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After having used Ninja for so long I've realised how much I rely on it for hearing others coming, sticking with that. One problem is that to get Ninja Pro I need to use a suppressor, and if I use a suppressor I'll have to go Warlord so I can use that and my trusty red dot sight, and if I switch to Warlord I'll lose my most trusted Sleight of Hand Pro which has saved me more times than I can count. I'm going to have to make the sacrifice in the short term to give myself a benefit in the long term :(

EDIT: How the heck do you dive through windows?

The Famas and Aug have great iron sights, if you are into assault rifles. Also don't use Sleight of Hand, use the dual mags instead. Every other reload is like sleight of hand, also you get more ammo. I personally use the Aug with a suppressor and dual mags, Hardline Pro, Warlord Pro, and Hacker.

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The saving grace of Sleight Of Hand pro for him (and sometimes myself) is the ability to pull up your iron sights faster than the other person - many times this has led to me killing someone with equal reaction time to me, just because I can get those sights up faster. Surpressor hasn't been as useful to me as it had been in recent years.

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The Sniper rifles are a pain in the ass, I've managed to get a set up for everything but that that I'm satisfied with (I'm happy with all but the LMG on the others). Anybody got any tips? I can aim and shoot people, but I never get a kill and it's frustrating me to no end, even headshots don't seem to kill.

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Snipers are somewhat hard to use on core game types, and I've never been all that good with them on regular. Some people are just amazing at them, and hopefully someone else knows how to use them easily on regular. I'm only good with them on Hardcore game modes, since it's basically one shot one kill with almost any weapon.

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I'm okay enough that I use my Sniper class reguarly alongside my other classes. There's no real trick to a load out, just use L96AI with Variable Zoom. If you're having trouble hitting people with it, I might suggest the perk that allows for longer hold breath duration, but I've never really needed it. It's all just a matter of keeping your back to a wall when you can and running around with your secondary equipped. I don't snipe much, but when I do it's usually on Havana because it's easy to find a place to stay hidden, view all areas and keep your back to the wall. I'd also suggest a claymore as your equipment, but then I have no idea why you wouldn't have it on all your classes anyway. Keep in mind that with sniping, it's alot about where you hit the oppoenent. (well, it is with all the guns, but obviously there's more room for error with assault rifles) You're going to be wanting to try and get the shot in the chest area for One Shot, One Kill. I've always found the Sniper Rifle is more something to use at the start of a game until you get killed for the first time. Then just switch to something with some decent distance.

Could always just equip the ACOG scope if you're having that much trouble and treat it as a regular gun, but I'd only do that if all you want is the challenges done for the weapon. Sniper rifles with ACOG aren't really ideal compared to say, the Stoner63, AUG or AK47.

Speaking off assault rifles, anyone else dissapointed by the Commando? It's good, but just... not really as good as I was hoping. I was kind of expecting it to be the same as the ACR, but it feels like either the fire rate or damage isn't quite as good as that ACR was. Good Iron Sight though.

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AK47 is quite nice. I don't really like the Iron Sight (which is irritating as I don't like the Red Dot/Reflex either) but the damage rate makes up for it. AUG would probably be the best if it wasn't for the fact that it can have horrible recoil. I honestly haven't found any gun I really like that much yet. In MW2, shortly after getting the ACR and UMP5 I knew I'd be using them for a long while, but with Black Ops, they all feel either good or just okay. The Stoner63 is as close as I've come to enjoying a weapon that much, but the mobility takes away a lot of its appeal. I'm on an AK47 kick at the moment, but I'm sure I'll end up finding a more ammusing weapon soon.

Love the crossbow, so much fun. Ballistic Knife isn't worth it at all. And the final Assault Rifle is just awful. It's just a chunky M16. Not that the M16 is that bad, but... I've already got that. Why do I need another?

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Guh, I'm torn, I earned Warlord Pro just as I earned the challenge I needed for Ghost, now I have to choose between Sleight of Hand Pro (benefit of faster draw) and Warlord Pro (extra regular and tactical grenade). I basically have to decide between faster shooting and blowing lots of shit up.

Like that's a choice. Blow shit up!

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