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Green Lantern Movie


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At first, I was a little bit afraid about this, but the more that I see in the lead-up to the release, the more excited I get. Everything that I had reservations about, especially the costume, has been completely smoothed over for me. This is looking to be almost exactly what I wanted out of a Green Lantern film, and I am so god damn excited to see it.

Thor in May, Green Lantern in June, Captain America in July. What an awesome summer.

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No, Hector Hammond and Parallax are the main villains. Film's supposed to follow the GL origin story, so Sinestro will be a Lantern and the mentor of Hal Jordan.

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They'll probably give him the yellow lantern near the end, after Sinestro goes off acting like Parallax is impossible to defeat, and Hal goes to fight it, and Sinestro's ring/lantern reject him. But that's just me. No matter how it plays out, this is going to be freaking awesome.

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I was already moderately excited about this movie, but this four minute trailer really sealed the deal for me. And lucky for me, it's on mine and my wifes 11th anniversary. I'll go to enjoy the movie for itself, she'll go because she likes Ryan Reynolds, as well as because she said the movie looks interesting. So score, all the way around.

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I fully admit that I have only seen the most recent Green Lantern animated movie (Alpha Flight?) and have not paid any attention to the comics. Who the hell are Parallax and Hector Hammond?

First Flight. Alpha Flight are just a bunch of Canadian dudes.

Parallax is... um. Short story is he's a freaky bug-looking manifestation of fear. Long story is very long. Hector Hammond is a creep with a giant head and psychic powers.

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I will hate this movie unless I get a Guy Gardner cameo.

Guy Gardner > Any GL ever.

I still want a 'Death of Superman' movie just to see Guy man up and go toe-to-toe with Doomsday.

Watch the animated movie. Thats as close as you will ever get.

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Aaaaand critics are completely stomping on it. Oh boy.

Meh, they shouldn't. It was good, for my money. A little long on the exposition. And there is a lot of 'gooey' romantic stuff, but hey, it's a summer blockbuster, it's part and parcel. I mean hell, Thor had it (from what I hear), as will Cap. The constructs looked really good, just on the right side of the 'overdone line'. Reynolds was enjoyable - a bit too RR at times, but laregly inoffensive. Due to the fact that the exposition did drag on for so long, they needed to kick the action up a lot in the final third, and they really did.

With the origin story out of the way, and the nice teaser scene post-credits, GL2 should be brilliant, and a hell of a lot more full-throttle.

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