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EWB's Top 50 TV Characters!


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As Voted by You, and Hosted by Me!




(26 points – 2 Votes)




(26 Points – 2 Votes)



GENE HUNT (Life On Mars)

(26 Points – 2 Votes)




(28 Points – 2 Votes)




(30 Points – 2 Votes)




(30 Points – 2 Votes)




(30 Points – 2 Votes – 1 First Place Vote)




(30 Points – 3 Votes)




(32 Points – 2 Votes)




(33 Points – 3 Votes)




(33 Points – 3 Votes)

Coming up next is 39 – 35! Including a bunch of criminals, a crooked cop, and the Psychiatrist that would make millions if he got them on billing hours.

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Much fucking love for Malcolm Tucker. I forgot about him, he'd have made my list otherwise. Gene Hunt and Bernard Black are good too. Can't fucking stand Elliot or the bloke from Lie To Me though.

Brian Steadman just missing out (I think he'd have 24-points, with me and CSAMH giving him votes) is upsetting. :(

Edited by YI
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Peggy Olson is the shit. Honestly a much better character than Don Draper in my opinion (I love Don, mind you, but I prefer characters whom you really get to see grow and only now is Don really starting to undergo that process because he just isn't that sort of character). Sue Sylvester is also the shit, a consistently fantastic part of an otherwise insanely inconsistent show. Shane Vendrell is probably only my fifth favorite Shield character (behind Dutch, Claudette, Vic, and Kavanaugh), but he's such a well-realized character and such a wonderfully smarmy bastard that I love that he's on this list. Aaaand I liked Booth in the first season of Bones, but I don't think I have any pressing desire to watch beyond that first season any time soon.

As for everyone else, I either haven't seen the show, or I've seen the show but can't stand the character (hi Elliot, who became an insufferable showblocker on Scrubs after season three or so). Still a pretty good start to the list, even if I know that it's ending in an "EWB's Top 5 Sitcom Characters From The Last Five Years" place.

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Not a bad starting list at all. I need to watch more Bones; but Borenaz and Deschnal have amazing chemistry - which always made Booth so likeable to me. I can see why he made the list. Gene Hunt's someone I would've put on my list if I had a few more spaces - such a truly quality character from the best British Drama in years. Malcom and Sue bring great comic relief to both of their series - and I'm a fan of any list which includes Tim Roth. Finally, I'm just starting True Blood Season Two, where Eric's part in the series should get a little bigger.

Good start, all in all.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Have to agree with GoGo that Peggy is the best character on Mad Men. Not as integral to the show as Draper or Cameron (note: I'm only partway through Season 2 so far), but the only character who's been developing in an interesting way (Draper and Joan haven't developed, Sterling and Betty have developed but not in a way that makes them powerful or interesting).

Elliot...meh. She started off very good, but over time she transformed (similar to all the main characters) from a neurotic doctor to a ridiculous caricature of a neurotic doctor. And that's ignoring the bonus-season "I'm married now so I'm normal and with it and not crazy at all" stuff.

Haven't watched much of any of the other shows.

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Of those characters, I've only seen Elliot and Sue in more than a few episodes. Elliot is probably my least favourite regular cast member from Scrubs and I don't see the appeal, but Sue is the best part of Glee and I can see why she'd make the list. I've seen a couple of episodes of Mad Men, Black Books and The IT Crowd but couldn't get into any of them. Fuck The IT Crowd in particular.

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Vendrell!!! :wub: Damn you EWB for not voting for him more. We definitely need more Shield characters here. Dutch and Vic better make it on too!

Also, Bernard Black! :w00t:

And fuck the rest! Especially that True Blood character! Because it is a shit show!

You truly are a 'cuntface'.

Northman made the start worthwhile, really looking forward to the rest of the list.

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Of the characters that made it in this bracket, I only know...

Booth: Whose fantastic when he's on and paired with Bones. Borenaez has always been a lot more fun than his Angel character usually allowed and Bones is great just to see him joke around and be awesome. The show itself has a lot of weak points, but I've kept up with it just for the two leads.

Elliot: I'd shag, especially when she looked like that, but as the show went on, just like JD she became more of an annoyance than anything else. Then again, by the end of Scrubs the only characters still worth a damn were Cox, Janitor, Kelso and most of the side cast.

BERNARD BLACK!: Who I love to bits and deserves to be so much higher, Black Books deserved to be a lot more well known than it was. Blacks anger at everything is fantastic and Dylan Moran is easily one of my favourite comedians.

Sue Sylvester: Eh. I can take or leave Sue. She's the typical Jane Lynch character she always plays, but done right. But that doesn't change the fact I don't usually like her characters.

Cal Lightman: The bright light of an otherwise amazingly bland show. I love Tim Roth and I love his performance in it, but I still have about 3 episodes of Lie to Me that I haven't watched because I just can't be assed. The supporting characters are so uninteresting and the stories aren't usually anything to write home about.

Maurice Moss: I love IT Crowd, but if Moss places and Douglas doesn't, that'll be a travesty.

Eric Northman: I love Eric, probably my favourite character in the show, the only reason I can think that he shouldn't be higher is that this series, I haven't really felt his character was as much fun. But then this series in general wasn't quite as fun as the previous.

Not a bad start at all, quite a nice mix there. I hope the list doesn't become too overpopulated with sitcom characters though, especially towards the end.

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Then again, by the end of Scrubs the only characters still worth a damn were Cox, Janitor, Kelso

Wouldn't even say Kelso. He went from being a terrifying miserly bastard to being a wacky old man, which was a shame.

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The only three I've ever really seen are Peggy, Elliot, and Sue. I love that they're all on there, even if I think Peggy should be a little higher. I could probably do without Elliot. As others have said, she got terribly annoying after the first few seasons. I was sick of JD and Elliot's off and on relationship. But that's alright, any Scrubs love is okay with me.

The IT Crowd and True Blood are two shows I've been meaning to check out, as well as Bones.

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For those who haven't seen the awesomeness that is The Thick of It (and, in particular, Malcolm Tucker), here is a typical quote from him:

"Tucker's Law...if some cunt can fuck something up, that cunt will pick the worst possible time to fucking fuck up, because that cunt's a cunt...I've got that embroidered on a T-Towel at home."


And here's a random collection from the spin-off film, In The Loop...

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MAC (Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia)

(34 Points – 2 Votes)



JAX TELLER (Sons Of Anarchy)

(34 Points – 2 Votes)



VIC MACKEY (The Shield)

(34 Points – 2 Votes – 1 First Place Vote)




(36 Points – 2 Votes)




(39 Points – 3 Votes – 1 First Place Vote)

(Coming up next 30 – 34, featuring a PI that didn't know when to quit, a Captain that always did his best, and a Detective masquerading as a Psychic.)

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