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What Martial Arts do you study?


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I've studied for over ten years. Technically I study Karate, but my Sensei also likes to throw Aikido into the mix every now and then, as well as some sword and stick training. (Bokken + Jo). I think I actually prefer the Aikido sections of the class to the Karate sections; however this class is the only one I've known so at times I don't know where the Karate ends and the Aikido starts.

I'm looking to take up a second Martial Art and I'm looking at a pure Aikido class. Maybe even some Judo. Hmmm so many choices, so many bruises... When I decided to take up a second class, I didn't think that I would have to put so much thought into which.

Hmm, anyway there must be a few others out there studying Martial Arts. Step forward and talk.

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I did some Aikido, it was different. I was used to the more popular forms like Shotoken and Judo. I loved me the Judo. I tried Bokken but I had already fenced with an Olympian so it was just ackward to train completely new motions.

I definitely reccomend Judo, it's more reactionary then either Karate or Aikido. If you want ballance try Jiu-jitsu. It's a bit more of a mix between judo and ninjitsu. Or at least I assume it is, based on the name. I've never actually done any jiu-jitsu, though when I went crazy me and jiu-jitsu guy happened to meet each other and went through differences in blocks and throws. It's all the same, just learning it in a different order of importance, essentially.

But yeah, judo has won me 3 street fights against faster but less intelligable opponents. So I nod judo.

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I got a black belt in Tai Kwan Do, but it was a while ago, and i just said screw it and quit as i wasnt learning anything that would actually work in a fight. So if you wanna learn nothing, Tai Kwan Do is the way to go :thumbsup:

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I got a black belt in Tai Kwan Do, but it was a while ago, and i just said screw it and quit as i wasnt learning anything that would actually work in a fight. So if you wanna learn nothing, Tai Kwan Do is the way to go :thumbsup:

Edited by Komodo 3000
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My brother is former World Jiu Jitsu Champ from 2000 World Games, I've also done Muay Thai, Zen Do Kai, Tein Shin Pai and a few others, but mainly concentrating on Thai, Jiu Jitsu I learned incase I end up on the ground in street fights that always seen to come my way....And I've done a bit of Seidokaikan.

Tae Kwon Do is gay, well, around here anyway.

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I almost studied Karate, but didn't. Unfortunately, I don't remember why I refused.

When I was in Kindergarten, my parents tried to talk me into taking lessons because I had been attacked by a bully. They even took me to a school, but I wouldn't do it.

Its too bad, because the man who ran the place was one of the best instructors in the country and had never trained anyone that young, but was willing to try.

If I had taken lessons, I'd be major-league bad ass. Only thing is, I think the school taught Ishin-Ryu, and I'd rather learn Shokotan style.

Unfortunately, I'm way too old to start taking martial arts lessons, and I couldn't afford it, anyway. But if I did, I'd probably take Jiujitsu lessons. I'd rather take Hapkido, Wing Chun or one of the animal styles of Kung-Fu (Dragon or Tiger), but there aren't any schools around here who teach those.

Can't afford the equipment or the lessons, or I'd take Kendo lessons, since you can actually use real swords instead of wooden ones with that skill.

Edited by GhostMachine
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If we're counting wrestling, then I've done specialized tactical grappling, as well as amatuer/freestyle wrestling, and pro bumping.

I love the ground, I'm a shooter by nature. Judo really helps that, and the grappling was great because it was police issue, so you get hands on with what people tend to try in stand-up. Between the judo and the grappling, there's basically never a strike that I won't know what to do with, if you throw it and I see it, I nullify it.

I have a tendency to suck at boxing, I was 1-6 when I gave it up. Amatuer wrestling was my calling, against my weight class I lost three times, against all others I only lost once in six months of practices and meets. So yeah, me and Syco in a fight would be fun, because he'd refuse to go down and I'd keep tying to get him to go down on me... errr, with me.

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I can't break wood either, or at least, I couldn't when they had me do target striking. I can break boards if I'm pissed but not when I'm calm. I'm just not that... I dunno, precise.

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