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2012 NFL Season


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So Redskins/Cowboys appeal gets denied by an arbitrator because the NFLPA signed off on the penalties. Today, the NFLPA filed a lawsuit against the NFL charging them with collusion, using the Redskins/Cowboys stuff as evidence. Fuck the NFLPA. Yes, there's collusion and you're in on it.

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This is a good thing. They were basically handcuffed, if they didn't go along with it, they were threatened with the cap being lowered. So now they're fighting for the Cowboys and Redskins, plus the potential loss of earnings for all other players in 2010 and the league is pretty much fucked. They've admitted there were agreements and whatnot in public.


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It's not good, it's not going to help the Cowboys or the Redskins at all. It's the players association playing both sides against the middle. They're accusing the league of collusion right after they just engaged in collusion with the league.

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Millionaires fighting billionaires. Boohoo you didn't get that extra million dollars for one season. Somehow I find it hard to care about your plight when you've still got 15 million more.

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Sorry Naiwf :( (you're the Giants fan right?) Hakeem Nicks fractured his right foot. He is most likely out 12 weeks.

Yeah, I'm a Giants fan. I'm not so worried about it since he should be healed before the season starts. The problem wth that, is that gives it him a full regular season to get hurt again <_<

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I'm not thinking on terms of who has however many millions. I'm thinking in terms of the league repeatedly thinking it can just do whatever the fuck it likes and finally getting called out on it.

Yes, but in this sense the NFLPA was in on it. How can you sue over collusion when you were a part of said collusion? It's absurd.

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I'm not thinking on terms of who has however many millions. I'm thinking in terms of the league repeatedly thinking it can just do whatever the fuck it likes and finally getting called out on it.

Yes, but in this sense the NFLPA was in on it. How can you sue over collusion when you were a part of said collusion? It's absurd.

This is 2012 baby. Ugly chicks are suing for being fired for being "too hot". Evangelicals are championing a Mormon for President. The Mets have a better record than the Yankees on May 24th. Up is down and down is up because the end is nigh. Does it really surprise you that a union led by DeMoron Smith would sue for collusion after backing it?

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I'm not thinking on terms of who has however many millions. I'm thinking in terms of the league repeatedly thinking it can just do whatever the fuck it likes and finally getting called out on it.

Yes, but in this sense the NFLPA was in on it. How can you sue over collusion when you were a part of said collusion? It's absurd.

As I understood it, they weren't so much in on it as the NFL basically told them "sign off on this or we will royally fuck you up the ass". Which I'd assume would become part of their complaint. Am I mistaken?

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I'm not thinking on terms of who has however many millions. I'm thinking in terms of the league repeatedly thinking it can just do whatever the fuck it likes and finally getting called out on it.

Yes, but in this sense the NFLPA was in on it. How can you sue over collusion when you were a part of said collusion? It's absurd.

As I understood it, they weren't so much in on it as the NFL basically told them "sign off on this or we will royally fuck you up the ass". Which I'd assume would become part of their complaint. Am I mistaken?

Yeah, the NFLPA's argument is that they were strong-armed into agreeing because if they hadn't, they would've lowered the cap for every team in the league and thus, lowered the salaries of the players.

And the millionaires vs. billionaires thing was dumb during the lockout and it's dumb now. Not every player in the league is a millionaire and not everyone gets to have a 10 year, or even a 5 year career.

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I'm sorry, I still won't sympathize with someone who gets league minimum to sit on the sidelines and watch NFL games. Rough life that, really feel for ya.

Strong armed or not, they went along with it, and it wasn't going to be possible without their cooperation. They agreed to let the league penalize teams for paying players, they should reap what they sow. They want it both ways, and it's bullshit. The NFLPA is a stupidly powerful union, it's ridiculous that any of you sympathize with them. Players can do whatever the hell they want and never have to fear getting kicked out of the league, as long as they don't murder someone. Actually, if the circumstances surrounding that are right, they can keep playing even if that does happen. This is a group of men who get to play a game for a living and even at the lowest pay rate, make more than the average family makes in decade. Yet, they act like everything that happens to them is the greatest travesty of justice in the history of mankind.

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Strong armed or not, they went along with it, and it wasn't going to be possible without their cooperation.

Exhibit A. Are you genuinely unaware of the concept of duress? Oh, sure, Goodell didn't put a gun to anybody's head, but this was stick and carrot bargaining without a carrot - he said "agree to these shitty changes that fuck with two teams or we fuck over all 32 of you". That's not a free choice. That's a choice made under duress. The only smart thing to do is to go along with it in that situation - it'd be NICE if they refused on principle, but that's infinitely too idealistic for this world, which is cynical and fucking awful.

They agreed to let the league penalize teams for paying players, they should reap what they sow.

Under duress. Next.

The NFLPA is a stupidly powerful union, it's ridiculous that any of you sympathize with them.

Is it really, though? If they succeed in getting Jonathan Vilma reinstated, then I'd start believing it, but as it stands...no, they aren't. They're playing in a dictatorship with Roger Goodell at the head - he's the one who can do whatever he wants and nobody's ever going to call him on it because then we get situations like the above.

This is a group of men who get to play a game for a living and even at the lowest pay rate, make more than the average family makes in decade. Yet, they act like everything that happens to them is the greatest travesty of justice in the history of mankind.

To elucidate on why this is so fucking dumb. Justice is justice. When a situation like this arises, it is unjust - regardless of whether it's in the NFL or it's a teacher at school threatening to give everybody detention if one culprit doesn't come forward. The amount of money involved is irrelevant: Richard Branson would still feel angry if he was given a parking ticket when he'd been parked legally as the average Londoner. They may "play a game for a living", but they're still human beings beyond that and more than have the right to be outraged at injustices. If you dispute that, then we could follow your insinuated path to the conclusion that nobody is allowed to feel angry at injustices dealt to them because there are always people worse off than them in the world.

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Find me another profession where you can kill a guy while drunk driving and go right back to work, making millions after serving jail time. Or where you can commit a felony and go right back to work making millions after you're released from prison.

NFL players have a ridiculously charmed life. They don't have to deal with any of the consequences real people would have to deal with for their actions. The worst thing that can happen is that they're suspended for a year a fined a bit. Wow, they can't overturn Jonathan Vilma's suspension, but they can keep Pacman Jones from beig banned from the league, no matter how many times he gets arrested.

I'm not saying the owners are in the right. I'm saying I'm tired of the union acting like everything that happens to them is a great miscarriage of justice. The NFLPA gives players a fucked up sense of entitlement, most of them seem to think it's their right to play in the NFL, not a priviledge. And really, why wouldn't they? The union has made sure that it's nearly impossible for them to lose that privilege, no matter what detestable shit they do.

I'd like to see any of them go work for minimum wage for a bit and see how fast they run back to the '"evil owners" with their hands out.

Yes, the owners are scum bags too and the secret salary cap was scummy as fuck. But I'm tired of the players bitching about everything. Yeah, I've got it better off than a person in a third world country, and my problems are trivial compared to theirs. Difference is, I'm not going around publicly airing my problems to them and treating it like I'm being persecuted. The economy still sucks, people are still struggling, no one wants to hear millionaires bitch about how tough they have it.

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I'm sorry, I still won't sympathize with someone who gets league minimum to sit on the sidelines and watch NFL games. Rough life that, really feel for ya.

Strong armed or not, they went along with it, and it wasn't going to be possible without their cooperation. They agreed to let the league penalize teams for paying players, they should reap what they sow. They want it both ways, and it's bullshit. The NFLPA is a stupidly powerful union, it's ridiculous that any of you sympathize with them. Players can do whatever the hell they want and never have to fear getting kicked out of the league, as long as they don't murder someone. Actually, if the circumstances surrounding that are right, they can keep playing even if that does happen. This is a group of men who get to play a game for a living and even at the lowest pay rate, make more than the average family makes in decade. Yet, they act like everything that happens to them is the greatest travesty of justice in the history of mankind.

I'm not sympathetic to the NFLPA. I'm massively concerned that Goodell is a cunt and the league is so brazenly breaking the law. Trust me, if the union does something wrong, I would hope that they're taken to task as well.

I know it's not nearly on the same scale, but I think it's wrong for the union to complain about the league making leg padding mandatory without consulting them is bullshit, because you know they'll be crying foul and asking for damages and whathaveyou should anything go wrong.

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