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Steam/PC Mega Thread

RoHitman Reigns

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Apparently over 7000 Sniper Elite 3 keys were revoked by Steam, because they were being sold through unauthorized retailers. Rebellion Games has posted about it on the Steam Community website.

If you bought one of the compromised keys, you can email Rebellion with proof - the receipt, and your revoked Steam key - and they'll issue you a new key and you get the Target Hitler DLC for free.

Heard about this from a TotalBiscuit video, although the second part of the story had not happened yet (I think the original 'make good' was just the DLC). I only used an unauthorized site once, which I think was for a FM 2014 key, so admittedly that whole secondhand market is new to me, but I didn't fully agree with TB's argument that those keys are stolen property that the game company can just ignore in favor of a general lesson about the evils of unauthorized sellers. But again, that whole world is new to me and if it is really just shady folks stealing keys in a value proposition that fucks over places like Gamersgate, Greenmangaming, et al. as well as Valve and more importantly the game makers, I probably should change my tune.

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The base game isn't being given away by Rebellion, just the DLC.

It's one of those legal things that generally really suck, but I think his point is valid. If I buy a car that turns out to be stolen then it can be seized and given back to the rightful owner. I don't get compensation from the original owner or the manufacturer and my only recourse is to chase up the seller and hope they give me a refund. Doing this is the only way to get people doing this sort of stuff to stop. If you ignore it then you are basically telling them that it's okay to do. If you revoke the keys not only are the people who bought from dodgy sites likely not to do so again, but people reading about it will also avoid dodgy sites.

Having said that, I think that the industry as a whole needed to stand up sooner and explain who sells legit keys and which sites don't. Price alone isn't a good enough indication when there are authorised sellers in Russia/Brazil that sell at a fraction of the price we pay. Especially given the fluctuating prices of digital games. Quite often with new releases there can be a 30%+ price difference between the major EU/American stores (Steam/Amazon/GMG/GG/Humble Store etc.)

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Don't know if anybody shops on GamersGate but they've sent me a 20% off code if anybody wants it. I think it's transferable even though it has my name at the end.

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Nobody is in the last room until you get in LOS of where the uber ethereal stands. If you can get snipers with squadsight *just* into the room, you can often ignore everything else and just take out the Uber Ethereal, ending the mission.

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Sims 2 has a cruel cruel sense of humour! So poor Nina Caliente has had a pretty shit time of it, her sister has moved out to live in the Goth mansion after Mortimer popped his clogs and she's also been perennially unlucky in love. Anyways, she eventually finds love and marries Jace Dalton, a Nightlife NPC before having a child with him, Caleb. Literally straight after the birth, Jace appears to welcome Don Lothario to his new house and decides to chill in the hot tub when BAM! Gets struck by lightning. So he gets out of the hot tub looking all frazzled and BAM! get struck again by lightning, killing him. So now, Nina has to raise her kid all alone, bless her. At least she's not poor now, as the life insurance paid out big time.

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Yeah, same here. I bought the essential ones back off ebay (University, Nightlife, Seasons) because I really can't get into 3.

Incidentally, they've announced that there won't be Toddlers or Swimming Pools in Sims 4 but they will be added in a later expansion.

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