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EWB's Favorite Movie 2010: The Voting Thread

GoGo Yubari

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1. The Expendables

2. Toy Story 3

3. Salt

Yeah, I don't get to the cinema much, and Salt I only saw because it was on in the plane and I couldn't get back to sleep, HATE Angelina with a passion.

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As always subject to change, especially since I haven't seen The King's Speech yet and will probably get to it sometime in the next week, but I have given this a lot of thought since November so everything should be pretty set.

1. Four Lions

2. The Social Network

3. Toy Story 3

4. Black Swan

5. How To Train Your Dragon

6. 127 Hours

7. Inception

8. Kick-Ass

9. Get Him To The Greek

10. True Grit

Bummed out that I couldn't get The Expendables, Easy A and Despicable Me in there because they were lots of fun. Scott Pilgrim too.

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1. The Social Network - just an absolutely tremendous written script with great dialogue.

2. Daybeakers - The fact that this movie doesn't get talked about or mentioned boggles my mind. It's my personal favorite movie of the year, but Social Network was just an overall better movie. I loved the way it was shot, and the plot I thought was original and excellent.

3. Hot Tub Time Machine - I know its crazy but I love Craig Robinson and they actually pulled off a hilariously entertaining movie out of such a ridiculous plot.

4. Inception - What really needs to be said about Inception that hasn't? It's Christopher Nolan so that right that is all that really needs to be said.

5. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - This was probably the most original movie I saw this year, just the way it was shot, the dialogue, and the transition shots. The movie was so fast pace and was just one of the best movie experiences I've had all year.

6. Kick Ass

7. She's Out of My League - Probably the most under the radar movie this year. Every time I watch it I can never find a bad thing about it.

8. Cyrus - Incredibly funny and goofy. Jonah Hill was at his finest in this movie.

9. Get Him To The Greek

10. Easy A

I've seen a lot of other movies in theaters this year such as Youth and Revolt and Devil which I thought were good movies but definitely don't deserve to be on any list. Although, my choice of HTTM could be said, but I have a soft spot for it haha. The Last Airbender was awful, I can't really remember if Wolf Man was this year but found it to be boring. Splice was okay. Iron Man was decent, but had too much stuff going on and way too many characters in it (kinda like Spiderman 3, but a lot better). I have yet to see Black Swan and 127 Hours though I really want to. Oh and Clash of Titans was just embarrassing. Jackass 3D was really fun but again doesn't belong on a list like this.

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1. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

2. Shutter Island

3. Black Swan

4. True Grit

5. The Social Network

6. Inception

7. Kickass

8. Hot Tub Time Machine

9. Batman: Under the Red Hood

10. Youth in Revolt

Wow, I saw quite a few movies this year. And I loved many of them. I also saw The Last Airbender though, so it kinda evens out. Still, a really good year for movies.

(Side note: There are probably a few that would be on my list, had I seen them. Still trying to see Barney's Version and Blue Valentine. Also, movies that would make it on this list. :shifty: )

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PLEASE leave this open a bit longer so us Brits ACTUALLY get True Grit (and The Fighter for that matter.) The Fighter is out on Friday, True Grit the week after.

As it stands:

1. Black Swan

2. Shutter Island

3. The King's Speech

4. Toy Story 3

5. The Social Network

6. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

7. Inception

8. True Grit

9. The Losers

10. Machete

The close but no-cigars

Death at a Funeral




Tamara Drewe

Four Lions

The Wolfman

The Social Network was the one film that I really wanted to see and never got around to seeing it, in 2010 at least.

And, regards Girl with the Dragon Tatoo, it came out in '08. Otherwise it'd be my number 1 or 2. If we're allowed to vote for it based on it's American release, so be it....

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1. Inception

2. The Runaways

3. Shutter Island

4. Kick-Ass

5. Welcome To The Rileys

6. Unthinkable

7. The American

8. Despicable Me

9. Machete

10. Let Me In

Tough towards the end and sadly couldn't find room for Scott Pilgrim, Book Of Eli and the brilliant Easy A. Likely forgot about a few movies too. Still yet to see Harry Potter, 127 Hours and The Social Network, so if I catch them before this closes I may edit them in.

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1. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

2. The Book Of Eli

3. Inception

4. The Social Network

5. Hot Tub Time Machine

6. The Crazies

7. Shutter Island

8. Get Him To The Greek

9. Kick Ass

10. The Devil

If this stays open long enough for me to see True Grit and Let Me In I expect to alter these.

Edited by TGCLovesLucky
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1. Rabbit Hole

2. Blue Valentine

3. The Kids Are Alright

4. Exit Through the Gift Shop

5. Winter's Bone

6. The Social Network

7. Howl

8. Undertow

9. Easy A

10. Get Him To the Greek

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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Edited my list to include the sheer awesomeness of Black Swan.

Thank God! More people need to see this film.

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After my movie marathon this weekend and the past few days, can safely put my list of favorites,though my mind has changed and will continue to change among certain spots and movies. Note that these are my favorites, and not what movie I think is better as a whole compared to others :shifty:

1. Inception

2. Black Swan

3. The Fighter

4. Scott Pilgrim

5. 127 Hours

6. The King's Speech

7. True Grit

8. Toy Story 3

9. Winter's Bone

10. Kick-Ass

Honorable mentions to Social Network, Blue Valentine(tremendous acting in this one), Tron Legacy, The Other Guys, and How to Train Your Dragon.

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