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Euro 2012


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I read this on twitter earlier (so it must be true - right? :shifty: ) regardind Panorama and Euro 2012:

"Since BBC panorama came out we've learned that they: didn't use their interview with Saidi Ntibazonkiza from Cracovia because he's black Muslim who's not suffered racial abuse & is idolised by club's fans. Didn't show anything from Maor Melikson who's an Israeli Jew playing for Wisla Krakov & claims to have never suffered antisemitism. Also learned that BBC decided not to show any of their film from Polonia Warsaw coz it didn't fit agenda."

There's a tacky little comment about BBC, xenophobia, propaganda and bias which I decided not to add on as it's subjective.

Now first off, the Polonia Warsaw part - if you're wondering - is an area near the stadium dedicated to the uprising against Hitler during World War II.

Any idea if this is the case (Lineker? :shifty: )? It wouldn't surprise me if this was the case, as the point of the Panorama documentary was to show the darkside of Poland and Ukraine and have us all think that something horrible might happen but surely some balance should be used? The above quotes are all Poland orientated so I couldn't comment for Ukraine but it seems a minority of 'Ultras' are being viewed as the consensus view of all fans by people I've heard speaking on the issue.

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It's called journalism!

They did point out in pieces to camera that these people weren't an entire representative, and that Poland and Ukraine does have its positive sides. But the whole point of the programme was to highlight the problems.

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I know what journalism is Lineker, sheesh man. I did one whole year at university of a journalism degree! Big time.

And I did say that the point is to point out the problems with racism that do exist, as they do in England, Spain, Italy and other countries. But is there not a point where it goes past saying "these are the more unsavoury types you can come across at domestic football matches in Poland and Ukraine" and starts becoming a scaremongering exercise.

It seems a bit like a Danny Dyer program but without the rapier insight or eloquent narrating. :shifty:

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This should be pinned but the Premier League one shouldn't <_<


The BBC thing comes down to what I see as the difference between straight journalism (if it exists) and documentary making, where there still has to be an element of 'entertainment' to keep it interesting, and if somethings off message you aren't going to use it. Sky did the same. I'm not going anyway, so wahey!

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Just seems far over the top and people are going to be scared when I genuinely don't think there's a need to be.

In brighter news, I'm doing a score predictions for the supports club I travel to matches with, or some of us at least, there'll be 4 or 5 doing it. 5 points for a correct score, 3 for correct outcome, 0 for being shit, that sorta jazz. Anyways I was thinking of getting a prize sorted for it, anyone think of any good - cheapish - things? Maybe a good football book? Youngest will be me, 22, and the oldest will be about 50 odd or so, so something that encompasses a good age span would be useful. Any ideas?

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Did you see the bit where a gang of home fans went and attacked some other fans, who were sitting in the family stand, supporting the same team, just because they were Indian?

What's even more concerning for me is that Sky Sports' Special Report a couple of weeks ago covertly discovered that the rival Ultras had agreed a truce for the duration of the tournament to fight against the 'football tourists'.

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Hence why I've kept the majority of my posts Polish-based, as I know that football scene better than Ukraine, although admittedly my last post was a little ambigious and all-encompassing on the matter which it shouldn't have been. I'm still pretty confident that the tournament won't see any major issues though.

And again:

In brighter news, I'm doing a score predictions for the supports club I travel to matches with, or some of us at least, there'll be 4 or 5 doing it. 5 points for a correct score, 3 for correct outcome, 0 for being shit, that sorta jazz. Anyways I was thinking of getting a prize sorted for it, anyone think of any good - cheapish - things? Maybe a good football book? Youngest will be me, 22, and the oldest will be about 50 odd or so, so something that encompasses a good age span would be useful. Any ideas?


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More bad news for England. Frank Lampard pulls up in training today with a thigh injury. The Football Association have said he will be assessed by the medical team and scanned tomorrow. Jordan Henderson is put on standby notice as cover whilst Lampard continues to be monitored.
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As much as I prefer Lampard to Gerrard, the silver lining would be not having both playing together in the starting 11. Really hope he can go though because he's one of our most threatening midfielders.

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Hence why I've kept the majority of my posts Polish-based, as I know that football scene better than Ukraine, although admittedly my last post was a little ambigious and all-encompassing on the matter which it shouldn't have been. I'm still pretty confident that the tournament won't see any major issues though.

And again:

In brighter news, I'm doing a score predictions for the supports club I travel to matches with, or some of us at least, there'll be 4 or 5 doing it. 5 points for a correct score, 3 for correct outcome, 0 for being shit, that sorta jazz. Anyways I was thinking of getting a prize sorted for it, anyone think of any good - cheapish - things? Maybe a good football book? Youngest will be me, 22, and the oldest will be about 50 odd or so, so something that encompasses a good age span would be useful. Any ideas?


Everyone loves sweets.

What do reckon the odds are of Hodgson slinging Johnson in rather than Henderson if Lampards out? Obviously we need another centre mid but I'm not convinced Roys convinced about him. Fucking Carrick.

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Ah sweets, not a bad idea. I was thinking of getting some Euro 2012 related gift and then something else, maybe sweets, maybe a football book. I'll have a look see though - cheers.

I can't even remember our bloody squad anymore, Milner's in it right? I could see him playing a 'holding/central' two of Milner and Parker with Gerrard slightly ahead and then two wingers in a 4-2-3-1 sort of formation I suppose. It's obviously not ideal and Carrick must be kicking himself in hindsight.

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Carrick did fair fuck up, but if that's what he wants to do then so be it.No point taking someone not fully committed to the cause. I don't think Lampard's exclusion would change anything about our starting 11, and considering we played 4-2-3-1 against Switzerland with Young pushing up alongside Carrol on the attack (and being lazy sometimes and not getting back to help out L-Baines) I see that as the way we'll start. Barry going is more detrimental to the starting line up than Lampard at this point I think.

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Aye, Parker and Gerrard in the middle with Young off Carroll until Rooney comes in, Milner to cover the entire midfield!

Ace, if you get a sticker book and win I've got swaps of Szscesny and Mcgeady...

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