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2012 NFL Season


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Oh please, it's the NFL and it's Drew Stanton. Someone would have knocked him out of a backup role somewhere. It's a business, few people are safe in their jobs, opportunities come along. It happens every day, the only story is that Drew Stanton is dumb enough to think it wouldn't happen to him.

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Drew Stanton should absolutely be granted a release, that's bullshit for him. You wouldn't like it if you took a lower-paying position with potentially high rewards over other jobs with more income right off the bat and then a week later your employer goes and brings in a new employee to fill that position you were told you could work your way up to having.

But really, Jets continue to just cause me and most of the rational-thinking world to go "Buhhh." I am thankful every day the Ravens didn't make Rex Ryan the HC back in '08.

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A verbal commitment like that isn't to be taken lightly though. It's different if he shat the bed in training camp or something, you won't find a lot of front offices in the league (or in the "real world" of business) who give verbal promises and then ignore them at the first opportunity. The ones that do generally have a shitty reputation and even worse employees.

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So what? If they had signed Peyton Manning would he have thrown a fit too? If he's really stupid enough to believe that a team won't take a shot at acquiring another QB who can help the team, if the opportunity presents itself, then he's an utter moron. This league wasn't created yesterday. I can't count how many times I've seen Schlereth and Hodge on ESPN talking about how they'd sit in the locker room and watch guys walk in who were auditioning for their jobs. Seriously, they aired the segment like 1000 times, and then said the same thing in another segment, which was aired 1000 times.

As for making verbal agreements, the Cowboys guaranteed Randy Moss they'd draft him, and then didn't. Sir, are you imply that the Cowboys have a shitty reputation? Because where I will soon hail from, them be fightin' words!

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Randy Moss didn't put pen-to-paper on a contract based on that verbal promise though. Drew Stanton did. Of course you're going to have guys come in and try and take your job, it's the nature of the league. But Stanton signed on the expectation that job was his until at least he sucked in training camp and blew the opportunity himself.

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The GM has no business telling anyone where they'll be on the depth chart. That's not his job. So he's an idiot for doing that. But Stanton needs to find his balls and challenge for the spot. It's the NFL. Nothing is given to anyone. If he was stupid enough to think the GM has the say over who the #2 is, well, that's a Michigan State graduate for you.

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I'm a bit concerned with Forte's attitude over this. I mean yeah, it's bullshit that they haven't outright paid him yet, but every team needs a back-up HB, Forte's still going to be the feature back.

As for Tebow, he's surely done as a starting quarterback now. The best outcome for him would've been to stay in Denver, learn from Manning how to throw a fucking football properly and take over in a year or so when fetushead explodes/get traded for shit-tons more than what they actually got for him. I can't see him developing that well at the Jets, more likely he'll be captain wildcat and bounce around from team to team.

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His running style wore him out a lot earlier than must RBs. Sad to see him go, but you can tell he just doesn't have it anymore. Loved him during his time as a Cowboy and I hated seeing his final season be defined by the fumble that kept Tebowmania running.

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The flood of Colts growing into Broncos isn't going to materialize, but they did pick up Jacob Tamme (and Joel Dreessen), giving Peyton a good 2-TE set to work with.

And Jeff Saturday is headed to Green Bay. It's got to be awkward, having to get used to another man's hands lovingly caressing your buttocks receiving your snaps after so many years with one quarterback. In an unrelated note, my wife will be sad to see Saturday in another uniform.

EDIT: And somewhat related to Barber, has anyone taken note of the bargain rates on RB's now, especially bruisers like Michael Bush and Mike Tolbert? Bush got 14M over 4 years and Tolbert got about 10M. If Forte thinks he's ever getting much more than that franchise tag is worth, he's on serious chemicals.

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That is why I think it's absolutely stupid that the Browns are contemplating getting Trent Richardson with the fourth pick. I can't justify any running back going that high nowadays. Not when you have guys like Arian Foster leading the league in rushing after not even being drafted.

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That is why I think it's absolutely stupid that the Browns are contemplating getting Trent Richardson with the fourth pick. I can't justify any running back going that high nowadays. Not when you have guys like Arian Foster leading the league in rushing after not even being drafted.

I agree, he should definitely fall all the way down to the Giants in the first round. It's only fair. :shifty:

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