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I had the game crash every time I tried to declare war once :( .

You have to remember, you can't declare war on a country that you already are.

Dropping nukes is fine though, nothing in the code to prevent that.

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Hopefully this makes you feel better - I started a King game last night, had Shaka on my doorstep. A list came out of people who like shiny things - somehow within 40 turns he had 1000 gold (which, if someone could explain how the fuck he managed that, I would appreciate - demanding from city states perhaps?). He spammed units and killed me by turn 60 >_>

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For anyone who gives a damn about Steam achievements... (although since there are nearly 300 of the damned things, I'd advise you against it) ...I hadn't realised this before, but you can easily get multiple "win by X method" achievements on the save game if you just continue after the first win.

So in my Carthage game, I initially got the "win as Carthage" and "win a Science victory with the Order ideology" achievements, but then decided I'd like to carry on and flatten the other civs anyway, which ended up netting me the "win a Domination victory with the Order ideology" achievement as well.

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I don't think I've even tried King on Civ V, but I presume it actually delivers what the game originally promised (i.e. removal of the Stack of Doom means that warfare is more realistic - wars are decided in pitched battles on the open fields, rather than in massive city sieges). Because on Warlord war is still very much "get a couple of catapaults/cannons/etc. in range of city...AHA, I WIN".

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I'm having a similar problem. In Civ IV I wasn't very warlike. I'd keep my head down and let others fight it out. Quite often I'd go through a game without any war.

However, on this game the others seem a lot more willing to attack you, meaning that in like 1600 I'll have five others declaring war on me and my single archer unit. :/

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I try to avoid war until artillery. If it can't be avoided, I try to keep a balance of ranged/melee units and use two lines wherever geography allows. Using ships that can hit land units helps too. Once you have artillery you can hit cities from outside their own bombard range. Some melee units in front for protection, and Gatling guns to pick off weakened units, and most cities fall pretty quickly. Reducing gold purchasing costs via wonders/policies is huge, and there's a belief that allows you to buy military units with faith, which is useful for when you're surprised attack and need a resistance force quick.

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Wow, the Germans are absolutely busted clean in two.

It is 580 AD, and I am COVERING THE CONTINENT IN LANDSKNECHTS~! It helps that I keep raiding barbarian encampments, getting the free unit, which is a spearman...that I then send into allied territory to upgrade to YET ANOTHER LANDSKNECHT for the princely sum of 10 gold.

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Waiting for Arty is probably wise and a bit better than my current strategy, which is "war when happiness and gold income is up." It's much, much easier to get hung up on choke points in this game, which has led to my current war with Morocco becoming a slog because he's on the other side of a bunch of mountains and I can't position my trebs and muskets.

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I try to avoid war until artillery. ... Once you have artillery you can hit cities from outside their own bombard range.

Is this the kind of wussy strategy that our modern times have bred into us?

I blame the US and their "preferably you should have a 10 to 1 advantage in forces before you engage"-type crap. :shifty:

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Poor Adrianople has changed hands four times now in my game. If it weren't for me gifting her Canterbury after I took it from the Poms, poor Theodora would be all on her own. Yet she still denounces me every few decades.

As for Adrianople:

- Owned by Byzantium

- Owned by Babylon

- Owned by Byzantium

- Owned by England

- Owned by me. Renamed Istanbul (I know it was Constantinople, but the number of changes seemed fitting).

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Poor Adrianople has changed hands four times now in my game. If it weren't for me gifting her Canterbury after I took it from the Poms, poor Theodora would be all on her own. Yet she still denounces me every few decades.

As for Adrianople:

- Owned by Byzantium

- Owned by Babylon

- Owned by Byzantium

- Owned by England

- Owned by me. Renamed Istanbul (I know it was Constantinople, but the number of changes seemed fitting).

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I'm struggling with King, I can survive well enough, but doing anything more than that seems to be beyond me. Prince is almost too easy to give me a major challenge, so I think I'll just have to stick to it. My problem may well be that I'm being experimental and trying Civs I've not yet won with, since a lot of them seem to be the early advantage Civs. I just don't have the mindset to use them properly, because I like to build a stable base before doing anything else.

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I had a brief war with America in the 1200s in which I conquered Boston and their ally, Manilla.

It is now 1946 and I get some contact from America; furious that I had conquered Manilla. Seems like a bit of a long while to hold a grudge.

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