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EWB's Favorite Movie 2010: The Voting Thread

GoGo Yubari

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Okay, so I think y'all know how this works by now. Write up a list of your ten favorite movies of 2010, ranking them from 1 to 10. The movie you ranked 1 gets 10, 2 gets 9, etc. etc. All films voted on in this thing must have been released in their country of origin in 2010. This will be open until either the ballots slow to a crawl or I finish watching Winter's Bone, depending on whether the former happens before the latter or not. Now hop to it!

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This list is so fucking subject to change it's not even funny. I can't figure out for the life of me how to rank the top six or so. Especially #1, which was Toy Story 3 in one iteration of the list and I'm not sure if it'll stay The Social Network because that probably also wasn't quite as good as... something on this list... I might just say "fuck it" and be a geek and put Scott Pilgrim there. Also unless Winter's Bone seriously disappoints me I can't see it not kicking Kick-Ass off my list.

1. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

2. Toy Story 3

3. The Social Network

4. Blue Valentine

5. Black Swan

6. True Grit

7. Exit Through the Gift Shop

8. The King's Speech

9. Inception

10. Winter's Bone

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Hmm. What new films did I see this year? Things definitely picked up as we went to the movies more often. However our choice is massively limited as to what Japan chooses to bring over - i.e. not much outside of the mainstream. I'm also loathe to download movies so rely on stuff I get physically get my hands on so I'm always running really behind these days. :(

1. Inception

2. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

3. Tron

4. Chasing Legends (cycling movie a go-go)

5. Resident Evil: Afterlife 3D (yeah, I liked it and the Executioner was amazing in 3D)

6. Toy Story 3

7. A-Team

8. Robin Hood

The following films were good but I'm not putting on my limited list:

Kick Ass (good but it was a disappointment and surprised me a bit with how adult it was)

The Expendables (entertaining but doesn't deserve to get onto any top list of mine)

Iron Man 2 (see Expendables)

My HUGE aim for this year is to buy the "The Girl Who" Millennium trilogy on Blu-Ray. Also to get around to watching Four Lions (never came out here) and The King's Speech.

Also, RED is coming out soon and I think I'll enjoy that enough to make my 2011 list.

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I didn't see a whole lot of films so this list smacks of 'here by default' but nevertheless:

1) Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

2) Kick-Ass

3) The Other Guys

4) Hot Tub Time Machine

5) Get Him to the Greek

6) Inception

7) Toy Story 3

8) Iron Man 2

9) Clash of the Titans

10) Robin Hood

Kinda hard to decide the order between 2 and 7.

Dishonourable mention: MacGruber

Fuck you, MacGruber.

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This is annoying that this happening now as True Grit has yet to come out over here and I'm pretty certain it'd make my top ten >_>

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Saw like 15/16 films this year. Very hard to rank the top 10 of those in any sort of order, but here's what I went with.

1. Black Swan

2. Toy Story 3

3. The Social Network

4. Inception

5. Kick-Ass

6. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

7. The Fighter

8. 127 Hours

9. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1

10. The Expendables

Edited by Pesci
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1. Inception

2. Black Swan

3. True Grit

4. The King's Speech

5. Shutter Island

6. Toy Story 3

7. The Town

8. The Social Network

9. The Kids are All Right (Until it gets kicked off by something from my other list)

10. Prince of Persia (holding the mindless action part of the list)

On my Queue/no comment yet:

The Ghost Writer

Winter's Bone

127 Hours

The Fighter

Blue Valentine

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1. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

2. Inception

3. Toy Story 3

4. Social Network

5. Easy A

6. Kick Ass

7. Shutter Island

8. The Town

9. Dispicable Me

10. Book of Eli

Edit: Removed Iron Man 2 for Shutter Island.

Edit 2: Removed Harry Potter for Easy A

Edit 3: Removed A-Team for Book of Eli

Edited by Dr. Nick Rukiera
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#1 - Tron Legacy

#2 - Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

#3 - Iron Man 2

#4 - Kick Ass

#5 - Toy Story 3

#6 - Paranormal Activity 2

#7 - The Kids Are All Right

#8 - Predators

#9 - Machete

#10 - Hot Tub Time Machine

Clearly not as good a year as 2009, I've still not gotten around to watching True Grit, Black Swan or The Fighter. The list is all pretty much popcorn action flicks, but man, I enjoyed every single one and Hot Tub Time Machine was way better than it had any right to be. I also haven't seen It's Kind of a Funny Story that I think I'd enjoy.

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1. Inception

2. The Fighter

3. Monsters

4. The King's Speech

5. Scott Pilgrim Versus The World

6. Kick Ass

7. The Social Network

8. Black Swan

9. Toy Story 3

10. The Town

Haven't seen The Fighter or True Grit yet and I suspect they'd probably make my list.

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I missed a lot of movies in the theater last year and since Netflix has to wait so damn long for stuff to come out now, my list probably won't be that great.

1. Toy Story 3

2. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

3. Kick-Ass

4. Easy A

5. Let Me In

6. Paranormal Activity 2

7. The Runaways

8. Inception

9. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (released in the US in 2010, at least)

10. Winter's Bone

That was pretty much all I saw this year that didn't suck. The Kids Are All Right, Social Network, Blue Valentine, and True Grit are all in the queue.


Revised my list after seeing Winter's Bone and Scott Pilgrim.

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1. Black Swan

2. The King's Speech

3. Inception

4. Buried

5. Shutter Island

6. Kick-Ass

7. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

8. Tamara Drewe

9. Monsters

10. Morning Glory

Notable Mentions:

127 Hours

The Social Network

The Losers

Book of Eli

The Wolfman

Death At A Funeral

Harry Brown

Iron Man 2


The A-Team


The Expendables


Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

Four Lions

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1

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I missed a lot of movies in the theater last year and since Netflix has to wait so damn long for stuff to come out now, my list probably won't be that great.

1. Toy Story 3

2. Easy A

3. Kick-Ass

4. Let Me In

5. Paranormal Activity 2

6. The Runaways

7. Inception

8. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (released in the US in 2010, at least)

9. Shutter Island

10. Iron Man 2

That was pretty much all I saw this year that didn't suck. Winter's Bone, The Kid's Are All Right, Social Network, Blue Valentine, and True Grit are all in the queue.

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo was released in February 2009 in Sweden. I'd have voted for it otherwise.

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1. Black Swan - Rooting for this to win the Oscar

2. Shutter Island - This was one of the first movies I saw this year, and I've thought about since it came out. Shocked it got no Academy recognition.

3. Paranormal Activity 2 - AWESOME thriller. This was a terrifying film.

4. The Runaways - A work of art really. The girls played their roles perfectly, and it turned out to be really good.

5. Salt - Action movie of the year, without a doubt. Although, there have been a few dozzies in Action this year.

6. Chloe - Totally underated if you ask me... Performances of Julianne Moore & Amanda Seyfried in this film we top notch!

7. Babies - Truely the best documentary I've seen in a long time. It should have been nominated for an Oscar, if only for it's originality.

8. Kick-Ass - It really did. Very good comic book film.

9. The Town - Surprisingly entertaining. I did not expect to enjoy this one so much as I did. Again, surprised at the lack of nominations it got.

10. Splice - I went into this will lower expectations, and was pleasantly surprised when it ended. Really neat concept.

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I saw ten whole films this year! Only seven will actually be voted for, though.

1. Toy Story 3

2. Scott Pilgrim vs the World

3. The Parking Lot Movie

4. Harry Potter

5. Kick Ass

6. City Island

7. Despicable Me

8. Get Him to the Greek

And then there's Alice in Wonderland, Shrek, and Iron Man 2 which I don't think deserve my vote. Oh, and City Island came out in Europe in '09, but is an American film that came out here in March of last year so I'm counting it.

EDIT: Oh wait edit because I just saw The Parking Lot Movie and it was all kinds of wonderful.

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