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Mass Effect 2

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Picked the game up last Friday and I am thoroughly enjoying it thus far.

Fuck that Overlord mission. Never before have I jumped as much as I did when the shouty VI's came out of the screen. But yeah, I felt bad for the autistic savant and saved him. I don't know why, but the actual mission was something that got me emotional...Yeah, I'm a pussy. Anyway, the hovercraft part of the mission pissed me off so much. I was trying to get the trophy for finding all the data packets and I kept on getting shot down by some stupid turret.

Anyway, I've gotten through most of the game. I'm just going around random planets and upgrading the ship and my Shepard (who is a level 23 soldier). Gave him the 'Slam' move Miranda uses, it's been useful thus far.

Anyone know how to get the 'Incineration Specialist', 'Warp Specialist' and the 'Overload Specialist' trophies?

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Any parts where you drive a hovercar are fucking dire.

Which one is Incineration Specialist? I'm pretty sure I have it, but I'm not sure which one that is. I know I have one of the "Specialist" trophies.


Incineration Specialist (Bronze) Incinerate the armor of 25 enemies

Oh, that one's easy. Just use Incinerate a lot. >_>

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Any parts where you drive a hovercar are fucking dire.

Which one is Incineration Specialist? I'm pretty sure I have it, but I'm not sure which one that is. I know I have one of the "Specialist" trophies.


Incineration Specialist (Bronze) Incinerate the armor of 25 enemies

Oh, that one's easy. Just use Incinerate a lot. >_>

Oh thanks... (Y)

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I did it pretty much by accident. I was just spamming Incinerate and I got the trophy.

Anyway, how did you guys split your teams and shit for the final mission? I sent Legion through the ducts as my tech specialist and had Jacob leading the 2nd squad, while I took Jack and Garrus with me.

Then once you rescue the colonists/your crew, I had Grunt escort them back to the ship, Jacob lead the 2nd squad again and Samara do the biotic barrier.

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Keep in mind that if someone isn't loyal....DO NOT USE THEM AT ALL DURING THE FINAL MISSION! Leave them with the backup team while you do the final part.

The two best choices for team leaders are Garrus and Miranda, but Jacob also works.

For the ducts, send Legion or Tali.

For the biotic shield projector, use Samara. I *think* Jacob also works, but its been a while. No clue about Jack if she's loyal, as I usually side with Miranda when it gets to that part and.

Anyone who is loyal will work for leading the rescued crew back to the ship. Send a weak combatant, such as Mordin or Tali.

For the final fight, you want two of your best combatants, but don't want to weaken the support team that stays behind. If you have anyone who isn't loyal, leave them on the support team; they might actually survive. (That's how I've had Jack survive. Sometimes she lives, sometimes she dies)

I suggest using either Garrus or Miranda (not both!) and either Jack, Thane (only if you have his warp ammo maxed), Grunt or Jacob. If you have Zaeed, and his Inferno Grenades ability is maxed, using him on the team is a no-brainer. I have no clue regarding Kasumi, as I haven't paid to download her.

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Beat the game.

I sent Grunt back with the survivors, and for the battle against the Reaper-Human Larva I used Jacob and Garrus. The only two people I had that died were Miranda and Mordin. Miranda wasn't loyal to me because I sided with Jack, and.. Mordin was loyal to me, I guess it was just random number gen or something? And I blew the station up and told the Illusive Man to stick it.

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Question about those first few minutes through the relay.....

Who gets killed if the ship isn't fully kitted out? You can tell that there would be cutaways to people getting blown up but I'd fully upgraded the ship so it wasn't an issue.

Not upgrading the normandy results in 3 squadmates biting it before you even start the suicide mission proper. As per the Mass Effect Wiki

Not upgrading the armor results in Jack dying

Not upgrading the Shielding will result in Kasumi, Legion, Tali, Thane, Garrus, Zaeed, or Grunt dying in that order

Not upgrading the weapons results in Thane, Garrus, Zaeed, Grunt, Jack, or Samara/Morinth dying in that order.

If you don't have a character, or have that character in your party at the time, it will go down the list to the next choice.

I didn't have the shielding....Legion died :(

Although, to be fair, Legion should be able to return even if he dies. He's just one geth unit, after all.

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I've always wondered if it was possible to get all your team-mates killed and only have Shepard live to tell the tale; it is probably nigh-impossible without failing the mission but god damn it, it would certainly be interesting to play through Mass Effect 3 with an ending like that.

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Doesn't that give you the really bad ending though where...

Shepherd also dies?

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Wouldn't be the first time Shephard died and still managed to be the main character of the sequel.

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Spoilered just for good measure.

Thinking about it, you can't have your entire team die but you can have almost all of them killed off; think about it, all you need is two loyal squadmates and then you'll bring those two with you to the final Human Reaper battle. Don't upgrade, make sure you keep them in your team at all points during the Suicide mission, choose the non-ideal tehcnician, non-ideal fire team leaders, non-ideal biotic and so on and so forth; then you'd have just Shepard and those two squadmates survive. So it is almost possible.

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I've always wondered if it was possible to get all your team-mates killed and only have Shepard live to tell the tale; it is probably nigh-impossible without failing the mission but god damn it, it would certainly be interesting to play through Mass Effect 3 with an ending like that.

No, its not possible.

If Shepard is the only one left alive, Joker is unable to pull Shepard to safety by himself, so Shepard ends up falling to his death.

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