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WWE '12

Guest rasko

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Universe mode continues to be brilliant. I put together a stable of Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger and Vickie Guerrero. Swagger gets a match against Kofi Kingston...but puts in Ophidian in his place, and Ophidian wins. They continue to feud with Kofi, with Swagger appearing at ringside for Ophidian, or just in handicap matches, until eventually Ophidian becomes an official member of the stable. The very next show, Kofi is in a handicap match against Swagger, Ophidian and David Otunga. Halfway through the match, Swagger turns on Ophidian and walks out, kicking him out of the stable. At the end of the match Ophidian and Otunga are celebrating...and Otunga turns on him too.

Booker T is now my World Champion, having defeated Undertaker at Extreme Rules. Sin Cara has lost the WWE Title to Big Show at Extreme Rules, after getting Chokeslammed through a burning table. William Regal is now number one contender to the World Title, as he's an absolute beast, and Nash is number one contender to the WWE Title.

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Continuing WWE Universe brilliance...

Kane and Big Show broke up, and were feuding at the time Big Show beat Sin Cara for the WWE Title. After the Show/Cara match ended, Mark Henry ran in, teased attacking Big Show (who had injured him months earlier), and instead hit Sin Cara with a chair. They've been on different brands, so not actually interacting all that much. At the beginning of Mark Henry's title match with Booker T at Over The Limit, Sin Cara jumps Henry, giving Book the easy victory. Later on in the same show, Big Show is fighting Kevin Nash in a Last Man Standing match for the WWE Title (I was Nash), and Kane runs in, teases attacking Big Show, but turns heel by taking out Nash! Big Show and Kane are back together, and Nash looks set to lose, being absolutely knackered as he is. Somehow, I manage to get up at nine after a Chokeslam, drag Show into a fight on the outside, and manage to perfectly hit a Jack-Knife Powerbomb onto the steel steps to take him out for the 10-count, only for Show to again jump Nash after the match.

Elsewhere on the pay-per-view, Cody Rhodes beat Zeke for the IC Title in an epic table match, and Natalya wins the Divas Title, keeping strong the new Smackdown heel alliance of Cody, Natalya and Regal, in their feud with Booker T and Ezekiel Jackson. LOD beat Demolition in an awesome Ladder match to win the Tag Titles in the first appearance.

The night after the PPV, on RAW, new WWE Champion Kevin Nash is booked in a handicap match against Big Show, Michael Cole and Giant Haystacks.

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Guest twisted_time48

All titles are on the holders IRL. Ross, Lawler and Cole are on WCW with Demolition and LOD so they stop showing up.

1: Cena d. Miz

2. Big Show/Kane d. Air Boom after Kofi refused to tag Evan. Kofi was my brother, and he never tagged once. Easy win.

3. Layla (Brought out by McCool after she was "hurt" d. Beth Phoenix.

4: Animal/Hawk vs. HBK/McGillicutty >_< Changed to a LMS - Punk vs ADR for the WWE Title. Punk retained, and after the match, in the celebration, Undertaker appeared from behind and Chokeslammed Punk. Awesome...

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Both would be good but Storm is the one I want the most.

I got it from the user armandantagony.Looks like he re uploaded it, because the Storm has different costumes than the one I downloaded awhile back.

Hmmmm, can't seem to find them.

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So, two things happened in Universe mode that I've never seen before.

William Regal, after defeating World Champion Booker T in a cage match (via the ridiculous "escape through the cage door" bit), got placed in a number one contenders match with Mark Henry. Being that he's an absolute beast, I won as Regal pretty quickly. Tony Chimel then announced that the match would restart as a Submission Match. This was especially annoying, as I'd beaten the living hell out of Henry (after somehow accidentally German Suplexing the referee gave me an opening to take him out with a chair, and for Sheamus to run in and Brogue Kick him), busted him open, and won via submission. The Submission match was by far the longest, most difficult match I've had in the entire game, with Henry effortlessly countering every attempt at a submission, excluding those outside the ring, and - infuriatingly - him being back to full health. It got so bad that I genuinely started to think that the match was somehow programmed not to let me win.

Eventually, though, Regal did win, to earn his number one contender's spot. I was delighted about it, as I'd been working him up the ranks for months, and now his new stablemates Natalya and Cody had titles, and he could hold the top belt as their leader. However, the title match was a Fatal Four Way. And Mark Henry was in it too. So me beating him in two matches in a row counted for absolutely fuck all, as far as he was concerned. Anyway, thankfully Regal won after pummeling everyone with the title belt, though sadly Natalya lost her title to Beth Phoenix (without being pinned) in a Fatal Four Way earlier on the same night.

Funny aside, actually - as the game only allows a wrestler to be in one stable at a time, I only realised last night that the heel stable of Cody/Regal/Natalya also included Beth. The game had just added Cody Rhodes and William Regal to the Divas Of Destruction. Hmm. I changed their name to The Roundtable, and the D.O.D. can just be part of that now, I guess...

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Anyone know why sometimes you can interfere and even if the guy you want to win is doing the pinning he ends up being the guy getting pinned when I wake up the ref?

Also I'm sure it's been said before but it really freaked me the hell out when all of a sudden all other sound muted and a robotic voice said "Commentary placeholder here". :huh:

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How do I unlock the Attitude Era and classic IC titles ?

Only in a video game will Drew McIntyre hold the IC,Tag and WHC titles all at once.

Something cool happened on my Universe mode. Main Event of RAW was Shawn Michaels(My favorite wrestler) vs a mystery opponent. Opponent turns out to be my CAW that represents me. They go toe to toe and the CAW almost wins with a powerbomb but falls to the superkick. After the match they shake hands. The next week they have a rematch but Mason Ryan jumps out of the crowd and ambushes HBK. when the match starts my CAW follows Mason up the ramp and lets HBK get in the ring. From there its the same as the week before. CAW comes close but ends up hearing some sweet chin music. After the match Mason comes back and runs over both guys.

Edited by Kirkland
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Brock Lesnar hasn't shown up since losing a title match at the first pay-per-view. The halcyon days of him feuding with Alex Riley on Superstars are over, and A-Ry is stuck in a never-ending rivalry with Chavo Guerrero.

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