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EWB's Top 50 TV Shows of 2011: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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Man, I'm being so picky over the word "literally" today. Fun fact; everything in this next five except for #15 and #14 were in the top ten at some point as I was tallying this.


15. The League (105 pts, appeared on twelve ballots) (Last Year: #46)


14. Chuck (113 pts, appeared on eighteen ballots) (Last Year: #11)


13. The Office (120 pts, appeared on nineteen ballots) (Last Year: #12)


12. Louie (141 pts, appeared on thirteen ballots) (Last Year: N/A)


11. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (145 pts, appeared on sixteen ballots) (Last Year: #16)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 50 TV Shows of 2011: Oh, well the smiley face makes it okay. "I water-boarded our toddler. LOL."

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The League is something I watched one series of, thought it was alright, but never had the interest to keep going.

Chuck was fantastic and is now... okay. But it's the last series, so I'm trying to keep myself watching.

Recently watched all of The Office for the first time and it's wonderful, really enjoying Andy as the manager but I do miss Scott. Wonderful end with him though, I loved the final moments with Jim and Pam.

Louie was great when I watched it, look forward to it returning.

And I've never seen The Daily Show.

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It wouldn't have gotten on.

The League I will probably watch an episode of within the next couple days.

Chuck had an absolutely dire fourth season but a pretty decent fifth season thusfar, including two really, really great episodes in "vs. the Hack-Off" and "vs. the Santa Suit." I'm glad it's at least finishing relatively strong.

The Office is the only show that I predicted making the top ten this year in that post I made like half a year ago trying to predict what the top ten would be that didn't. I think that's sort of fitting because I really haven't liked season eight that much. Like Glee, it's going to have to get a lot better quick for it to end up on my ballot again next year. Still, Michael Scott's farewell was really good.

Louie going from not being on the list last year to #12 this year was the biggest shocker of tallying this up for me. It was in the top ten for a really long while before a couple of shows bumped it (and the Daily Show) out. It's a really, really fucking good show.

The Daily Show is also wonderful. Nothing new there.

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I am thrilled The League made it this high. It has been more consistently funny than Always Sunny this season, in my opinion. I just love the dynamic between the cast and how outrageous some of the stuff is. I'm a huge fan of the show. When it first started I was like 'Why do I want to watch a show about fantasy football', but it's just become so much more than that, and is one of the best things on right now comedy wise.

And The Office being this high disappoints me. It has not been very good lately, save Micheal's Goodbye and this past Christmas episode.

As for the other 3, I don't watch any of them so... meh.

Edited by Ron
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Louie is too low, it's easily a top five show and if I wasn't such a Community fanboy, I'd argue that it's the best show on television, period.

The Office has gone downhill, though I love James Spader's character. The awkwardness he brings is perfect for the show without retreading Michael Scott stuff. That's my big gripe with Andy as the boss, he's such a great character but they're trying too hard to make him Michael Scott 2.0, which just doesn't work.

I plan on watching Chuck when it's all done and on Netflix, I dug the pilot but didn't keep up.

The League is a show that I had no interest in but everyone I know raves about it. I should check it out.

Colbert crushed Stewart this year in terms of overall entertainment. Jon's "both sides" bullshit and "above the fray" mentality REALLY pissed me off at many points throughout the year, but he's gotten back into his groove thanks to the GOP clown car primary. Colbert has been on fire this year though, the Super PAC stuff is hysterical and "Munchma Quchi" is the greatest punchline I've ever heard.


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House. That's a complicated one for me. I'll start by reiterating what TGC said.

I still watch House, but to be fair the best days are long gone. I will continue to watch it until it ends, but I also kind of hope that end is coming sooner than later. It is time to put it to rest.

Two additional points:

- Losing Cuddy through some bullshit behind the scenes was a huge blow to the series. For closure's sake, you couldn't end the series with last season's finale, but it's tough as hell to keep going on. *sigh* This should be the last season. They've done an admirable job, but the time has come. I just hope things wrap up nicely.

- The main saving grace that keeps me watching every week? Hugh Goddamn Laurie. To a lesser extent, some of the supporting cast, but without his fucking genius performance I wouldn't care anymore.

Supernatural has zero appeal for me.

My roommate introduced me to a bit of Doctor Who (with the current Doctor.) It was good, but fuck that series is incredibly intimidating to get into.

Big Bang Theory - say it with me - can Fuck Right Off. Not only is it godawful television, it's airing opposite the best show on TV, Community. Community's gone on hiatus and this drizzling bullshit gets the ratings. Not necessarily surprising, but it irritates me all the same.

South Park is fun now and then. I can't bring myself to watch it consistently.

The League's position on this list reeeeeaaaally surprises me. I know some of you have talked it up, but (relatively speaking) not that many of you. And this is virtually the only place I ever hear about it. Maybe I'll check it out sometime.

Chuck's just never interested me.

The Office is still lots of fun for me. It's still a great ensemble cast and Robert California has been an outstanding addition. I was pretty nervous with Steve Carrell leaving, but I feel the show is doing fine despite being forced to shift its focus.

FUCKING LOUIE. LOUIE. That one should be Top 5, if not Top 2. "Eddie", "Duckling", a bag of dicks in an elevator, Joan Rivers, and on and on, there's just too many great things this show has done in a single season. Fuck, it made me like Dane Cook! How the fuck is that even possible? LOUIE LOUIE LOUIE LOUIEEEEE. LOUIE LOUIE LOUIE LOU-IIIIIIIII.

And The Daily Show is The Daily Show. Very little television is made with this same level of talent and conviction. And even less bothers to address so much that really matters in the moment at hand. Plus? Fucking funny stuff.

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I have never seen The League. I don't even really know what it is.

I am two and a half seasons behind on Chuck. I like it, but it has always been a show I prefer to watch in blocks of like 10 to 15 episodes at a time. Maybe this summer I will get it all done with.

I admit to being the only person alive who has never seen The Office, US or UK version.

I am watching Louie season two now. If memory serves me, I had it on my list last year but this year having no cable all summer into the fall, well, I didn't see it. And I just remembered to get the 2nd season a few days ago. I just watched The Joan Rivers episode, and much like S1 it is so awesome.

I love The Daily Show as much as I love Colbert, but I do not watch them enough to even think of putting them on this list.

One last thing on House....losing Cuddy was indeed a terrible thing to have happen offscreen. I hope whenever the show does end for good she will return for the series finale. And yes, Hugh Laurie is the main reason to keep watching. Even though the prison episode this season was a terrible version of the insane asylum epic episode, he was great. I also admit I can't get enough of the actor who plays Taub.

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Here's "Slogger shits on everything" Part 2.

House: Never got into House and had no real incentive to try to.

Supernatural: Not my speed and I don't think it ever will be, That's not to say that I think it's shit.

Doctor Who: Again not my thing, No real intent to see an episode at all.

The Big Bang Theory: Haven't seen anything past season 2 and from what ive heard it's gotten worse which I find hard to believe.

South Park: Don't mind watching this is extremely small doses but never got the love affair everyone seems to have with it.

The League: Undoubtedly my #1 favourite discovery of 2011, Watched the entire run and got up to date with it in a couple of weeks, Definitely deserves it's place and then some.

Chuck: What's not to love about Chuck?

The Office: Seen a few eps but never got the love for it.

Louie: Seen part of an episode but never got around to seeing more of it, Is extremely funny though.

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: See what I said about Colbert but less amusing.

Looking forward to seeing the top 10, Hopefully a couple of my picks make it high.

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League is fun. It's gotten a lot more man-childy though as it's gone on. The stuff with the one guy

having a stroke

sort of pushed the envelope for me.

The girl on Chuck is ridiculously pretty, but I've never seen the show. It's one of those things that's gone on for a while now so I know I'd never catch up with it and why bother. When it gets syndicated and is on at weird times, I will likely check it out.

I think people will look back on The Office and say it should've ended with Michael Scott leaving, but Andy and Spader taking the reins has been kind of fun too. It's sort of a different show now though.

Louie sounds like something I'd really like, but I've never seen it. Unlike Chuck though, I will probably seek it out before long. There are very few shows I take time out to look up online and even fewer I make it a point to watch weekly. I enjoy Louie's stand-up though.

Daily Show is okay. I get why people go for it big and they are pretty good at what they do, but it is just not my cup of tea. More like DWTS and American Idol and stuff like that where I make a point to watch it sometimes not because I really enjoy it, but because I know whatever happens on it will be what everybody talks about the next day and I just despise not being able to be in on the jokes. It has turned me on to some interesting reading material though.

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And now? Shit gets real.


10. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (147 pts, appeared on fourteen ballots) (Last Year: #6)


9. Dexter (158 pts, appeared on fourteen ballots) (Last Year: #1)


8. Modern Family (158 pts, appeared on nineteen ballots) (Last Year: #5)


7. How I Met Your Mother (166 pts, appeared on 21 ballots) (Last Year: #7)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 50 TV Shows of 2011: Ding.

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Dexter got mixed reviews this season, but I loved it right up until the finale. This is the first time voting on these things I haven't had it as my number one though, with my #1 and #2 still on their way in the Top 6 no doubt.

I love Modern Family. Gets hit and miss whenever an episode focussing on the Dunphy children comes on, but other episodes well make up for it.

How I Met Your Mother has been meh for a while, but it is my go-to timewaster if I am sitting around with nothing better to do.

It's Always Sunny will be the next show I dive into when I have time. Seems like something I'd enjoy.

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I tried to get back into It's Always Sunny this year, but I can't. Everything since around season five(ish) is trying way too hard. The cast is hysterical and they have great chemistry, but there's only so much "these are the worst people on the face of the earth" that I can take. It still has its moments, but it's pretty overrated.

Dexter has been just abysmal this season... it's so bad, it doesn't even belong on the list. Last season somehow managed to follow season four, which will go down as the show's apex, but this season was flat-out embarrassing. The finale was decent and the cliffhanger should provide some good stuff to work with next year, but they need to bring in new writers. I feel like fanfic writers could do better than the shit they pumped out this year.

Modern Family is a great show. It doesn't have the creative genius of Community, the wit of Louie or an ensemble as great as Parks & Rec, but it's still just an awesome show. There's never been an episode that didn't make me laugh.

How I Met Your Mother really rebounded this season. It's still the best laugh-track show on TV too, since they realize you don't have to crank the volume on it and use it every time someone utters a line.

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The talk of Big Bang Theory here reminded me of when the wife flat out said it was better than Futurama. I do believe that was the most heated debate we've had as a married couple.

Have to tip the hat to "...Mother" showing up and Zero's summation of Stewart compared against Colbert. The icing on the cake for me has easily been Colbert's offer to buy the naming rights to the South Carolina primary. I still laugh way too much when someone brings that up.

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