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So, which games are you going to buy?


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With an amazing number of big games being released over the next few months, I was wondering what people were planning to pick up. Between time and cash issues, I literally have no idea what I might be getting, but was interested to see what others would end up buying.

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I'll have to choose between Skyrim, Arkham City, and Battlefield 3. I love each games' predecessor, but between money being tight and most of my time being devoted to school, there's no way I can get all three when they come out. I'll probably end up with Skyrim, everything I've seen about that game has made my head explode with awesomeness.

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I plan on picking up Gears 3 in the next couple of weeks. FIFA is pre-ordered for the end of this month, and PES follows in mid-October.

Aside from those, the only game I know I'll be getting for sure before the end of the year is Uncharted 3. And of course, Dead Island, when it's in the bargain bin.

EDIT: Forgot about WWE 12 - last one I bought was 2010, so unless this gets a whole bunch of unfavourable reviews pre-release, I'll get it on the day.

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As of right now the only game I am definitely going to be getting is AC Revelations. I have Battlefield 3 reserved, but still trying to debate whether to get it for PC or the Xbox and if Ill have enough for it. I also want Arkham City once the price drops, since I dont want to pay $60 for a game Ill only playthrough once. Also looking at Skyrim, but Im not sure if it is a game I can get into despite it looking really nice.

WWE 12 looks promising, but I was incredibly disappointed with last year so Im going back to not picking up a WWE game for a good while.

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I fancy getting FIFA 12, NHL 12, Madden 12, Dark Souls, Team ICO Collection, Uncharted 3, Skyrim, Batman: Arkham City and Football Manager 2012.

However, I'll probably swerve NHL 12 and Madden 12, as I buy these games every year and never get as much play out of them as I should. Dark Souls will depend on reviews.....the other 6 are pretty much definites, but since I have literally played no games at all this week, I may even cut some of them out. Can't find the time these days.

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Arkham City, Dark Souls, and maybe WWE 12. Also Comic Book Hero.

Still haven't gotten WWE All-Stars yet and TBH that's top of my list. Kind of waiting for the price to drop.

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Pre-ordered FIFA so I'll be getting that on release day, I'm not sure if I want to wait for Uncharted 3 or buy it on release day as well. I might stretch to MW3 as well but I'm not sure yet.

I'll probably pad my Christmas list with one or two games, but I'm not sure.

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection I would get, but Zavvi's exclusive is sold out already. I wouldn't want anything less than that (maybe I could do without MGS4). We'll see. I'll probably wait till it is eBay fodder in 2012.

Edited by WalkerWGZ
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SW:TOR is the only thing that really matters to me. surprised nobody has mentioned it, I guess not many mmo players? not that it matters it's like 8 bioware rpg's in one even without the mmo part.

besides that I'll probably pick up Batman Arkham Asylum, and X-Men Destiny for my comic book fix.

I might skip on WWE'12 unless there is some sale or something. last years was fun for a while but probably wait it out unless reviews are great.

I wish there was some new JRPG's or something to play.

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Gears 3 this week and Saints Row 3 for definite. Diablo 3 if it releases this year, I'm not holding my breath on it though.

Stuff like FIFA, Dark Souls, WWE 12 and FM 12 are in the maybe pile. FIFA, as i've said in the FIFA/PES thread, I have issues with. But if it launches for like 20 quid or maybe drops to that price in the first few weeks, I could be persuaded. Dark Souls, it's a single player game (well, pretty much) so I have no real rush to get it. Plus, I only semi recently finished Demon's Souls so again, no real rush to jump onto the 'sequel'. I can always do a second playthrough on it if I get the itch. WWE, I ALWAYS end up playing for like a month or so and then never again. But the roster this year and some creative stuff has peaked my interest. I haven't bought one since 10 so I could pick this one up but like I say, I've been burnt before on them. FM, if I have a new computer around Christmas time and it goes on sale on Steam or something, why not?

Most of the other stuff I have no interest in (Skyrim, Battlefield, MW3, Batman, AC: Rev) or can wait on picking up (UC3, Team ICO, Halo)

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