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Oscars 2011

GoGo Yubari

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Exit Through the Gift Shop for Best Documentary, Exit Through the Gift Shop for Best Documentary, Exit Through the Gift Shop for Best Documentary, Exit Through the Gift Shop for Best Documentary come ONNNNN


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David Fincher is the new Martin Scorsese.

That is true. Scorsese remade one excellent foreign movie - Infernal Affairs. Fincher is currently doing another - Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.

Shame on remakes.

Except for Arthur which looks strangely amusing in a strange way.

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Only a charming and witty Colin Firth acceptance speech can save the home stretch of this awards show now.

And he didn't. Waiting to hear King's Speech get announced for Best Picture and then turning it off.

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I am enjoying the collective yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah no from the Academy™ regarding Inception (except for in flash bang gee whiz categories like cinematography and sound editing).

I am not enjoying the even bigger yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah no about True Grit, though.

Sousa:Coen Brothers::The rest of you shitheads:Chris Nolan.

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Decades from now this is going to be another "Wait, How Green Was My Valley seriously beat Citizen Kane and The Maltese Falcon? Seriously?" thing. I swear to god.

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So I guess to be briefly positive, Kirk Douglas got progressively more entertaining the longer he fucked with everyone's expectations on when he was actually going to announce who won Best Supporting Actress, and Anne Hathaway was adorable and her boundless enthusiasm even as the Oscars got worse and worse was respectable. I would not be fundamentally opposed to her coming back for a hosting job at some point, preferably with Hugh Jackman or someone generally less comatose than James Franco. And I was happy that Reznor and Ross won because I was dreading a King's Speech victory there. Aaaaaand that's it.

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Academy Award winner, Trent Reznor. Halfway to the EGOT!

Boring show. James Franco was a terrible host and Anne Hathaway was trying way too hard to be cutesy and sweet.

Melissa Leo winning was a nice surprise after MSNBC spent two weeks saying how she had no chance, though I haven't seen The Fighter.

I want to punch Russell Brand in the face. Repeatedly. And tape claw hammers to my fists while I do it.

Toy Story 3 was too good for Best Animated Movie, it should've won Best Picture!

They tried to play off Aaron Sorkin? Really? You're going to play off Aaron Sorkin? Congrats on the no-sell though.

Inception: best sounding movie of the year... and that's it!

Inside Job winning Best Doc is great though, it should be required viewing for every American.

I still haven't seen Black Swan, but I'm happy for Natalie Portman. Why the hell wasn't Julianne Moore nominated though? Of the nominees, I would've picked Jennifer Lawrence.

I have absolutely no interest in watching The King's Speech, ever.

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The King's Speech is... I mean seriously. It's not a bad movie at all. It's good! Colin Firth, Helena Bonham Carter, and Geoffrey Rush all turn in fantastic performances (as do Guy Pearce and Michael Gambon, to lesser extents). But it's good in a "well that was a pleasant way to spend a couple hours" way. No way was it better than Social Network, Black Swan, True Grit, or Toy Story 3, probably not better than Inception either, and Tom Hooper beating Fincher, Aronofsky, and the Coens is laughable.

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So the jury takes the obvious Oscar bait! Seriously, who would have thought that didn't won? As a smart man said recently The King's Speech wasn't made to be enjoyed, it wasn't even made to be watched, it was made to win Oscars and other awards. And boy did it work. And how True Grit didn't receive a single award is a travesty.

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