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The Apprentice - Series 7


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Seems more suited for something like Dragons Den then The Apprentice though for me Tom. I like him I just don't think he has enough to win and that he's only still here because he's an inventor.

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Seems more suited for something like Dragons Den then The Apprentice though for me Tom. I like him I just don't think he has enough to win and that he's only still here because he's an inventor.

It's a different competition this year, though. It's not to become an employee, it's to become a partner in their own business, so I guess this is basically a glorified version of the Dragons Den.

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You can't tell me Tom isn't good enough to be in the final after that episode. He made some fantastic marketing decisions on the task, which paired with Helen's products made for a fantastic fast food restaurant. I'm quite surprised MyPy only ended up with 7/10 to be honest. In fact, they did so well the editors clearly struggled to find negative clips to balance the episode and ended up going with Tom burning himself with gravy.

On the flip side, whatever that catastrophe of a restaurant the other team came up with, yeah, awful.

I look forward to next week's episode. All bets are off because it comes down to who has the best idea, even the best candidate on the surface could end up having a not-so-plausible business idea which will take them right out of the competition. In terms of product, ideas and taking them to business, you've got to believe Tom has the advantage though, as does Susan, but Jim can talk his way to anything and Helen is too good to be written off. VERY interesting Final Four.

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Yeah, I like the new way they're doing the final and thought that they might not be doing interviews this, which would've been a great shame. I'm still rooting for Jim, but I don't think industry professionals will tolerate some of his blagging, but he did seem to make a lot of them laugh with his nice comment about Lord Sugar at the end of his restaurant session.

It's going to be a good final. And Margeret's back again!

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I'm so rooting for Tom in the final, though any of the four would be deserving in their own way.

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I can't believe I've not posted in this thread this season!

Jim has been my favourite since the beginning, he's the only one I found to have a bit of personality and if he'd gone a few weeks ago I'd have stopped watching 'cause the programme would have just become a load of girls screaming at each other. I hope he wins but I don't think he will, I agree that Helen looks most likely. Susie is too weak and needs guidance and Tom has been very lucky to get through this far when he's been rather weak up compared to others.

Jim's been the MVP this series with getting out of Leon's boardroom picks (his shocked look was priceless) which led to Leon's downfall, then his Batman & Robin week with the tanned fella and the way he's learned from previous seasons by ensuring all his decisions are backed by his teammates so that when they later say that they were bad, he's got a great way of deflecting the heat.

I'm not a fan of the way Lord Sugar has kept beating the bush about starting their own business. If that was such a big deal, why didn't they only allow people in who started a business? Instead he uses it as an excuse to fire him, which isn't fair. Neither was sacking the engineer just because he's an engineer.

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I've warmed to Tom a fair bit and he's now my second choice between Susan. Obviously I've always liked him because, well, it's impossible not to - but he's performed well in the last two tasks and I'm starting to see his worth as a businessman - he hasn't done enough to win, though. Helen is obviously the woman to beat and I think it'll take some major slip-ups this week for her not to win. I think if Sugar has any doubts about her, it'll be her knowledge of the basic business world and this task will test that well it seems. Susan has been the most consistent apart from (though possibly in front of, since I can't remember her dropping any major clangers like Helen's attempt to middle-man between companies and wholesalers) Helen, and I think she's got a much better chance than Jim. I think if you look at Jim's performance so far it's pretty clear he's just an exceptional salesman - he doesn't seem to have the business nous of the other three. If this were any other series I'd have him in second place (just as if this were any other series Helen would have this sewn up already) but how many times have we heard Sugar say he's not looking for a salesman?

Can't wait to see Jim get ripped apart in the interviews. I think Tom'll struggle as well unfortunately.

Edited by Pesci
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Well done Tom. I'll be honest I didn't think he would win but a team of him and Lord Sugar is a good combination and Sugar could guide him along the right lines.

His plan though was what helped him win, the flaws in everyone elses was quite shocking. Helen would be a great person to hire and if this was back to the normal format then I think she would have walked it.

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Despite supporting him since the first week, it wasn't until last week that I thought he stood a chance of winning, and I'm really glad he did. I do believe he was the best candidate as far as a business partner is concerned. First time someone I've really liked has won.

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It's nice to see that a genuinely likeable character can win one of these sorts of shows without turning into a backstabbing, loud-mouthed fuckwad. Was definitely not impressed with Helen being all "let me change my plan" - that kind of undermines the whole thing, and in any case, Tom could've just turned around and gone "well let's sack off the service bit and just do the chair."

It's a bit weird this season, you'd think the strongest candidates would have really good business plans, but none of them were really bullet-proof. Would've been nice to see some pitches from folk who were eliminated earlier, just for comparison's sake.

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