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Steam/PC Mega Thread

RoHitman Reigns

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Finally getting around to really playing Arkham Asylum what a great game. Should have grabbed City for 75% when I had the chance.

Arkham Asylum is fantastic, I loved the shit out of the GOTY on Xbox.

Started City straight after but burned myself out with too much Batman so it went into the backlog, great games though.

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Frozen Synapse is cool!

Hard to understand/get used to, but you can make your move, leave it for a day and come back to it. It's like play by e-mail! And you can upload your videos directly to Youtube. I am doing that with my first match with Quom.

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Walking Dead could be 40% off in about an hour. I would probably get it if it is. Other options are SPAZ and Killing Floor. I know Killing Floor is fun and have played that many a-time with friends. Not sure on SPAZ though. But it has zombies... and Pirates too... IN SPACE!

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Walking Dead was a flash sale or a daily the other day (as was killing floor). This is the first time Spaz has popped up unless it was in an indie bundle on one of the days.

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Like I told Ruki on Facebook, I got Frozen Synapse but whenever I try to invite him to a game it says he does not exist. So...I don't know. My username for that game is "LittleDaniel," so if anyone wants to play I guess you'll have to invite me because I have no idea what I'm doing!

E: Or maybe I just needed to restart the game because I did that and now it's working, so, um, yeah.

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Okay I am loving Frozen Synapse with the whole multiplayer when other people aren't about thing. We also clearly need to have an EWB tournament. Fingers crossed it pops back up as a special so all the people who didn't nab it (or the DLC so they can multi) can grab it.

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Ooh yes please! My steam name is delirium33 if you don't have me already.

I owe ya, thank you.

Sent you a friend request, I'll send it over once you accept (either now or in an hour cause I gotta go out in like two minutes).

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You didn't add the right me I don't think :( I haven't rejected anyone and you aren't showing anywhere. My avatar thingo is a picture of my dog, otherwise Dan, Ruki, Teol, Ellis, Lineker, LL, Tkz and a few other people are friends with me if that helps you track me down, oh and I think I joined the EWB group thingo maybe?

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