoken, maybe has a good moment, can hold the camera but is ultimately two-dimensional,' which has been Neeson's stock in trade since about 1995.

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Christian Bale

Leo DiCaprio

Bruce Willis

Robert Downey Jr

Brad Pitt

Sam Jackson

Nathan Fillion

Robert DeNiro

Morgan Freeman

Sam Rockwell

Tim Roth

I struggled to find an actress that I have enjoyed in everything I've seen for reasons other than window dressing. 90% of the films I have are really male driven and the few female driven ones such as Alien with Sigourney Weaver, in which she is really really good, feel cheap since I don't count her as one of the best actresses ever. Like, I love Aliens but not much else she's done. Stuff like that. I'd watch almost anything with DiCaprio or Bale in it based entirely on the strength of their past performances, but I find it hard to think of a woman who'd make me interested immediately the same way. Probably says more about my perception than the actresses, but pssh whatever.

I will very likely edit it once I see someone else post a list and realise "fuck, i forgot about her" but eh.

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1. Christian Bale

2. Leanardo DiCaprio

3. Edward Norton

4. Cillian Murphey

5. Vincent Cassell

6. Samuel L. Jackson

7. Nathan Fillion

8. Bradd Pitt

9. Johnny Depp

10. Morgan Freeman

This list is so subject to change.

Edited by Split Second
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