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Eurovision 2011


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Chuck the entries into here.

I quite like Blue's entry for the UK. It's decent pop and they can actually sing so in a fair race they'd have a good chance of winning.

Of course some short girl with a monobrow from Estonia will win but hey, that's the way it works. [/Wogan]

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The host of Eurovision has to balance a fine line of going in for all the cheese and gaiety but also being sarcastic and a little bit cynical.

Wogan used to have it perfect but slid off the line into heavy cynicism those last couple of years so he did have to go for his own sake as much as the viewers. Norton was the obvious choice to replace.

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After passing up on him last year, Sweden went with Eric Saade this year. Pretty ordinary song, but indicative of a pretty shizen Melo field.

For a guy who as far as I can see is meant to be a teen heartthrob, why he's getting groped by guys throughout this performance I'm not sure... For what its worth, he'd have given it a shake last year with "Manboy" which was absurdly catchy (even though I'm not sure what it means).

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Erik Saade reminds me of J-Pop for some reason.....Which isn't a good thing.

Haha I definately get where you are coming from.

I actually don't mind J-Pop, but I think that's entirely down to the fact I don't understand a word of it unless they are counting to ten.

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I just love the idea that this is the UK's big attempt, and if fucking Blue can't win it then the reason we never win is definitely political, completely ignoring the fact that Blue were fucking wank when people actually knew who they were.

I'd have preferred Another Level.

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Portugal going for gimmick votes:

Not really a gimmick. They got pretty popular here for the political message, unlike Spain with "Chiki Chiki" a few years ago. The music is bad (I hate it), but I get the point.

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I just love the idea that this is the UK's big attempt, and if fucking Blue can't win it then the reason we never win is definitely political, completely ignoring the fact that Blue were fucking wank when people actually knew who they were.

I'd have preferred Another Level.

The thing is, even average pop acts can do really well in Eurovision - look at Bucks Fizz or Tatu for example. The average quality of track is low, partly because Eastern Europe are still a good 10-15 years behind Western Europe and half of Western Europe just makes weird music anyway.

Of course that's beside the point now the Eastern Bloc is so "powerful" in the voting system.

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