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2011 MLB Season


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Not sure it's worth the other expenditures, time, and travel to watch the Mets play at this point.

Your only hope of seeing the Mets play meaningful games was their opening set. They are already the worst team in the NL record wise. If you would have told me that the Mets had a better record than Boston on April 15th, I would have thought they were 9-4 and not 4-9. ShittyField is going to be a ghost town in early July once the Mets are 20 games out and dealing off Reyes, Beltran and whoever else makes any money :(

Edited by naiwf
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Yeah it's gonna be a long way back up for the Mets and their fans. Might as well clean house, work on developing a new generation of players, and hope in 3-4 years times they can put themselves back into the AL East discussion. Hopefully it doesn't turn out like the Orioles fire sale did and all the prospects they get as well as changes they make don't make the franchise even worse.

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I'll probably still wind up going to Pittsburgh because A) I'm a sap and B) I can't really afford to go on a proper vacation this year anyway. So I'd just go hoping it's a fun long weekend with good games even if the teams involved suck. At least PNC is meant to be one of the nicest parks in the Majors. I'm also going to Wednesday's game as I found seats a few rows behind the dugout for ridiculously cheap before the season started. Beyond that though I'm going to have to try really, really hard to not head out to the ballpark if the team continues to be shit. I want to stop giving the Wilpons money.

But yeah, it's going to be a longgggg road back. As much as I want the team to succeed, if they suck enough to trade away Reyes to a contending team for some really good prospects (I want to keep him but let's but real, Alderson ain't giving him Crawford money) and Beltran for a decent prospect, it'll be for the better. Hell I even hope K-Rod pitches well enough for a team to roll the dice on his $17.5 million option and pick him up for the playoff run.

I'm willing to give Alderson's attempt at Moneyball a chance...but unfortunately I feel like the fanbase is going to run him out of town since it would mean sacrificing at least next year and possibly even 2013 while the Yankees and Phillies continue to dominate as their fans rub the Mets' fans nose in it.

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I'll probably still wind up going to Pittsburgh because A) I'm a sap and B) I can't really afford to go on a proper vacation this year anyway. So I'd just go hoping it's a fun long weekend with good games even if the teams involved suck. At least PNC is meant to be one of the nicest parks in the Majors. I'm also going to Wednesday's game as I found seats a few rows behind the dugout for ridiculously cheap before the season started. Beyond that though I'm going to have to try really, really hard to not head out to the ballpark if the team continues to be shit. I want to stop giving the Wilpons money.

But yeah, it's going to be a longgggg road back. As much as I want the team to succeed, if they suck enough to trade away Reyes to a contending team for some really good prospects (I want to keep him but let's but real, Alderson ain't giving him Crawford money) and Beltran for a decent prospect, it'll be for the better. Hell I even hope K-Rod pitches well enough for a team to roll the dice on his $17.5 million option and pick him up for the playoff run.

I'm willing to give Alderson's attempt at Moneyball a chance...but unfortunately I feel like the fanbase is going to run him out of town since it would mean sacrificing at least next year and possibly even 2013 while the Yankees and Phillies continue to dominate as their fans rub the Mets' fans nose in it.

The fans want the Wilponzis out of town on the next thing smoking because they are the major problem. Knowing that Beltran and Reyes have no shot of coming back next year has ruined this season for most fans. If anyone is stupid enough to trade for Bay or Santana, they'd be gone for pennies on the dollar. K-Rod won't be back if the Mets have their way. Aside from Wright and Ike Davis there will be no building blocks left by 2013, and tickets will still be amongst the highest in the league because they built a stadium that cost too much and are charging the fans premium prices simply because the stadium is in NYC.

You can get away with blowing up a team and starting from scratch in most cities, but when the Yankees already make your franchise look like redheaded stepchildren this is not the time or place to go with the nuclear option. The Mets will be lucky to draw 1.5 million fans for the next few years and the vicious cycle of "no players = no fans and no fans = no money to buy players" will kill this team to the point that they're like the Islanders (another once proud franchise that peaked 25-30 years ago). There was talk of the Mets potentially trying to get by with a payroll of roughly $70 million. The Yankees infield probably makes more than that, so unless this team gets sold and moves to Brooklyn there is no hope for the foreseeable future :shifty:

Edited by naiwf
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Mariano Rivera had given up four hits prior to tonight this season. He gave up four in the 9th today and blew the save against the Jays. We're in the 10th inning and the Yankees have starting pitcher Ivan Nova warming up for the 10th inning. I guess they're skipping his start this week because of the day off.

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I'm thrilled by the start by the Indians thus far, didn't think they had it in them. Hopefully they find a way to keep it up. Nothing the city needs more then to cheer them on right now.

On a similar note, Carlos Santana took 3 straight fastballs in the strikezone to end the game down 1 with the bases loaded. Come on man

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I'm thrilled by the start by the Indians thus far, didn't think they had it in them. Hopefully they find a way to keep it up. Nothing the city needs more then to cheer them on right now.

On a similar note, Carlos Santana took 3 straight fastballs in the strikezone to end the game down 1 with the bases loaded. Come on man

Maybe he should stop playing with his eyes closed. :shifty:

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Mariano Rivera had given up four hits prior to tonight this season. He gave up four in the 9th today and blew the save against the Jays. We're in the 10th inning and the Yankees have starting pitcher Ivan Nova warming up for the 10th inning. I guess they're skipping his start this week because of the day off.

Sweet walk off double from Travis Snider to end the game. Nova looked awful.

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Every team has idiot fans who don't know what the hell they're talking about.

I know that, but as had been said earlier he'd given up 4 hits all season before last night. One bad outing is not cause to demote the greatest closer of all time. Francesca started laughing at the guy and basically cut him off in mid sentence.

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