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WWE '12

Guest rasko

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I'm enjoying it. The AI is shit, especially when it's fighting itself. The Royal Rumble is especially shit with guys trying to punch or grapple people much too far away. Nash ran into the ring and I counted nine missed punches or grapples before he managed to connect with anyone. Good news is they can patch it to make it better. Provided they aren't lazy, which they likely are.

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People ask for the game to be harder... they do that and people complain.

As for the online problems they've issued thi statement:

There is no doubt that you've already made WWE '12 BIGGER, BADDER, and BETTER than ever before with your own creations, but we know that you're also having difficulties connecting to our online servers for Community Creations searches and downloads. We are deploying patches to the servers later today to help alleviate the unexpectedly large traffic and improve your experience. For the latest updates, please check us out on Facebook, Twitter, or our official forums, as we'll be regularly letting you know the current status of this issue. <br itxtNodeId="62"><br itxtNodeId="61"><br itxtNodeId="60">We aren't expecting this to be a lengthy issue, but we'll of course let all of you know when fixes are deployed. Thanks so much for your understanding and patience. We will continue to monitor the situation and your feedback closely. Please keep the feedback coming. We have a team working 24/7 to tackle issues like these, and any future ones that may arise.
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People ask for the game to be harder... they do that and people complain.

As for the online problems they've issued thi statement:

There is no doubt that you've already made WWE '12 BIGGER, BADDER, and BETTER than ever before with your own creations, but we know that you're also having difficulties connecting to our online servers for Community Creations searches and downloads. We are deploying patches to the servers later today to help alleviate the unexpectedly large traffic and improve your experience. For the latest updates, please check us out on Facebook, Twitter, or our official forums, as we'll be regularly letting you know the current status of this issue. <br itxtNodeId="62"><br itxtNodeId="61"><br itxtNodeId="60">We aren't expecting this to be a lengthy issue, but we'll of course let all of you know when fixes are deployed. Thanks so much for your understanding and patience. We will continue to monitor the situation and your feedback closely. Please keep the feedback coming. We have a team working 24/7 to tackle issues like these, and any future ones that may arise.

Who asked for it to be harder? I hate that it's harder

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Pretty much everyone I've spoken to about this game were saying they were tired of how easy it was to win. Must have got bac to THQ with all the Twitter feedback and questionnaires last year, so they did something about it.

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I'm just now mastering the easy difficulty <_<

Scrambles are fun. R-Truth picked up the title with 20 seconds to go, in a match that had Cena, Del Rio, Miz and Punk (me). Inferno matches, however, are a bitch, and caused Henry to retain his title over the Undertaker (me). I don't get how you drag someone to the ropes, or anywhere.

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Lots of pins get broken up, but it's still possible to get a pinfall. I think there were about 4 pinfalls in the match I had. Weird it has a time limit that only goes up to 20 minutes, since 2 people start in the ring and every 5 minutes someone else enters.

Of course, if you just made the match falls count anywhere, I'm sure it'd be easier to get a pinfall.

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I hate this game. Way too hard and all the other guy ever does is whip me into the corner and do lame chain grapple moves like he is AJ Styles trying to impress ROH fans. It really sucks.

Glad I'm not the only way. I managed to beat Del Rio on Normal last night with CM Punk just barely. Didn't even hit a finisher. The AI reverses way too easily, and for some reason, when I go for a grapple I end up in a headlock instead. Can't figure out if I'm being reversed out of nowhere or if it's bug, but it happens a lot.

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Glad I'm not the only way. I managed to beat Del Rio on Normal last night with CM Punk just barely. Didn't even hit a finisher. The AI reverses way too easily, and for some reason, when I go for a grapple I end up in a headlock instead. Can't figure out if I'm being reversed out of nowhere or if it's bug, but it happens a lot.

Turn down the reversal rate slider in the options menu

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Just got my copy less than 15 minutes ago :)

-Pretty cardboard cover, trading card, postcard like art thing and the second disc of the Greatest Superstars of the 21st century.

Oh and that Rock fella, dunno if any of you have ever heard of him.dry.gif

Wait. I assume you got the People's Edition too? You only get the 2nd disc of the DVD? The fuck?! Boo.

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Pretty much everyone I've spoken to about this game were saying they were tired of how easy it was to win. Must have got bac to THQ with all the Twitter feedback and questionnaires last year, so they did something about it.

last year's legend difficulty was still really easy. good on them if they actually made it harder.

are the scramble matches better than last year? last year as soon as more than a couple guys were out pins were impossible, as they always got broken up.

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